不走運的英文 不走運用英語怎麼說?
play to hard luck; no joy
常用 重點詞彙
1. 男星顯得格外害羞,原因是他那不走運的女友被拍到上身真空,沒有穿內衣。
The star had a shy moment as his unlucky girlfriend was shown to be not wearing any underwear on top.
2. 他們打得很好,輸了就不走運了。
They played well and were unlucky to lose.
3. 有些人就是不能忍受不走運。
Some people just can't stand being down on their luck.
4. 有些垂釣者就是不走運。
SOme fishermen are unlucky.
5. 不走運的是我的開局很糟糕。
I got unfortunately off too a bad start.
6. 他一直都是一個不走運的人。
He has been an unlucky man.
7. 尼克:我也是(很不走運)。
Nick:It's not mine, neither.
8. 輸的總是這個不走運的孬貨。
Always this unlucky bum would lose .
9. 一些人認為帶著別人的誕生石不走運。
Some people think that its bad luck to wear a birthstone that isnt yours.
10. 真不走運! 你那一槍剛好偏離靶心.
Hard lines! Your only just missed the center of the target with that shot.
play to hard luck; no joy