語音聊天的英文 語音聊天用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-27



voice chatting; voice-enabled chat

常用 重點詞彙



1. 歡迎第二生命語音聊天

Welcome to Second Life Voice Chat!

2. 你想啟動語音聊天嗎?。

Do you want to start a Voice Chat now?

3. 語音聊天,讓您發言,與其他居民。

Voice Chat enables you to speak with other Residents.

4. 選擇靜音將遮蔽該玩家所有的語音聊天

Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her;

5. 語音聊天,增加延遲(緩衝區)-可以解決嗎?

Voice Chat, Increased Delay(Buffer) - Can it be solved?

6. 具有語伴、語音聊天、文字聊天和電子郵件等功能。

With this site, you can use language partners, voice chat, text chat, and email to enhance your language skills while helping other people to enhance theirs.

7. Gmail中的聊天功能已經支援影片和語音聊天,但目前還不支援檔案傳輸。

Chat in Gmail already features video and voice chat, but the file transfer feature is currently still missing.

8. 該向導將引導您完成必要步驟設定語音聊天

This wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to set up voice chat

9. 該向導將引導您完成必要步驟設定語音聊天

This wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to set up Voice Chat.

10. 如果你不能進行語音聊天,那麼你該用MSN或者幾十種相互競爭的即時聊天工具中的一種來與你的愛人保持聯絡,並且時刻關注著他/她。

If you can't talk, use MSN messenger or any dozens of competing Instant Messaging services to keep in touch and focused.






voice chatting; voice-enabled chat

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