額外費用的英文 額外費用用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



extra costs; hidden costs

常用 重點詞彙



1. 它可以測試很多牛奶,所以不用增加額外費用

It can be used to test tons of milk so it's not going to add extra costs.

2. 凡產生之額外費用,在離開酒店前,均由您自理。

Any extra costs incurred must be paid to the hotel by yourself before departure from the hotel.

3. 有限公司和其他生意形式鬥勁可能發生更多額外費用和法令責任。

There are many extra costs and legalities with corporation compared to the other types of business.

4. 對於巴士運營商而言,e購票會產生額外費用,比如購買自主取票機,以及網上轉賬費用。

For bus operators, selling tickets online creates extra costs such as the need to buy new ticket vending machines and the fee for every online transaction.

5. 富人們有能力並且有意願支付新增的稅收,就像他們現在支付那些讓人愉快的大家庭用的額外費用那樣。

The rich can and will afford the extra taxation just as they currenly afford the extra costs of their delightful people-carriers.

6. 零售商可以向信用卡使用者收取額外費用

Retailers will be able to surcharge credit-card users.

7. 是否還有額外費用或隱性費用?

Are there any additional fees or hidden costs?

8. 我們不收取額外費用女性衣服。

We do not charge extra for womens clothes.

9. 該軟體的特點有額外費用?。

Are there extra software features that cost more?

10. 您得為超重行李付額外費用.

You have to pay extra money for overweight luggage.



額外費用(Extra Charges)\n指為了證明損失 索賠的成立而支付的費用,諸如檢驗費用、拍賣遭損貨物的 銷售費用等。 保險人僅是在保險財產確有損失,賠案確實成立的情況下,才對此項費用予以負責。額外費用不得加在保險貨物的 損失金額內以達到或超過 免賠率(額),但若是根據 保險人的指示而進行的檢驗所產生的費用,則不論損失是否達到了免賠率, 保險人概予負責。



extra; additional; added


cost; expense; expenditure

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