法律措施的英文 法律措施用英語怎麼說?
legal measure
常用 重點詞彙
1. 採取法律措施
take legal measures
1. 總之,音樂產業為了維權將不會放棄法律措施.
The music industry will not abandon legal measures against piracy altogether.
2. 對轉基因穀物消耗的限制看起來將成為意圖保護國內農業生產的法律措施中的一個典型範例。
Limitations on the consumption of genetically modified crops may seem an example of legal
3. 但是,喚醒一種新的禮儀不僅要求採取法律措施,而且要重新理解促進社會相互作用的社會責任。
However, awakening a new etiquette requires not only legal measures, but a renewed understanding of social responsibility that polishes the art of social interaction.
4. 反補貼法律措施是補貼與反補貼法律制度的核心內容.
Countervailing measures are the core of the legal system on subsidy and countervailing measures.
5. 我們打算採取法律措施,除非完全付清款項。
We plan to take legal action unless the payment is made in full.
6. 律師對建議委託人推薦了向對保險公司採取法律措施.
The lawer recommended that his client take legal action against the insurance company.
7. 除了其他法律措施,此時買家保留的補救方法應該是長期的。
The remedies herein reserved by buyer are cumulative and in addition to any other legal remedies.
8. 他們中很多人不願或者無力為下載音樂付錢, 而採取法律措施只會招來糟糕的社會影響.
Many are unwilling, or unable, to pay for downloads, and legal action results in bad publicity.
9. 如未經核實,發表沒有事實依據的新聞報道,我公司將採取一切必要的法律措施,要求相關單位和個人承擔由此而引起的一切法律後果。
If any party publicizes fictional news without verification, we may take all necessary legal actions to have related entities or individuals take all arisen consequence.
10. 據說彼得森曾不當干預過此事,他給約翰遜案件的原告打電話意圖勸阻其採取法律措施。
Mr Paterson is said to have meddled in the matter by telephoning Mr Johnson’s accuser in a bid to dissuade her from taking legal action.
legal measure