表現自己的英文 表現自己用英語怎麼說?
project oneself
常用 重點詞彙
1. 急於表現自己
be anxious to show off
1. 很不解, 問他為什麼這麼願意表現自己.
Very indissoluble, ask why he is willing so project oneself.
2. 這支臨時隊伍譁眾取寵地表現自己。
The makeshift team performed heroics.
3. 團隊運動也可以幫助孩子表現自己。
Team sports can also help children to behave themselves.
4. 總統非常善於在電視上表現自己。
The president was a polished television performer.
5. 寧願閉口不說話,也不要急於表現自己。
Rather shut up don't talk, don't be eager to expressing oneself, either.
6. 看看我們是怎麼表現自己、怎麼表現大自然的。
Look at how we represent ourselves. Look at how we represent nature.
7. 但你可以有自己組織內容的方式,表現自己的風格。
But you can also organize your content in a way that expresses your voice, as in these examples for the fictional business Left Coast Inn.
8. 人們只會在自己信任的人面前表現自己脆弱的一面。
One can only show their weaknesses to someone he/she trusts.
9. 張貼布告﹑陳列商品﹑表現自己的憤怒﹑炫燿自己的財富
Display a notice, goods for sale, one's anger, one's wealth
10. 雄性向前靠近,開始表現自己的意圖。
He moves in, and begins to demonstrate his intentions.
project oneself