一篇的英文 一篇用英語怎麼說?
a piece of 一塊/片/張/件等
one-sided adj.片面的;偏袒的;單面的;力量不均的;不等的;懸殊的;單方面的;單邊的;一面較大的;一面發達的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一篇課文
a text
2. 寫一篇自述
write one's autobiography
3. 一篇評論
a commentary
4. 一篇傑作
a brilliant piece of work
5. 一篇小傳
a profile
6. 寫一篇跋
write a postscript
7. 一篇社論
an editorial
8. 剽襲一篇文章
plagiarize an essay
9. 賞閱一篇散文
read a prose for pleasure
1. 一篇飄逸恬靜的散文
A piece of prose of gentle gracefulness
2. 翻譯的物件是語篇,所以一篇好的譯文必須與原文保持“語篇對等”。
It is held that a TEXT is a piece of language used in certain context of situation.
3. 餘華的中篇小說《活著》是當代文學史上一篇非常優秀的作品。
Yuhua's novelette Living is a piece of excellent works in the history of the contemporary literature.
4. 如果能做一篇文章能打動別人的心,就是作文人的最大喜樂。
If a piece of writing can be affectionate and move people, the writer would always enjoy the most.
5. 巷,是城市建築藝術中一篇飄逸恬靜的散文,一幅古雅沖淡的圖畫。
The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity.
6. 特洛伊的城牆似乎全是用詩人的稿紙建造的:特洛伊的被困和木馬悲劇,只不過是一篇詩。
Poet's paper; and the siege of the town, with the tragedies of the wooden horse, were all but a piece of poetry.
7. 作為一篇花言巧語的詭辯,主要是針對美國人和英國人自由派的,如果遭到這樣的指控,他們馬上充滿了內疚感。
As a piece of rhetoric, this is workmanlike, largely because the Americans and Britons to whom it is directed are instantly filled with liberal guilt when confronted with such accusations.
8. 1809年7月1日,威廉·科貝特的《政治紀事報》(PoliticalRegister)上刊登了一篇文章,憤怒指責有英國士兵遭外國僱傭兵鞭打。
On 1 July 1809 Cobbett's Political Register carried a piece of raging invective over the treatment of English soldiers who had been flogged by foreign mercenaries.
9. 這是一篇荒謬的諷刺作品。
It is a ridiculous piece of satire.
10. 根據下表寫一篇文章。
Write an essay based on the following table.
a piece of; one-sided