受到處罰的英文 受到處罰用英語怎麼說?
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常用 重點詞彙
1. 開銷大的理事會將受到處罰。
High spending councils will be penalized.
2. 他應該為他危險的駕駛受到處罰。
He should be punished for his wicked driving.
3. 足球比賽中所有的犯規都應受到處罰。
All fouls in football should be penalized.
4. 他們因場上球員過多而受到處罰。
They were penalized for having too many players on the court.
5. 僥倖得很, 他沒有受到處罰.
Luckily, he escaped from punishment.
6. 違者將受到處罰並被驅逐出境.
Violators will be subject to punishments and deportation.
7. 這個孩子應當受到處罰。你不應該對他撒謊不作處罰。
The child ought to be punished. You shouldn't let him get away with telling lies!
8. 如果你違反交通規則,你就會受到處罰。
If you break the traffic rules , you will get a fine.
9. 這個經常射殺狗的男子至今沒有受到處罰。
The killer didn't get away with murder.
10. 她們受到處罰了嗎?沒有人能觸犯校規而不受罰的。
Did they get punished?No one can get away with breaking the school rules.
get a packet