景色宜人的英文 景色宜人用英語怎麼說?
attractive scenery; The beautiful scenery is pleasing.; The landscape is a perfect dream.; Landscape and scenery are extremely beautiful.
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這裡景色宜人,吸引著越來越多的遊客.
The attractive scenery here is fetching in more and more tourists.
2. 景色宜人的樹林和梯田。
Smiling groves and terraces.
3. 深秋時節,層林盡染,景色宜人。
The deep-dyed serried woods presented a beautiful view in late autumn.
4. 春天的蘇杭,景色宜人.
The scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou in spring is attractive.
5. 此地景色宜人而溫暖.
This place is nice and warm.
6. 落日的影暈映入了深林,又照在青苔上景色宜人。
The afterglow of the setting sun in the deep forest, As in the moss and pleasant scenery.
7. 景色宜人的名勝古蹟,令外國旅遊者流連忘返.
The attractive scenic spots and historic sites make foreign tourists linger on and forget to return.
8. 校園裡景色宜人.
The college was charming.
9. 我說了, 這天一開始便景色宜人.
As I say, the day began gloriously.
10. 這裡不但景色宜人,食物也很鮮美。
Here is not only scenic, food is also very tasty.
景色宜人,漢語詞語,形容景色優美,適合人們居住、生活、欣賞等。例句“春天的翠屏山,氣候溫暖,景色宜人。” 近義詞有桃紅柳綠。
attractive scenery; The beautiful scenery is pleasing.; The landscape is a perfect dream.; Landscape and scenery are extremely beautiful.