站得住腳的英文 站得住腳用英語怎麼說?
valid adj.確鑿的;令人信服的;合法有效的;具有法律效力的;有法律約束力的
tenable adj.能防守的;守得住的;站得住的;合理的;可擔任的;可保持的
stand up 起立;放鴿子, 背約;經驗證屬實, 站得住腳
hold water 似乎有效的;有根據的;站得住腳的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 站得住腳的證據
positive conclusive proof
1. 在我看來他的觀點沒有一個是站得住腳的。
None of his arguments seemed to me to hold
2. 你以為這樣沒有說服力的解釋能夠站得住腳嗎?
Do you think such a flimsy explanation will hold water?
3. 土壤黏土、硬土層站得住腳並擴大他們在滑溼、凍結。
Soils with clay and hardpan can hold water and expand when they freeze and slide when wet .
4. 有關良好教育實踐的那些站得住腳的定義。
Sustainable definitions of good educational practice.
5. 最後一個理由不再站得住腳了。
This last argument no longer applies.
6. 我能弄到的在法庭上都不會能站得住腳。
What I got will never hold up in court.
7. 但支撐很多這類研究的方法並不總是站得住腳的。
But the methods behind a lot of those studies don't always hold up.
8. 你給你馬格利特一杯咖啡,繼續審問他,看這幅畫能否在法庭上站得住腳。
You give Magritte a cup of coffee and keep grilling him to see if this painting would hold up in court.
9. 她經常會把特朗普的立場重新塑造得更能站得住腳。
She often reinvents Trump's positions into more defensible versions of themselves.
10. 對英國崛起所作的這種解釋部份是站得住腳的。
This explanation of Britain's rise was partly valid.
valid; tenable; stand up; hold water