一本相簿的英文 一本相簿用英語怎麼說?
a photo album
常用 重點詞彙
1. 臨走前,他給了我一本相簿。
Before leaving, he gave me a photo album.
2. 他給了我一本相簿。
He gave me a photo album.
3. 您也可以上傳到網站,您的相簿在網際網路等它也是一本相簿頁的製造商。
You may also upload onto website, your album on Internet etc. It's also a
4. 2011年3月16日,大土地區降下大雪,一名日本自衛隊隊員從當地被毀的廢墟中找到了一本相簿。
A Japan Self-Defense Force officer retrieves a photo album from the ruins of the devastated residential area of Otsuchi as heavy snow falls March 16, 2011.
5. 此番講話後,回應她的是雷鳴般的掌聲。之後有人獻花,並贈送給她一本相簿
In response she received thunderous applause and was later presented flowers and a photo album recording her quality control efforts in the past few years.
6. 我們可以把照片放在一起,製成一本相簿。
We can put our photos together and make an album.
7. 您也可以上傳到網站,您的相簿在網際網路等它也是一本相簿頁的製造商。
Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page editor that allows you to create in minutes and upload your website, and you do not need to know any HTML knowledge.
8. 幾天前他們才為我製作了一本相簿。
They made me one just the other day.
9. 她從床邊的茶几拿起一本相簿翻看。“這個應該是你老爸吧,手裡拿著一隻死鳥。”
She picks up a photograph off the nightstand. “This has to be your dad, the one holding the dead bird.”
a copy; a volume
photograph/photo album