下層階級的英文 下層階級用英語怎麼說?
lower class n.下層社會;工人階級
lower orders pl-n.下層社會
常用 重點詞彙
1. 有關下層階級的真實情況令人惱火地難以捉摸。
Hard facts about the underclass are maddeningly elusive.
2. 中國新的下層階級的產生和它的含意.
The creation of a new underclass in China and its implications.
3. 在這個骯髒破敗的地方居住著不為人注意的城市下層階級
An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor.
4. 這些擁護者也說到,允許公司歧視失業(無業)人員從根本上是不公平的,而且也會迫使成千上萬的美國人於永久的下層階級的不幸境遇。
These advocates also say that allowing companies to discriminate against the jobless is fundamentally unfair and threatens to condemn millions of Americans to permanent underclass
5. 只要有下層階級,我就同儔;
While there is a lower class I am in it.
6. 對於今天的下層階級,你們就將是明天的中產階級。
Everyone who can work, will work, with today's permanent under class part of tomorrow's growing middle class.
7. 在美國會被看成是屬於下層階級的。
Is thought be a car belonging to the lower class in the U. S.
8. 大多數戰士是從不那麼羅馬化的行省的下層階級招募的。
The majority of soldiers were now recruited from the lower classes in the less Romanized provinces.
9. 如果你要聽從別人的命令,那麼你就是賤民或者下層階級。你聽從指揮。
If you got told what to do you were one of the humiliores or worse people. You did as told or else.
lower class; lower orders