富裕家庭的英文 富裕家庭用英語怎麼說?
wealthy family 富裕家庭
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這名會計在為這個富裕家庭工作期間盜用了數千美元.
The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family.
2. 她生於達拉斯的一個富裕家庭,很早就知道了 “金錢的價值”。
Born in a very wealthy family in Dallas she learned early \the value of money\.
3. 1928年他出生於富裕家庭,學習醫學,最終卻選擇了漫畫家這樣既不穩定也不受尊崇的職業。
Born into a wealthy family in 1928, he studied to be a doctor, but chose instead the infinitely more rackety and less respectable life of a manga cartoonist.
4. 工薪階層和富裕家庭的育兒之道都有優點。
Parenting approaches of working-class and affluent families both have advantages.
5. 一個富裕家庭。
A well-to-do family.
6. 聽說她出生於一個富裕家庭。
I hear she comes from a well-off family。
7. 聽說她出生於一個富裕家庭。
I hear she comes from a well-off family.
8. 超過70%的學生來自富裕家庭。
Over 70 percent come from affluent families.
9. 生活在美國貧民區為生計而奔波的家庭與居住在安全的市郊的富裕家庭同樣重要。
A family struggling to make ends meet in an American inner city matters as much as a family thriving in a safe, suburban neighborhood.
10. 她分別對黑人家庭、白人家庭的孩子進行對比分類,最終選擇了12個家庭的孩子,其中即有來自富裕家庭的孩子,也有來自貧困家庭的孩子。
She picked both blacks and whites and children from both wealthy homes and poor homes, zeroing in, ultimately, on twelve families.
affluent; rich; well-off; well-to-do; enrich