
General 更新 2025年03月06日


The Chinese zodiac is any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches,

used to symbolize the year in which a person is born. They are Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog,Pig. You see, in the Chinese zodiac, the year 2012 is the year of the Dragon.



Jack is a huge bonuses for international antiquities dealer Laurence out, looking for "lost old summer palace" Twelve Chinese Zodiac last four heads. In the search process, he met Chinese antique expert Professor Guan's daughter Coco. Moved by Professor Guan and patriotism, always cherish gold like life Jack to give up the money at the last moment, to help Coco to save national treasure, will eventually find the beast head returned to china. Twelve animals are the 100th movie star Jackie Chan, this is likely to be the last action movie Jackie Chan.Version of a Jackie Chan plays Jack to huge bonuses for international antiquities dealer Laurence out, looking for "lost old summer palace" Twelve Chinese Zodiac last four heads. In the search process, he falls in love with a Chinese antique expert Professor Guan's daughter Coco. Moved by Professor Guan and patriotism, always cherish gold like life Jack to give up the money at the last moment, to help Coco to save national treasure, will eventually find the beast head returned to china. Version two when British and French troops burned the Old Summer Palace, resulting in a large number of precious cultural relics on the overseas, including four respects twelve animal head of most concern, not only caused widespread controversy at home and abroad, more collectors open price bid for the few honour treasures. Of course, there is no shortage of treacherous antiquities dealer, trying to get through the means o......餘下全文>>



生俏的英文是 good-looking














這是地支 生肖的說:

Rat charm, 子鼠

Ox patient, 丑牛

Tiger sensitive, 寅虎

Rabbit articulate, 卯兔

Dragon healthy, 辰龍

Snake deep, 巳蛇

Horse popular, 午馬

Goat elegant, 未羊

Monkey clever, 申猴

Rooster deep thinkers, 酉雞

Dog loyalty, 戌狗

Pig chivalrous. 亥豬


一. 鼠——Rat

英語中用以比喻討厭鬼,可恥的人,告密者,密探,破壞罷工的人;美國俚語指新學生、下流女人。當看到smell a rat這一片語時,是指人們懷疑在做錯某事。a rat race則表示激烈的競爭 。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,這一諺語意指那些一遇到危險就爭先尋求 安全或一看見困難便躲得老遠的人。)

二. 牛——Ox

涉及“牛”的漢語成語很多,如“對牛彈琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英語中涉及“Ox”的表 達方式則不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短語The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示災禍已降臨到某人頭上。

三. 虎——Tiger

指凶惡的人,虎狼之徒;英國人指穿制服的馬伕;口語中常指比賽的勁敵。中國和東南亞國家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似強大而實質虛弱的敵人。片語ride the tiger表示以非常不 確定或危險的方式生活。

四. 兔——Hare

在英國俚語中,hare指坐車不買票的人。與hare組成的片語有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人。start a hare。在討論中提出枝節問題。例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次討論你都提出與題無關的問題。英語中有許多關於兔的諺語,如:

1. First catch your hare.勿謀之過早(意指:不要過於樂觀)。

2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能兩面討好(意指:不要耍兩面派)。

五. 龍——Dragon

龍在中國人民的心目中佔有崇高的位置,有關龍的成語非常多,且含有褒義。如“龍躍鳳鳴”、“龍驤虎步”等。在外國語言中,讚揚龍的詞語非常之少,且含有貶義。如“dragon”指凶暴的人,嚴厲的人,凶惡嚴格的監護人,凶惡的老婦人等。以dragon組成的片語也多含貶義。如dragon’s teeth :相互爭鬥的根源;排列或多層的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障礙物。the old Dragon:魔鬼。

六. 蛇——Snake

指冷酷陰險的人,虛偽的人,卑鄙的人;美國俚語指追求和欺騙少女的男子或男阿飛。由 此看到,在英語中,“snake”往往含有貶義。如:

John’s behavior should him to be a snake.





12 Chinese Zodiac Signs / 12 symbolic animals


Rat charm, 子鼠

Ox patient, 丑牛

Tiger sensitive, 寅虎

Rabbit articulate, 卯兔

Dragon healthy, 辰龍

Snake deep, 巳蛇

Horse popular, 午馬

Goat elegant, 未羊

Monkey clever, 申猴

Rooster deep thinkers, 酉雞

Dog loyalty, 戌狗

Pig chivalrous.範亥豬


關於12生肖的來源 我要英文的

It is said Buddha (the ultimate Emperor for the whole universe in Chinese legend) once called together all the animals on the earth for an important meeting. Only twelve animals turned up: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig. The rat, being the smartest, jumped on top of the ox to be the first one to arrive.

As a reward, the Buddha gave each animal a year in the cycle and declared that anyone born in that year would resemble the animal in some way. In addition, each two hours of the day is also governed by one animal. The hours of 11pm to 1:00 am is by Rat, from 1 am to 3 am by Ox and so on. Six elements of the planet: wood, fire, air, water, gold and earth are also integrated into the animalZodiacsigns。


十二生肖 的英文


12 Chinese Zodiac Signs 或

12 symbolic animals


Rat charm, 子鼠

Ox patient, 丑牛

Tiger sensitive, 寅虎

Rabbit articulate, 卯兔

Dragon healthy, 辰龍

Snake deep, 巳蛇

Horse popular, 午馬

Goat elegant, 未羊

Monkey clever, 申猴

Rooster deep thinkers, 酉雞

Dog loyalty, 戌狗

Pig chivalrous. 亥豬




鼠:Rat 牛:cattle 虎:Tiger 兔:Hare 龍:Dragon 蛇:Snake 馬:Horse 羊:Sheep 猴:Monkey 雞:Cock 狗:Dog 豬:pig


On the Lunar New Year story, is a very interesting topic, and the story is here, including the myths and legends, stories and so on.

In qualifying on the Chinese zodiac, why mouse small to large, it ranked first? First of all, let this issue of human philosophers and wise men of today's baffling: On the body, tiny mouse, people can play live to an open palm in the shares between the zodiac animals, it is the smallest a. ; Of brute force, with cattle strong, the mighty tiger, the dragon of the divine power, horses prance, it can not be the same day and language; on quality, ease of cattle, rabbits good, hard-working horse, the docile sheep, pigs Reality, it seems better than the rats many times; again on the wisdom of the smart monkey, a dog's intelligence, also in rats above. Said calmly, even the most vicious than anyone else, I am afraid that the snake is also the front row in the mouse. But the fact is that little mouse is the Zodiac's Top boss!

This issue is still pending, it was said today that probably only one explanation: the guy in charge of the Chinese zodiac Ranking is corrupt corrupt officials, he collected the rats have done a great trading power for money benefits of color when , the first gold corona increases in non-German non-heads only a small mouse. This, of course, is just a far-fetched joke. But indeed, the human has ne攻er found a convincing explanation. However, human after all, is the most intelligent animals senior animals,......餘下全文>>


一. 鼠--Rat

英語中用以比喻討厭鬼,可恥的人,告密者,密探,破壞罷工的人;美國俚語指新學生、下流女人。當看到smell a rat這一片語時,是指人們懷疑在做錯某事。a rat race則表示激烈的競爭 。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,這一諺語意指那些一遇到危險就爭先尋求 安全或一看見困難便躲得老遠的人。)

二. 牛--Ox

涉及“牛”的漢語成語很多,如“對牛彈琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英語中涉及“Ox”的表 達方式則不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短語The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示災禍已降臨到某人頭上。

三. 虎--Tiger

指凶惡的人,虎狼之徒;英國人指穿制服的馬伕;口語中常指比賽的勁敵。中國和東南亞國家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似強大而實質虛弱的敵人。片語ride the tiger表示以非常不 確定或危險的方式生活。

四. 兔--Hare

在英國俚語中,hare指坐車不買票的人。與hare組成的片語有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人。start a hare。在討論中提出枝節問題。例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次討論你都提出與題無關的問題。英語中有許多關於兔的諺語,如:

1. First catch your hare.勿謀之過早(意指:不要過於樂觀)。

2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能兩面討好(意指:不要耍兩面派)。

五. 龍--Dragon

龍在中國人民的心目中佔有崇高的位置,有關龍的成語非常多,且含有褒義。如“龍躍鳳鳴”、“龍驤虎步”等。在外國語言中,讚揚龍的詞語非常之少,且含有貶義。如“dragon”指凶暴的人,嚴厲的人,凶惡嚴格的監護人,凶惡的老婦人等。以dragon組成的片語也多含貶義。如dragon’s teeth :相互爭鬥的根源;排列或多層的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障礙物。the old Dragon:魔鬼。

六. 蛇--Snake

指冷酷陰險的人,虛偽的人,卑鄙的人;美國俚語指追求和欺騙少女的男子或男阿飛。由 此看到,在英語中,“snake”往往含有貶義。如:

John’s behavior should him to be a snake.



a snake in the grass.潛伏的敵人或危險。

to warm a snake in one’s bosom.養虎貽患,姑息壞人。Takd heed of the snake in the grass.草裡防蛇。

七. 馬--Horse


1. get on the high horse.擺架子,目空一切。

2. work like a horse.辛苦的幹活。

3. horse doctor.獸醫、庸醫。

4. dark horse.競爭中出人意料的獲勝者。

如:The voters were surprised when the dark horse won the nomination.那個無名小卒在競爭中獲勝時,投票者無不大吃一驚。

八. 羊--Sheep

