兩年的時間,似乎是彈指一揮,09年的12月16日在新浪博客寫下我的第一篇文章,Greetings fromtony。剛開始是斷斷續續的寫,到後來有規律的一週兩篇,一週三篇,一週五篇,到現在也是,一週至少三篇,所以細數起來,卻也被厚實的一篇篇博文所驚詫。兩年裡,居然也寫了350篇文章。而我想以後肯定是500篇,1000篇,甚至更多。 顯然寫博成了我工作生活之餘重要的一部分,我在這裡可以記錄我家7歲好男兒vincent每天的成長,和大家交流我的育兒體驗,寫下我的生活感悟,更重要的自然是交流我的美食。而兩年裡一不小心,被新浪美食博客培養成了比較有點影響力的百萬級的美食煮夫。但在家裡我的地位沒有上升,還是煮夫一個
! 很多人看我博客,怎麼都覺得我每天嘻嘻哈哈,那麼開心,難道沒有煩心事?我想只要是凡人,每個人都有吧。讀書,上大學,找工作,我還都比較順利。我這個人比較有點毅力,在學習上比較用功,所以學習,找工作沒有經過大的挫折。而我覺得我的情商不怎麼高,所以大學畢業後,在工作中和生活上也經常會遇到不如意的事情,挫折感也經常是有。但我反正就這麼過來了。和Cutelady也是這樣,我們一開始也是吵的很厲害,但是吵的越多,彼此也就越瞭解,然後兩個人就會慢慢磨合,到現在已經達到能讀懂對方的眼神的默契程度了。可能很多人因為沒有過這個磨合期,或者沒有調整好,導致沒有堅持下來,或者是堅持了下來但沒有磨合好,那也會很痛苦吧。所以,經歷的挫折多了,調整好了,就很會珍惜現在的生活。現在我的心態比以往任何時候都要好,我很知足。什麼樣的事情都難不倒我。 其實我們總是在問,別人為什麼比我快樂?或許那個人能告訴你一大堆如何快樂生活的大道理。但是我們都知道,快樂的人生和大道理沒有關係,而在於我們能在經歷過後學會去感悟自己的人生。 所以每個人的人生也不需要別人來給您指點迷津,而是靠自己良好的心情,靠自己的平和的心態來完成自我的調節。即使遭遇挫折也要相信,陽光總在風雨後。 今天簡單的上一道菜。因為今天的重點是給大家送上我博客點擊量突破100萬(見此博文)和一週年以來(見此博文)的精選的69道家常菜。 原料:雞爪 豆腐乾 生抽 老抽 白糖 蔥 料酒 做法: 1.雞爪先焯水後放入高壓鍋; 2.高壓鍋里加水沒過雞爪,加入生抽,老抽和料酒大火煮開到高壓鍋發出撲哧聲後繼續小火煮10分鐘; 3.加入豆腐乾和半勺白糖,繼續煮5分鐘後關火燜15分鐘就可以了,撒上蔥可以吃了;
請大家想一想,英語是誰發明的?英國人唄!英國人認不認識漢語?不認識!那麼英國人在學英語單詞的時候需不需要記住單詞的漢語意思?不需要,英國人的英語課本里根本就沒有漢字,何談記住單詞的漢語意思?那麼既然英國人學英語不需要記住(甚至根本就見不到)單詞的漢語意思,那麼我們中國人學英語為什麼要去記住單詞的漢語意思呢?這種做法大家不覺得奇怪嗎? 奇怪的根源不在於行為本身,而在於我們中國人普遍不會直接識別英語單詞的意思,因而只好靠漢語符號來機械地幫助記憶英語單詞的意思,這樣去學英語不僅多此一舉,而且必然會陷入苦海無邊的符號記憶災難中。
155,fabl,fabul 言
161,flat 吹
聽過一首紅爆全世界的Someone likeyou 嗎?那就是大名鼎鼎的Adele演唱的。Adele是英國獨立歌手。曾獲得第51屆格萊美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手獎等榮譽,也是首位全英音樂獎評審團獎的得主。Adele表示自己受美國爵士、藍調歌手埃塔·詹姆絲與“爵士樂第一夫人”艾拉·費茲潔拉的影響,並形容自己的音樂風格是“心碎的靈魂”(HeartbrokenSoul)。她以首張專輯《19》獲得水星音樂獎提名,並在英國專輯排行榜上得到第一名佳績;該專輯並以在英國超過五十萬、全球超過一百二十萬的銷售量獲得白金銷售認證。專輯《21》在全球銷量突破1千2百萬。今天來欣賞她另外一首很紅的歌曲RollingIn The Deep。
Adele - Rolling In The Deep
Adele - Rolling In The DeepThere's a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clearGo ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your sheet bareSee how I'll leave with every piece of youDon't underestimate the things that I will doThere's a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can't help feelingWe could have had it all(You're gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hands(You're gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Baby, I have no story to be toldBut I've heard one on youand I'm gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMake a home down there as mine sure won't be sharedThe scars of your love remind me of us(You're gonna wish you never had met me)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless(You're gonna wish you never had met me)I can't help feeling(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You're gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hands(You're gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handsBut you played it with a beatingThrow your soul through every open doorCount your blessings to find what you look forTurn my sorrow into treasured goldYou'll pay me back in kindand reap just what you've sown(You're gonna wish you never had met me)We could have had it all(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You're gonna wish you never had met me)It all, it all, it all(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You're gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hands(You're gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Could have had it all(You're gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your handsBut you played itYou played itYou played itYou played it to the beatEnd