
網絡綜合 - 英語口語】

2013英語口語對話職場篇:回答完全正確 核心句型:

Your answers banged on. 你的回答完全正確。

bang on/upon是一句常用口語,短語的正確意思是:“正中目標;回答完全正確、完全符合要求、非常正確”。

因此,當美國人說"Your answers banged on."時,他/她要表達的意思就是:"Your answer is exactly correct."、"You've got the point."、"You've put your finger on it."。

情景對白: Benjamin: As far as I am concerned, the best way of managing subordinates is making friends with them.

本傑明:我認為,管理下屬最好的方法就是和他們打成一片。 Boss: Your answers banged on. 老闆:你的回答完全正確。 搭配句積累:

①The boss should treat all the staff alike. 老闆對待員工要一視同仁。

②Anyone who makes mistakes is to be criticized. 任何人犯了錯都要受到批評的。

③Superiors should never look down upon their inferiors. 上司不應該瞧不起下屬。

④Managers should keep a certain distance away from these apple polishers. 經理們應該和那些馬屁精保持一定的距離。

單詞: 1. bang vt. 重擊 There is no point in shouting or banging the table. 叫嚷或者拍桌子都毫無意義。 She banged his dinner on the table. 她把他的飯菜砰地摔在了桌子上。

2. put one's finger on 確切地指出 The doctor was able to treat the disease although he could not put his finger on the exact cause. 醫生能治這種病, 不過他不能指出確切的病因。 Something's wrong with this room, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. 這個房間裡有些不對頭, 但我無法明確地指出那是什麼。

3. subordinate n. 下屬,部下 Never misrepresent a subordinate's performance during performance appraisals. 在評估績效時,千萬不要錯估了部屬的表現。 Nearly all her subordinates adored her. 幾乎所有的下屬都崇拜她。

4. inferior n. 下級 We are equals, but he always treats me like an inferior! 我們是同等的, 但他老把我當作屬下對待! The English rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior. 英國的規矩是向上級介紹下級。

作者, 英語口語, 口語, 職場篇,