
英語必修一到必修五重要詞組的句子翻譯( 人教版 )送給所有即將高三的同學!!!!


Units 1-2Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.set down 記下;寫下2.in the first place 首先;第一;原先3.burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地發出或產生某事物4.centre on/upon 將某人(某事物)當作中心或重點5.concentrate on 專心致志於6.Tour de France 環法自行車賽 7.keep track of 記錄;掌握……的線索;保持對……的聯繫 8.stand out 突出;出色9.be diagnosed with... 被確診患有……(疾病)10.in a row 連續,一連串11.lead sb.to do sth. 致使某人做某事12.apply for 提出申請(或要求等)13.make for 走向;向……前進;有利於,有助於;傾向於14.get a better understanding of... 更充分地理解……15.head down to... 向……進發,動身16.hang ten (衝浪運動中)作十趾吊17.in the name of 以……的名義;代表18.push on(with sth.)毅然繼續(做某事)19.run out of 耗盡;用光20.apart from... 除……外(尚有)21.set sail(to/from/for...) 起航22.compete for 為……而競爭23.in search of 尋找24.give birth to 生;產生25.as long as (表示條件)只要……26.at the height of 在……頂點;在(事業等)的高峰27.for once and always 一勞永逸地28.be made up of 由……構成;組成Ⅱ.重點句型1.Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world with an area of about 40 hectares.(with引導的短語作定語)2.Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.(as引導讓步狀語從句時要倒裝)3.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade in history.(see在該句中的意思是“目睹;經歷”)4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥在手勝過雙鳥在林。)5.It was not until 1874,when a young American explorer followed the Nile from Lake Victoria through to Lake Albert,that this part of the river’s course was finally explored.(強調句型)6.It was believed that the northern coast of this continent lay somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.(It is/was believed that...人們相信……)

Units 3-4Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.as a consequence(of )作為(……的)結果2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亞聯邦3.go walkabout到灌木叢中閒逛4.break out(指激烈事件)突然發生5.feed...on給(人或動物)食物;餵養;飼養6.round up使集合在一起7.stand for代表,代替;象徵,意味著8.have a strong/great influence on...對……有重大影響9.benefit from...從……受益10.differ from...和……不同11.be fond of喜歡12.have fun with開玩笑13.set foot on踏上14.give birth to生;產生15.in area在面積上16.keep out(使)在外17.all the year round終年18.have access to接近(或進入)的方法(或權利、機會等)19.on a large scale大規模地;大範圍地20.pass away去世;逝世21.belong to屬於22.base...on...把……基於……23.at first sight 乍一看(之下)24.be born into 出身於25.have an appetite for 愛好……26.look out for 照料,照看……27.put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起28.work out 做出;設計出;制訂出;算出29.make contributions to 對……作出貢獻30.adapt to 適應Ⅱ.重點句型1.Many Aborigines and islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.(have sth. done 結構)2.Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse cultures.(倒裝句)3.Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested.4.Shanghai is not longer what it used to be. 5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(強調句,強調句子的)

Units 5-6Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.take into consideration 考慮到,顧及2.in charge(of) 處於控制或支配地位;負責3.hand in hand 手拉手;密切關聯的4.get across 傳播;為人理解5.appeal to 有吸引力;呼籲;上訴6.keep an eye out for sb./sth. 留心或注意某人或某物7.make sense 有意義;有道理;講得通8.apply... to... 運用;應用9.lose heart 洩氣;灰心10.take it easy 別緊張;放鬆點11.keep up 維持;保持;使某事物處於高水平12.common sense 常識;情理13.leave behind 忘帶;留下14.lose one’s way 迷路15.come to an end 結束;中止16.live through sth. 經歷某事物而倖存17.tie up 系;拴;捆18.at stake 在危險中19.go for 為……去努力獲取20.lose weight 減肥21.be to blame 該受責備;應負責22.be upset about... (對……感到)不安的;不快的;心煩意亂的23.associate... with... 使發生聯繫;使聯合24.protect... from... 保護……免於……25.be promoted with (用……手段來)宣傳,推銷26.create/form a positive image of 塑造/形成一個正面的形象27.point out 指出28.think twice 重新考慮29.believe in 相信;信仰30.set off for... 出發,動身到……31.be accustomed to 習慣於……32.on all fours 匍匐,趴著33.come to a decision 決定下來34.come to an agreement 達成一致;達成協議35.come to a conclusion 告終;下結論36.take up 拿起;著手處理;開始(從事於)Ⅱ.重點句型1.Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.(部分否定)2.Good advertisements make it possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales.(make 後接複合賓語)3.Some companies prefer a well-known word,while others choose names from old stories or legends.(注意該並列連詞的詞義及用法)4.It is possible that the reader or viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product.5.In the 1960s,a British car company which made very expensive cars was about to sell its latest car in Germany.6.A young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children,and wait for help.(suggest後接賓語從句,從句的謂語動詞用“(should)+動詞原形”結構)7.No pains,no gains!不勞則無獲!

Units 7-8Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.care for 喜愛;照顧2.leave alone 不管;隨……去3.in want of 需要4.close up (尤指暫時)關閉;使靠近5.care about 介意……,在乎,關心6.safety standards 安全標準7.working conditions 工作條件8.social conscience 社會道德9.a poor excuse 一個差勁的藉口10.bring in 賺入……;獲利11.be badly-off 生活窮困12.fall asleep 入睡13.have no eye for 不關心;不在意14.far from 遠離;一點也不15.comment on 評論,批評,解釋16.in face of 面對……,在……面前,不顧……17.in favor of 支持……,贊同……;為有利於……18.in praise of 稱讚……19.in hope of 抱著……的希望20.in charge of 掌管,負責21.in memory of 為了紀念;為追悼……22.in honor of 為了紀念23.in search of 搜尋24.in need of 需要25.turn down 拒絕26.as follows 如下27.end up in 以……告終,以……為結局28.one by one 一個接一個地;逐個地29.date back to (時間)追溯到30.get it wrong 誤解31.on the contrary 相反的是;反而32.toast to 乾杯;祝酒33.make sense of 弄懂……的意思34.in other words 換句話說;換言之35.take risks 冒險36.experiment with 進行試驗;進行實驗37.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大團38.fall behind 落後於39.come across (偶然)遇見40.make progress 取得進步41.adjust...to... 調整……;調解……42.as a consequence 因此43.regardless of 不顧,不管,不拘44.take place 發生45.thanks to 多虧了,由於46.wake up 醒來;叫醒47.stay up 挺住;堅持不睡覺48.broaden one’s horizons 開闊眼界49.in the beginning 開始;起初

Units 9-10Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.lay off 解僱;不理會;使下崗2.make matters worse 使情況更困難或更危險3.get rid of 擺脫4.make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入為出5.be devoted to 獻身……的;專心於……的6.play a role in 在……中起作用7.medical treatment 醫療8.reach a decision 決定下來;下結論9.aim at 瞄準;針對;目的在於10.take measures to ... 採取措施來(做)……11.make a living 謀生12.depend on 依靠;取決於13.live on 以……為主食;靠……生活14.prevent... from ... 阻止,阻擋;制止;妨礙15.provide ... for ... 為……提供……16.meet the needs of 滿足……的需要17.be burdened with ... 使負重擔18.put pressure on ... 給……施壓,增添壓力19.state-owned companies 國有企業20.lose weight 減肥21.ready-made clothes 成衣22.make fun of 取笑某人23.attend to 處理;照顧;關照24.take pride in 對……感到自豪25.do up 打扮;梳妝26.let down 不支持;使失望27.at length 最後;終於;詳細地28.at a time 一次29.go far (人)大有前途;成功30.come into being 形成31.as to 關於32.be accused of 被控訴,控告;被指責,譴責33.set free 使獲得自由;釋放34.refer to 參考;涉及;談到;指的是35.turn to 轉向,變成;求助於36.adapt to 使適應,使適和37.get accustomed to 變得習慣於38.for a moment 片刻;暫時39.live through 度過;經受住40.break out in tears 突然大哭起來41.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切斷;隔絕42.tear at 撕,扯……

Units 11-12Ⅰ.重要詞彙及短語1.stick with繼續支持;保持聯繫2.through thick and thin 不顧艱難3.pull out of從……中退出4.cater to滿足某種需要或要求5.for the sake of由於;為了……的利益6.in reality事實上;實際上7.keep an eye on 照料;照管8.take sth.into account考慮;體諒9.as a whole 總的說來;作為整體10.once again再一次11.live up to依照……行事;做到;不辜負(期望)12.accept...as... 認為……13.on one’s own獨自,靠自己,獨立14.the majority of大多數;大部分15.a pie chart餅狀圖16.a bar chart柱狀圖17.match...to... 使……(和……)調和,相配18.be suspected of 被猜疑,被懷疑19.take measures to ...採取措施(做……)20.be familiar with 對……熟悉21.be made up of構成;組成22.count...as... 把……認為……23.on the other hand 另一方面24.attach to 伴隨……25.be aware of 察覺到,感覺到,獲悉26.be suitable for適合做……27.guard...against... 守護……(免於……),保護28.make the best use of充分利用29.on the surface 表面上的,外表上30.as a matter of fact 實際上31.be satisfied with 對……滿意32.lose face 失面子33.by means of以……,藉著……34.put ... to use使用,用,利用35.in demand有需要的;吃香的36.so as to為了,目的是37.sit for參加(考試)38.concentrate on 集中;專心;專注39.to begin with首先;第一;起初40.drop out (of)(從活動、競賽等中)退出;輟學41.result in產生某種作用或結果42.be skeptical of懷疑43.take in把(某人)帶進;領入44.rely on依賴;依靠45.as far as(遠)至(某處);到……程度46.lifelong learning 終身學習47.work out解決;計算出;詳細擬訂48.have a lot in common有很多共同之處49.be suited for適合做……,對……適宜

Units 13-14

Ⅱ.重點句型1.Finally,some Indians in unusual foreign clothes come to the house offering to entertain the guests,.... (in表示“穿著,戴著”,後面可以接表示衣物或顏色的名詞)2.Troubled by the loss of such a valuable jewel, Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective to investigate the theft.(過去分詞作狀語)3.As the story develops we discover some secrets about the people at the house that night,and the reasons why they might have stolen the diamond.(as引導狀語從句,表示時間,意思是“當……時候”;why引導定語從句,修飾先行詞reason;might have +過去分詞,表示對過去的可能性的推測)4.He goes on asking questions about the party and learns about Franklin’s quarrel with Dr.Candy.(go on doing sth.繼續做(同一件事情)5.Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved.6.One mistake could have resulted in a huge loss.(虛擬語氣)7.Fortunately he was successful in diving the diamond into nine large jewels.8.It turned out that Godfrey had also seen Franklin move the diamond that night....9....but when she changed her mind he had no choice but to go abroad to sell the diamond.(注意but的用法)10.You should avoid being too straightforward.(avoid doing sth.)

Units 15-16

Ⅱ.重點句型1.Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy.(雙重否定)2.I am having a great time doing it.3.Time to have fun and relax,and time for young people to take off their school uniform and put on their favorite casual clothes.(省略。It is time to have fun and relax.) 4.In the UK for example,a recent survey found that 6 out of 10 men and 46% of women regularly wear jeans....(分數表示法)5.Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.(連詞,意思是“每次”)6.Now he is famous for his haircuts and lifestyle as well as for scoring goals.


