2)訂艙號(Booking No.):_______________
3)箱 量/型(Equipment volume/type):__________________
6)目的 港(Final destination) : ________
7)中文品名(Commodity description in Chinese):
英文品名(Commodity description in English):
件數(Volume ):________PALLETS_________________________
產品外觀與性狀(Commodity shape and property): _____________
本產品主要用途(Utility of Goods )____ __________
We hereby confirm above goods belongs to common chemical product which is not in the dangerous
cargo list of <
in conformity with the regulations governing the maritime transportation of such goods.
In case of any an actual danger to the ship, the crew and other persons on board or to other goods as
a consequence of failure to declare above inaccurately, according to Article 68 of << MARITIME CODE OF THE PEOPLE’S REPULIC OF CHINA>>, the carrier may have such goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous when and where circumstances so require, without compensation. The undersigned shall be liable to the carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment. Carrier will also hold the right for any legal action against relative laws or regulations. The undersigned will be liable for all the responsibility and cost that may cause.
貨代蓋公章/Booking agent) (發貨人蓋公章/Shipper)