原文:Beyond this, it is also of paramountimportance to recognize and understand the conventions of discourse structure,both generally and within specific subject areas.
題目要求:Complete the summary below by choosing amaximum of two words from the above paragraph to fill the spaces.
題目:To extract meaning quickly areeffectively, it is also important to recognize conventional ___________ and theimportance of the topic sentence and discourse markers.
這個Summary題目中的空格前的conventional和原文當中的conventions既是一對典型的詞性轉換形式。考生即使對於conventional這個詞不熟悉也可以根據詞性轉換的原則定位到原文相關的地方,對應到相應的答案theconventions of discourse structure。根據題目要求,答案的詞數限定為兩個詞,因此答案為discoursestructure。
原文:Understandings of word order, and thesignificance of changes in word order, are vital. The anticipation andrecognition of common, acceptable and essential collocations clearly help theprocess of extracting information and meaning.
題目要求:Complete the summary below by choosing amaximum of two words from the above paragraph to fill the spaces.
題目:Word order is very important in predictingand __________ the most usual combinations.
片語的轉換一般情況下是同義詞轉換的一個衍生。當一個詞沒有辦法用另一個同義詞到位的解釋時,可能會出現用片語解釋的情況。另外如果本身就是片語的形式,那麼一般來講還是會用片語的形式進行解釋。如劍5當中的Text 4 Q36題目中的表述是birdsin temperate climates,而原文對應的描述是temperate-zonebirds.這種情況在T/F/NG當中也有體現。絕大多數選TRUE的情況,原文和題目一定會經過同義轉換,如,
原文:Computers are gaining in popularity,despite their cost.
題目:Computers are more popular than they usedto be.
原文當中的gaining in popularity題目中用more popular than they used to be作為替換。兩者在意思上市完全一致的統一轉換,所以答案為TRUE。
原文:Biologically, a species becomes extinctwhen its last individual dies.
題目:In biological terms, a species is said tobe extinct when only one individual exists.
原文當中的biologically用題目的in biological terms作為替換。Become則由issaid to be作為替換。但是原文當中的die在題目中變成了exist,直接相反的意思。介於最後這一處沒有實現正確的統一轉換,那麼考生就可以判斷出此題是FALSE。
原文:The Internet has often been criticized bythe international society as a newly-emerging dangerous tool in the hands ofterrorists.
題目:The international society has oftencriticized the Internet because it is not safe.
原文的被動語態在題目當中變成了主動的語態。單是因為題目缺少了條件狀語in thehands of terrorists,所以題目的正確答案為NOTGIVEN。
原文:It has been proved that a rapid responseleads to a great likelihood of arrest only if it is 1-2 minutes after a call isreceived by police. When the response time increases to 3-4 minutes, thelikelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced.
題目:A delay of 1-2 minutes in response mayhave substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.