

1、I have been in your shoes before我也經歷過和你相同的狀況。

A: Bobby took the promotion that Ishould be get

B: I have been in your shoes before .It's a dog eat dog world,you have to face the reality。


A:Working overtime everyday makes me tired and down。


B: I've been in your shoes before.

2、You are the boss=It's up to you 你做主,你說了算。

A: What are you going to eat? Noodles or fast food?

B: You are the boss.

A: Would you be interested in watching movie with me tonight?

B: Sure,of course.I'd like to.

A:What movie do you want to see?

B: You are the boss.

3、Come again我沒聽錯吧(沒聽清楚對方的話,請他再說一遍)

4、how come? 表示驚訝,為什麼呀?= why

A:I haven't been so happy since I've come to Rocky。

B: How come?

A: Guess what I'm going to do tonight?

B: No idea,tell me.

A: Winne asks me to dinner with her.

B:Come again.^_^

5、What put that idea in your head? 你為什麼那麼想呢?(對別人的想法不理解)

A: I want to take taekwondo class。

B: What put that idea in your head?

A: I've always been interested in taekwondo, also winnie is going to take that course.

B: Apparently,the latter is the main reason. ^_^

6、You'd be surprised。你要做好心裡準備,你會很驚訝的。

A: Guess how much bobby paid for his girlfriend's valentine's gift.


A:You'd be surprised,10,000RMB

B: I can't believe it.

7、It can't be.很驚訝的訊息= It's incredible.這怎麼可能

= I can't believe it.=it's impossible 難以置信的。

Are you kidding?

A:I saw a frog as big as a dog。

B:You must be kidding.

8、You haven't been yourself.你不太對勁。

You haven't been yourself in the past few days,are you OK?

9、It's always darkest before dawn否極泰來

Believe me things will get better相信我,一切都會好起來的.

10、Now you are cooking你現在做的很好,做的有模有樣,鼓勵、稱讚別人.


1、one of my favourite我最喜歡的事情之一

Chocolate is one of my favourite ice-cream flavors.

Watching movie is one of my favourite avocations.

2、Is that right? 是這樣嗎?

3、It's never too late

It's never too late to learn english.

It's never too late to quit smoking.

4、Whatever works怎麼樣都行啊.

Whatever works for him works for me他行我也行,他沒問題我也沒問題.

5、not only ...but also

Benson is not only smart but also good looking as well.不僅聰明而且相貌堂堂.

6、I can tell看的出來,我知道

I can tell the boss is mad,because he has already fired three people since this morning。

7、What is with the sad face?你怎麼看起來不太高興啊?

8、Just between you and me只有你我知道

How much do you get paid,你薪水是多少啊,just between you and me

9、The whole nine yards一應俱全,一切準備妥當&什麼都不缺

福利待遇話題的對話:Tom (T) and Jim(J)

T: What's with the sad face?

J: To tell you the truth,I just heard that one of our best sales Bobby has decided to quit /

Bobby's gonna quit.

T: How come?

J: Apparently, Bobby feels that the company isn't giving him all the benefits that he deserves.

T: That's nonsense.簡直莫名其妙

I heard that your company offered the best benefits in this industry.

J: That's what I thought (I think so).我也是這麼認為啊。

T: I guess it wasn't good enough for him.我想還是不能滿足他.

J: Just between you and me, our company offers insurance保險、stock option配股、paid leave

帶薪休假、retirement plan退休計劃 the whole nine yards。

T: You've lost a good worker,why don't you think about me? just kidding ^_^

英語, 筆記, 辦公室, 福利待遇,