
Tags: 技巧, 英語, 高二,


  事前的準備 不要匆忙的就直接閱讀。在你開始閱讀前,先看一下標題及圖片。這將給予你對於主題有很好的想法 , 並想想你已經得知的訊息。下一步,推測一下這篇文章在說什麼,想想你要學什麼,然後寫下大概遇到的問題。為閱讀自我準備是一種讓你預測到下一頁的方式。 第一次的接觸 現在你已經對於主題有一般的瞭解,你可以開始你的閱讀了。開始後就不要停止閱讀全篇文章。你目前不需要擔心細節, 剛開始的時候,你應該試著抓到主旨在說什麼, 這就是skimming。當你閱讀完全部文章後,想想看你理解並且記住了多少。 詳細的閱讀 還記得你先前寫下的那些問題嗎?現在正是尋找答案的時候了。請再閱讀一下文章,但是這一次需要慢一點及小心一點了。尋找一下跟你的問題有關的任何詞彙或句子。這就是scanning。如果你看到任何東西你認為有興趣或是重要的,那就用筆註記起來。一旦你完成了,你對於文章應該更瞭解。 詞彙、詞彙、詞彙! 你不需要了解每一個詞彙來了解文章在說什麼。找出你不知道的關鍵字或句子然後試著寫下來。但是請不要現在就拿起字典來!試著利用文章上下文來猜詞彙。在你已經猜過之後,那就拿起字典來檢視你到底猜對程度多少。你一定會感到莫名的驚喜的!  最後的閱讀  在這個時候,你應該更清楚這篇文章在說什麼了。再閱讀一次。你現在可以專注任何陌生的文法架構或句子型態上。當你完成一切動作後,坐下來想一想你今天學到的東西。現在再看看其實沒有那麼難嘛,不是嗎?  翻譯:  Do you break out into a sweat when you have to read in English? Staring at a page full of unfamiliar words can be overwhelming, even for the most confident of readers. Here are five useful tips that can help make reading a rewarding experience rather than a dreaded chore.  Be prepared  Never rush straight into reading. Before you begin, look at the title and any pictures. This will give you a good idea of the topic. Think about what you already know. Next, predict what the reading will be about. Think about what you want to learn and write down any questions you may have. Preparing yourself for the reading in this way will get you started before the first page is even turned.  At first sight  Now that you've got a general idea of the topic, you can begin. Read the entire text over once without stopping. Don't worry about the details just yet. In the beginning, all you should be trying to do is get a feeling for the main idea. This is called skimming. When you're done, think about how much you've understood and remembered.  It's all in the details  Remember those questions you wrote down before? Now it's time to find the answers. Read the text again, but this time, read it slowly and carefully. Look for any words or phrases that relate to your questions. This is called scanning. If you come across anything else that's interesting and important, underline that too. Once you're finished, you should have a fuller understanding of the text.  Words, words, words!  You don't have to understand every single word to understand the text. Pick out key words or phrases you don't know and write them down. But don't reach for the dictionary just yet! Try to guess the word's meaning from context - the words or phrases around it. After you've taken a guess, go ahead and use the dictionary to see how close you were. You might be pleasantly surprised!  Final reading

  By this time, you should be familiar with the text. Read it one more time. You can now focus on any unusual grammar structures or sentence styles. When you've finished, sit back and think about everything you've just learned. That wasn't so difficult, was it?

原作者: 卓越小編
