
General 更新 2024年11月28日



  You think that emptying the bottle into your guest's glass is polite... little do you know that you just designated them as the buyer of the next round! Although most locals will excuse breaches in etiquette, wouldn't you rather be informed and impress them with your cultural know-how? Read below for a list of etiquette tips, taken from various Lonely Planet guidebooks, to help you eat and drink in different parts of the world.

  把酒瓶中最後剩下的一點兒酒讓給別人,還沾沾自喜認為這是友好的象徵?其實,你在不知不覺中指定他為下一輪酒買單!儘管多數當地人會寬恕你在餐桌禮儀上出現的小差錯,但是,為什麼不學點餐桌禮儀文化,然後一鳴驚人呢?我們從《孤獨星球》***Lonely Planet***自助旅行指南中,為大家選取了世界各地一些最具代表性的餐桌禮儀。今後,吃遍全球,也不用害怕出錯。


  When you eat noodles in Japan, it's perfectly okay – even expected – to slurp them.


  When drinking, don't fill your own drink; fill the glass of the person next to you and wait for them to reciprocate. Filling your own glass amounts to admitting to everyone at the table that you're an alcoholic.



  In Nepal, do wait to be served and be sure to ask for seconds when eating at someone's house. In general, when eating in a group, no one gets up until everyone has finished their food. If you have to leave early, make your apologies by saying bistaii khaanus, or "please eat slowly".

  在尼泊爾,到別人家做客時,要耐心等候上菜,而且記得吃完後再要一點。當多人聚餐時,一般要等所有人用餐完畢才能離席。如果你不得不提前離席,說一句"請慢用"***bistaii khaanus或please eat slowly***以示歉意。


  In Armenia, if you empty a bottle into someone's glass, it obliges them to buy the next bottle – it's polite to put the last drops into your own glass.



  In Saudi Arabia where men eat separated from women, you have to eat with right hand only and if you are a foreign guest among Saudis, you will be offered the delicacies such as the eye balls of a camel or penis of a ram! If you go to the desert and meet some bedouin, you will be offered a bowl of milk which they draw from the camel as you wait. It is hot and frothy and tastes very earthy and you are expected to drink it all.

  在沙烏地阿拉伯,吃飯時男女分開且必須用右手進餐。好客的沙特人還會給外國人獻上他們心目中的美食,比如駱駝眼珠或羊鞭!如果你深入沙漠,遇到一些貝都因人***阿拉伯遊牧民族***,他們還會讓你在一旁稍等片刻,為你獻上一碗佈滿泡沫的新鮮駱駝奶,仍然帶著駱駝的體溫,散發著天然的奶香。當然,他們期待你把整碗駱駝奶一飲而盡。***感謝英籍專家Brian Salter提供本條沙特內容。他曾在沙特KSA2電視臺做了10年主播,都是他的親身經歷。順便說一句,他對駱駝眼睛的評價是:yummy...***


  In Australia, shout drinks to a group on arrival at the pub. "Shouting" is a revered custom where people rotate paying for a round of drinks. Don't leave before it's your turn to buy!



  In Russia, put your wrists on the edge of the table while eating, and keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.


  Vodka is for toasting, not for casual sipping; wait for the cue. Men are expected to down shots in one gulp, while women are usually excused. Never mix your vodka or dilute it. And don't place an empty bottle on the table – it must be placed on the floor.



  In Sweden, it's considered vulgar to clink your glasses aside from formal "skals" ***cheers***.



  In France, never, ever discuss money over dinner. And splitting the bill is considered the height of unsophistication.



  In restaurants in Portugal, don't ask for salt and pepper if it is not already on the table. Asking for any kind of seasoning or condiment is to cast aspersions on the cook. And cooks are highly respected people in Portugal.



  In general, Americans try to eat neatly, without making a lot of noise. If something on the table is out of your reach, politely ask someone to pass it to you. Do not bend over to eat. Sit up as straight as you can without being uncomfortable. Do not talk with your mouth full. Table napkins are placed on your lap, folded in half if they are very large. Use your fork, knife and spoon to eat your food. There are some exceptions, such as lobster and corn on the cob, cookies, shrimps, and fried chicken. Better watch what other people do. If you do eat with your hands, don't lick your fingers to clean them. Use the napkin carefully.



  Whenever you catch the eye of someone who's eating in Mexico, stranger or not, say "provecho" ***enjoy***. Don't avoid this custom. It's good manners and feels nice.



  Avoid arriving on time for a dinner party in a private home. You are expected to be at least a little late in Brazil. Arriving 30 minutes after your invitation time will usually suffice. Say "bon apetite" to the rest of the diners at your table before beginning to eat. Use your knife and fork to eat everything. Brazilian etiquette rarely permits touching food with your hands. Even fruit and pizza are eaten with a fork and knife. Keep your elbows off the table, particularly in formal settings.

  參加私人宴會時,切記要遲到一會兒,比約定時間晚上半個小時是不錯的選擇。在開動前,對在座的客人說一句"好胃口"***bon apetite***。記得吃所有食物都要用刀叉,包括水果、披薩等,巴西餐桌禮儀很少允許用手觸碰食物。特別注意在正式場合手肘不能放在桌上。


  Eating from individual plates strikes most in Ethiopia as hilarious, bizarre and wasteful. Food is always shared from a single plate without the use of cutlery. Greed is considered uncivilized so try not to guzzle. The meat dishes are usually the last things eaten, so don't home in on them straight away.

