百合,學名Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker又名強蜀、番韭、山丹、倒仙、重邁、中庭、摩羅、重箱、中逢花、百合蒜、大師傅蒜、蒜腦薯、夜合花等,是百合科百合屬學名:Lilium多年生草本球根植物,原產於中國,主要分佈在亞洲東部、歐洲、北美洲等北半球溫帶地區,全球已發現有至少120個品種,其中55種產於中國。那麼,你知道怎麼說嗎?
百合 [bǎi hé]
lily root
lily bulb
I like her soft lilied fingers.
The conditions for liquefaction and saccharification of lily juice were discussed.
The botanical name is lilium in the liliaceae family.
My tiger lily just sprouted up last year by an act of nature.
She found a bouquet of lilies on her bed.
Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.
Easter lilies are one of the first signs of spring.
Onions and lilies grow from bulbs.
My favourite flower is the lily.
Not all units have to be held by her attention before they can be killed.
The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses 花壇里長滿了百合和玫瑰。
Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production 百合子和尤爾幾乎在生產的每個方面都看法一致。
She was fair and pure as a lily that had bloomed in Paradise 她如同天堂中開放的百合一樣嬌好純真
Her latest role will be as Sayuri in the upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha 她最新的角色是即將上映的《藝妓回憶錄》中的小百合
Fruits and embryos were obtained by self - pollination of Avignon and Liliumbrownii 俄維農自交和野百合自交可以獲得自交果實和自交胚
Two minutes later, Viola will also have an opportunity, Gilardino attemptedheader 兩分鐘後紫百合也有機會, 吉拉迪諾頭球攻門偏出
The botanical name is lilium in the liliaceae family 它的植物學上的名字是百合科百合屬植物
Lily powder was pre - treated by nitric acid and perchloric acid beforedetermination 百合經過硝酸、高氯酸處理後,再用原子吸收分光光度法測定其微量元素含量
The population dynamic of Myzus Persicae on Lilium Speciosum was studied 研究了百合上桃蚜種群數量季節變動動態
Different male sterility types were among the three lilies 不同基因型的百合產生雄性不育變異型別有差異
Objective : To determine the best manure scheme of lily Lilium lancifolium 目的: 確定 百合 的最佳施肥方案
Why didn't he send me lilies? [ at card ] Who's Iris? 為什麼他不送我百合? 看看卡片 誰是艾麗斯?
I love bulb of lily, her pure, her beautiful 我愛百合, 她的純, 她的美
He took off his lily and handed the unicorn 他摘下一朵百合,遞給了獨角獸
Rapid propagation of the Asiatic hybrids scales was studied 研究了亞洲百合鱗片試管快繁技術
Perennial border such as daffodil, daisy, lily, phlox, iris, etc 栽種多年生植物如水仙花、 雛菊 、 百合 、 福祿考 、 蝴蝶花等的條形綠化帶
Objective To evaluate the antidepressant effect of Ganmai DazaoDecoction 目的探討甘麥大棗合百合地黃湯的抗抑鬱作用
We have planted several flowers, such as roses and lilies 我們已種了幾種花, 如玫瑰和百合
Wash dried lily bulb Wash red dates and remove the stones 先將乾百合洗淨, 紅棗洗淨去核
New taxa of the genus Aspidistra Liliaceae from Sichuan 四川 百合科 蜘蛛抱蛋屬新植物