
General 更新 2024年10月06日



  Yu Gong Moves Away the Mountains

        In ancient times, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He was nearly 90 years old. There were two mountains in front of his house. One was the Taihang Mountain, the other the Wangwu Mountain. It was very inconvenient for people to come and go.


  One day, Yu Gong said to the whole family:


  "These two mountains block the doorway of our house. It is very inconvenient for us to come and go. Let our whole family exert efforts to move away these two mountains. How about it?"


  Upon hearing this, all his sons and grandsons said:


  "You are right. Let us start tomorrow!"


  But his wife felt it too difficult to move the mountains. She said:


  "Do you know how high these two mountains are? How can you move such big mountains? Where can you put all the stones and earth?"


  Everybody said:


  "So long as we work hard together, we can certainly move away these two mountains. We can carry the stones and earth of the mountains to the sea."


  The following day, Yu Gong led the whole family and started to move the mountains. His neighbour was a widow with a son, only 7 or 8 years old. When he heard of this, he also came to help happily. They worked nonstop every day, fearing neither heat in summer nor cold in winter, neither wind nor rain.


  When a shrewd old man named Zhi Sou saw Yu Gong's family moving the mountains, he thought it ridiculous and said to Yu Gong:


  "You are so old that you can hardly walk. Can you move the mountains?"


  Yu Gong replied:


  "You are not even as clever as a child. Though I am about to die, I have sons. When my sons die, there are still grandsons. Generation after generation, my offspring are endless. But with more and more stones being removed, smaller and smaller will the mountains become. Not a grain of earth or a piece of stone will grow on the mountains. If we work without stop every day, why can't we move away the mountains?"


  Zhi Sou, who thought himself clever, had nothing more to say.


  Yu Gong led his family digging the mountains continually from early morning till late night. They finally moved God, who sent two celestials to the world to move away these two mountains.



  Two Children Argue About the Sun

        Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas, On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other. Confucius asked:


  "Children, what are you arguing about?"


  One child said:


  "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is nearer to us, and at noon, it is farther from us."


  The other child argued:


  "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is farther from us, but at noon it is nearer to us."


  One child said:


  "As is known to all, things far away look smaller and things nearer look bigger. When the sun rises, it is as big as the canopy on a carnage; at noon it is only as big as a plate or a dish. Doesn't this show that when the sun rises, it is nearer to us?"


  The other child said:


  "We all know that things nearby make us feel hot, and things far away make us feel cool. When the sun comes out, the air is clear and clean; at noon it is as hot as putting the hand in hot water. Doesn't this show that the sun is nearer to us at noon?"


  The two children went on arguing endlessly. Confucius was unable to judge who was right. The two children laughed at him:


  "Who said you are learned and erudite?"



  The Man of Qi Worries About the Sky

  In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy all day long. He was afraid that the sky might collapse, the land might cave in and he would have no place to live. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep.


  One man who was worried about him came to enlighten him by saying:


  "The sky is only an air mass. All men's activities are inside this mass. Why do you worry that the sky would fall?"


  The man of Qi asked:


  "If the sky were really an air mass, then wouldn't the sun, the moon and the stars fall down?"


  That man said:


  "The sun, the moon and the stars are only things that can shine in this mass. Even if they fall down, they would not harm people."


  The man of Qi asked again:


  "Then what can I do when the land sinks?"


  The man said:


  "The land is only piled-up earth. There is earth everywhere. Every day you walk on the land. Why do you worry that it would sink`?"


  When the man of Qi heard this, his worries vanished at once and he became very glad. The man who enlightened him and cured his melancholia was very pleased too.




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