
General 更新 2024年10月01日


  1.Is it yours?它是你的嗎?

  2.Yes,it’s mine是,是我的。

  3.Where’s the door?門在哪兒?

  4.There it is門在那兒。

  5.Is this book his?這本書是他的嗎?

  6.What are these?這些是什麼?

  7.Those are books那些是書。

  8.Where are the books?那些書在哪兒?

  9.There they are在那兒。

  10.These are my pencils這些是我的鉛筆。

  11.Where are your pens?你的那些鋼筆在哪兒?

  12.They’re over there在那裡。

  13.Are these your pens?這些是你的鋼筆嗎?

  14.Yes,they are是我的。

  15.Those are mine那些是我的。

  16.These are your books,aren’t they?這些書是你的,對不對?

  17.No,they aren’t不,不是。

  18.They’re not mine不是我的。

  19.These are mine,and those are yours這些是我的,而那些是你的。

  20.Those aren’t your pens,are they?那些鋼筆不是你的,對吧?

  21.What color is your book?你的書是什麼顏色的?

  22.My book has a dark blue cover我的書是深藍色封面。

  23.How much does that typewriter weigh?打字機重量多少?

  24.It's not too heavy,but I don't know the exact weight這個不重,但是我不知道具體重量。

  25.This round table weighs about forty-five pounds這個圓桌大概四十五磅。

  26.What size suitcase do you own?你手提箱多大尺寸?

  27.One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size我的一個手提箱很小,另一個是中等大小。

  28.I like the shape of that table我喜歡那張桌子的形狀。

  29.How long is Jones Boulevard?瓊斯大道多長?

  30.That street is only two miles long那條街只有兩英里長。

  31.Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is?請你測量一下這個視窗,看看它有多寬?

  32.This window is just as wide as that one這個窗和那個窗一樣寬。

  33.The walls are three inches thick牆壁三英寸厚。

  34.This material feels soft這種材料感覺很柔軟。

  35.This pencil is longer than that one這支鉛筆長於那支鉛筆。

  36.Would you please tell MrCooper that I'm here你能告訴庫珀先生我在這嗎?

  37.Take these books home with you tonight今天晚上把這些書放在家裡。

  38.Please bring me those magazines請幫我把那些雜誌拿過來。

  39.Would you help me lift this heavy box?你能幫我拿起這個重盒子嗎?

  40.Please ask John to turn on the lights請讓約翰開啟燈。

  41.Put your books down on the table把你的書放在桌子上。

  42.Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you?給我從廚房一個錘子,好嗎?

  43.Hang up my coat in the closet,will you please?把衣服掛在衣櫃裡,可以嗎?

  44.Please don't bother me nowI'm very busy請不要打擾我了,我很忙

  45.Would you mind mailing this letter for me?你介意郵寄這封信給我嗎?

  46.If you have time,will you call me tomorrow?如果你有時間,明天你會打電話給我嗎?

  47.Please pick up those cups and saucers請拿起這些杯子和碟子。

  48.Will you do me a favor?你能幫我個忙嗎?

  49.Please count the chairs in that room請數一下那個房間裡的椅子。

  50.Please pour this milk into that glass請把牛奶倒入玻璃杯裡。
