
General 更新 2024年10月05日



  A***Earlier this month, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service announced it would appoint" critical habitat" for the endangered jaguar. Jaguars--the world's third-largest wild cats, weighing up to 250 pounds, with distinctive black rosettes *** 玫瑰花色 *** on their fur--are a separate species from the smaller, tawny ***黃褐色的 *** mountain lions, which still roam large areas of the American West in the United States and take the first steps toward mandating ***批准*** a jaguar recovery plan. This is a policy reversal and, on the surface, it may appear to be a victory for the conservation community and for jaguars, the largest wild cats in the Western Hemisphere.

  B*** But as someone who has studied jaguars for nearly three decades, I can tell you it is nothing less than a slap in the face to good science. What's more, by changing the rules for animal preservation, it stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act.

  C***The debate on what to do about jaguars started in 1997, when, at the urging of many biologists *** including me***, the Fish and Wildlife Service put the jaguar on the United States endangered species list, because there had been occasional sightings of the cats crossing north over the United States-Mexico border. At the same time, however, the agency ruled that it would not be "prudent" ***謹慎的 *** to declare that the jaguar has critical .habitat--a geographic area containing features the species needs to survive--in the United States. Determining an endangered species' critical habitat is a first step toward developing a plan for helping that species recover.

  D***The 1997 decision not to determine critical habitat for the jaguar was the right one, because even though they cross the border from time to time, jaguars don't occupy any territory in our country--and that probably means the environment here is no longer ideal for them.

  E***In prehistoric times, these beautiful cats inhabited significant areas of the western United States, but in the past 100 years, there have been few, if any, resident breeding populations here. The last time a female jaguar with a cub *** 幼獸 *** was sighted in this country was in the early 1900s.

  F***Two well-intentioned conservation advocacy groups, the Center for Biological Diversity and Defenders of Wildlife, sued the Fish and Wildlife Service to change its ruling. Thus in 2006, the agency reassessed the situation and again determined that no areas in the United States met the definition of critical habitat for the jaguar. Despite occasional sightings, mostly within 40 miles of the Mexican border, there were still no data to indicate jaguars had taken up residence inside the United States.

  G *** After this second ruling was made, an Arizona rancher *** 牧場主 ***, with support from the state Game and Fish Department, set infrared-camera ***紅外攝像機 *** traps togather more data, and essentially confirmed the Fish and Wildlife Service's findings. The cameras did capture transient jaguars, including one male jaguar, nick named Macho, B, who roamed the Arizona borderlands for more than a decade. But Macho B, now dead, might have been the sole resident American jaguar, and his extensive travels indicated he was not having an easy time surviving in this dry, rugged region.

  H*** Despite the continued evidence, the two conservation advocacy groups continued to sue the government. Apparently, they want jaguars to repopulate the United State seven if jaguars don't wan! to. Last March, a federal district judge in Arizona ordered the Fish and Wildlife Service to revisit its 2006 determination on critical habitat.

  I***The facts haven't changed: there is still no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar. But, having asserted this twice already, the service, nowunder a new president, has bent to the tiresome litigation ***訴訟***. On Jan. 12, Fish and Wildlife officials, claimed to have evaluated new scientific information that had become available after the July 2006 ruling. They determined that it is now prudent to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.

  J***This means that Fish and Wildlife must now also formulate a recovery plan for the jaguar. And since jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century, the government will likely have to go to significant expense to attempt to bring them back--especially if the cats have to be reintroduced.

  K***So why not do everything we can, at whatever cost, to bring jaguars back into the United States? To begin with, the American Southwest is, at best, marginal habitat for the animals. More important, there are better ways to help jaguars. South of our border, from Mexico to Argentina, thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat. Governments and conservation groups ***including the one I head*** are already working hard to conserve jaguar populations and connect them to one another through an initiative called the Jaguar Corridor.

  L***.The jaguars that now and then cross into the United States most likely come from the northernmost population of jaguars, in Sonora, Mexico. Rather than demand jaguars return to our country, we should help Mexico and other jaguar-range countries conserve the animals' true habitat it

  M ***The recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service means that the rare federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars. It also stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act, because if critical habitat is redefined as any place where a species might ever have existed, and where you or I might want it to exist again, then the door is open for many other sense less efforts to bring back long-lost creatures.

  N***The Fish and Wildlife officials whose job is to protect the country's wild animals need to grow a stronger backbone--stick with their original, correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work. Otherwise, when funds are needed to preserve all those small, ugly, non-charismatic endangered species at the back of the line, there may be no money left.

  1. It is still a fact that there is no suitable place for jaguars to live safely in the United States.

  2. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service should be more determined and saving for the conservation work.

  3. Jaguars were regarded as endangered species because of their rare appearance at the United States-Mexico border.

  4. Money was not spent effectively in helping save jaguars in the recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service.

  5. It can be inferred that the United States is not the best choice for jaguars to live from the evidence that they don't settle anywhere here.

  6. South of the United States' border, from Mexico to Argentina, is the true critical habitat for jaguars.

  7. The number of jaguars breeding populations in significant areas of the western United States has deceased in the past century.

  8. It is necessary for the government to invest lots of funds in order to help jaguars to reestablish.

  9. It didn't indicate that jaguars had settled down in the United States even though they were seen within 40 miles of the Mexican border at times.

  10. Fish and Wildlife officials were sure enough to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.


  【定位】由題幹中的still a fact和no suitable place定位到原文I***段第一句:11lefacts haven’t changed:there is still no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar.

  【精解】原文中的the facts haven’t changed對應題幹中的it is still a fact,原文中的no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar對應題幹中的no suitable place for jaguars to live safely in the United States,因此原文定位句和題幹是同義轉述,故選I***。


  【定位】由題幹中的determined and saving for the conservation work定位到原文N***段第一句:The Fish and Wild Life officials whose job is to protect the country's wild animals need to grow a stronger backbone——stick with their original.correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work.

  【精解】定位句表明美國魚類和野生動物服務中心需要堅持他們最初的正確的決定並且為更為重要的美洲虎保護工作節省資金。題於中的be more determined對應原文中的9row a stronger backbone,故選N***。


  【定位】由題幹中的regarded as endangered species定位到原文c***段第一句:…the Fish and Wildlife Service put the jaguar on the United States endangered species list,because there had been occasional sightings of the cats crossing north over the United States.Mexico border.



  【定位】由題幹中的in the recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service定位到原文M***段第一句:The recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service means that the rare federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars.

  【精解】由定位句可知,美國魚類和野生動物服務中心的最近行動意味著致力於保護野生動物的稀有的聯邦資金被浪費了。題幹中的not spent effectively“***資金***沒有被有效利用”與此為同義轉述,故M***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的 the best choice for jaguars to live定位到原文D***段:…jaguars don’t occupy any territory in our country--and that probably means the environment here is no longer ideal for them.

  【精解】題幹中的the best choice與原文中的ideal屬於同義轉述,題幹中的don’t settle anywhere here與原文中的don’t occupy any territory in our country也屬於同義轉述,故D***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的from Mexico to Argentina定位到原文K***段第四句:South of our border.from Mexico to Argentina,thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat.

  【精解】題幹中的from Mexico to Argentina和原文中的一樣,原文意思是美洲虎在這些地點繁衍生息,也就是它們真正的危急棲息地,故K***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的breeding populations定位到原文E***段第一句:In prehistoric times.these beautiful cats inhabited significant areas of the western United States,but in the past l00 years。there have been few,if any,resident breeding populations here.



  【定位】由題幹中的help jaguars to reestablish定位到原文J***段第二句:And since jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century,the government will likely have to go to significant expense to attempt to bring them back.

  【精解】原文定位句的意思足“由於過去一個世紀以來,美洲虎無法憑藉自己的力量壯大族群,政府需要投入巨大的資金來幫助它們。’題乾和原文中都出現了reestablish“恢復,重建”,且題幹中的It is necessary for the government to invest lots of funds與原文中的the government will likely have to go to significant expense屬於同義轉換,故J***為答案


  【定位】由題幹中的within 40 miles of the Mexican border定位到原文F***段第三句:Despite occasional sightings,mostly within 40 miles of the Mexican border,there were still no data to indicate jaguars had taken up residence inside the United States.

  【精解】題幹中的even though they were seen…at times與定位句中的Despite occasional sightings屬於同義轉述,題幹中的It didn’t indicate that…與原文巾的there were still no data to indicate也屬於同義轉述,故F***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的 appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States定位到原文I***段第四句:They determined that it is now prudent to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.

  【精解】題幹中和原文定位句中都出現了同一短語appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States,且題幹中的Sure enough和原文中的determined為同義轉述.故I***為答案。


  A*** Like lots of people, I never thought I'd be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest l only did my training because my husband was on a four-year course and 1was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite use full I'm convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life.

  B*** When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportunity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career.

  C*** Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes and observation. I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom. I've got the confidence of 30 years experience. I've seen new approaches come and go ***and sometime even identical "new ideas" come and go more than once***.

  D*** For me, it's the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms ***首字母縮略詞*** add up. This is what will make you a good teacher. There's still room for individuals but you have to have the confidence and passion for your subject to make it work.

  E*** The major challenge in teaching is time. There's not enough of it. It's hard if you're working full time to cope with the marking and feel Eke you have enough time to do your job properly. I've worked part time ever since I had children. I officially work three days a week--trot on my two days off I always work, it probably all adds up to what counts as a full week's work in most other jobs but the pay isn't bad so you can work part time and then the job really does fit in with family life. There are shortcuts to save time, and if had to work part time I'd have to use. them. But working part time gives me the luxury, to be a critical marker. It can take two hours to mark a 3,000 word A level essay, so if you have 16 pupils that's 32 hours of marking in one week for just one class.

  F*** One of the benefits of being a part-time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly. Sometimes my feedback is almost as long as their essay but 1 really want the kids to do well. One of the best things about teaching is you get to raise children's aspirations, and to make a difference in their lives. You get visits and emails from your old students to prove it! It's great to make the difference, and, as they say, it does make it all worthwhile.

  G *** The core of teaching is the subject and the pupils. We have a lot of NQTs and PGCE students coming to our school and sometimes I must admit to being disappointed when students don't know their subjects that well. I had an NQT who was teaching Animal Farm and asked me "What's Marxism?" --and she'd got a first in her degree so it just goes to show that government initiatives to try and attract those with firsts aren't necessarily going work.

  H*** However. lots of people drop out of teaching after a couple of years, it is an exhausting job. So my advice to those just starling out is:

  I*** Don't lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesn't go well. As long as in the higger picture of things you are connecting with kids and the subject--then don't get frustrated. Even after 30 years of teaching everyone has fearful days in teaching, he you think: "Can I really do this?"You've got In keep positive; it's only a problem if you gel mute bad days than good days.

  J***Make sure leaching doesn't overwhelm you. You have Io develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot of marking. So plan things well. Get your pupils to do peer marking, which really can work. If you know you just can't handle any more marking in a particular week, get pupi!s to write a speech and then perform it in the next class. You've got to think ahead about times of maximum workload and plan accordingly--ask your more experienced colleagues for advice

  K***You've got to keep your sense of burnout, which is a great v, ay of relieving a,situation. I know I became a better teacher when I became a parent. I realised that kids can be so unpleasant sometimes, even your own kids. They don't mean it; they're just being kids. It doesn't mean they bate you or hate your lessons, When you're a new teacher coming into teaching, especially if you are young, you think of the students as almost your adversaries ***對手***, anti you've got-to defeat them. But you've got to be, careful what you say. You can't belittle them too much or you can really harm them.

  L*** Love your subject. If you are going to succeed in secondary school leaching you must love your subject. The kids really know if you do or don't.

  M*** You have to know your students are individuals, they learn in different ways. You have to be sensitlive to that.

  N *** You can't just teach to a formula. 1 do worry about the diffcuence between lip service to what the government say it's supposed to be like and what it's really like. I do hate the untrnthfulness of that and the gulf seems to widen more anti more. It feels likewhat matters most is what's tested. The trouble is nothing that is really worthwhile canbe tested. are the love of learning, connection with literature, having empathy *** 移情作用 ***--these are the things that really make a difference to someone's life but of course they can't be tested. Young teachers have to he eareful not to get lost in fimnulas and initiatives. A more experienced teacher will have confidence to respond to kids anti to talk about an issue that's raised in class that's not on the plan. The children will learn so much from that but there's no box to tick.

  1. Keeping sense of humor rather than belittling your students can help relieve a situation.

  2. Teachers should not teach to a formula because what cannot be tested may really matter to a student's life.

  3. For the author, the main challenge in teaching is that there's no enough time.

  4. For teachers faced with a lot of marking, one strategy is to get pupils involved in peer marking.

  5. When dealing with things that happen in the classroom, teachers are advised to decide priorities.

  6. Working part time enables the author to mark students' assignments properly.

  7. The author believes she has received most satisfaction from teaching as a career.8. Students can tell whether a teacher loves his subject or not.

  9. The author thinks that teaching to formal work schemes and observation can make a loss in the classroom.

  10. According to the author, passion for a subject and interest in students' success will make a good teacher.

  1.K*** 【題幹譯文】保持幽默感比貶低學生更能緩解課堂上的突發狀況

  【定位】由題幹中的sense ol humor,belittling you students和relieve a situation定位到原文K***段第一句:You've got to keep your sense of humour.which is a great way of relieving a situation.和最後一句:You can’t belittle them too much 01"vou Carl really harm them.



  【定位】由題幹中的teach to a formula和matter to a student’s life定位到原文N***段第一句:You can't just teach to a formula.和第四句:The trouble is nothing that is really worthwhile Call be tested.So the love of learning,connection with literature,having empathy***移情作用***一出ese are the things that really make a difference to someone’s life but of course they can’t be tested.



  【定位】由題幹中的main challenge in teachin9定位到原文E***段前兩句:.The major challenge in teaching is time.There’s not enough of it.



  【定位】由題幹中的strategy和 peermarkin9定位到原文J***段第二句:You have to develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot ofmarkin9.和第四句:Get your pupils tO do peer markin9.which really can work.



  【定位】由題幹中的things that happen in the classroom定位到原文I***段第一句:Don’t lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesn’t go well.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者建議老師在處理課堂上發生的事情時,不能喪失判斷輕重緩急的能力。原文中的sense of proportion意為“判斷輕重緩急的能力”,與題幹中的decide priorities對應,故答案為I***。


  【定位】由題幹中的working part time和mark students’ assignments properly定位到原文F***段第一句:One of the benefits of being a part.time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者認為兼職教學最大的好處就是可以有時間來好好批改作業。題幹中的enables…t0…是對原文中0ne of the benefits的同義轉述,故答案為F***。


  【定位】由題幹中的most satisfaction from teachin9定位到原文A***段最後一句:I’m convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction,or fitted in SO well with family life.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者認為如果當初她選擇了其他職業,未必會給她這麼多的歡樂和滿足感,即作者從教師這一職業中獲得了最大的滿足感。題幹中的believes對應原文中的I'm convinced,故答案為A***。


  【定位】由題幹中的students,a teacher和loves his subject定位到原文L***段最後一句:The kids really know if you do or don't

  【精解】在L***段中,作者建議老師們要熱愛自己所教授的科目,學生們可以看得出來你是否喜歡。題幹中的can tell對應原文巾的really know,故答案為L***。


  【定位】由題幹中的formal work schemes and observation定位到原文C***段前兩句:Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work scheme sand observation.I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom.

  【精解】定位句提到,教師現在都要按照教案和教案評論上課,作者認為,這雖然提高了教師的專業水平,但也造成了課堂上的損失。題幹中的make a loss對應原文中的feel the loss,故答案為C***。


  【定位】由題幹中的 passion for a subject and interest in students’ Success定位到原文D***段前兩句:For me.it’s the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms***首字母縮寫詞***add up.This is what will make you a good teacher.

  【精解】定位句第二句中的This指代的是前一句話,即成為一名優秀老師的標準就是對於所教課程的熱情以及關注學生所取得的成功,這比講授什麼內容更加重要。題幹是對這兩句話的整合。故答案為D***。  在英語學習過程中,閱讀理解能力是學習者發展語言能力的基礎和手段。國內的各類英語考試中幾乎都有閱讀理解題型,大學英語四級考試也不例外。大學英語四級閱讀理解試題是試卷中分值最重的題型,為了提高大家的閱讀水平,下面是小編為大家帶來,希望對大家的學習有所幫助!


  A***Earlier this month, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service announced it would appoint" critical habitat" for the endangered jaguar. Jaguars--the world's third-largest wild cats, weighing up to 250 pounds, with distinctive black rosettes *** 玫瑰花色 *** on their fur--are a separate species from the smaller, tawny ***黃褐色的 *** mountain lions, which still roam large areas of the American West in the United States and take the first steps toward mandating ***批准*** a jaguar recovery plan. This is a policy reversal and, on the surface, it may appear to be a victory for the conservation community and for jaguars, the largest wild cats in the Western Hemisphere.

  B*** But as someone who has studied jaguars for nearly three decades, I can tell you it is nothing less than a slap in the face to good science. What's more, by changing the rules for animal preservation, it stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act.

  C***The debate on what to do about jaguars started in 1997, when, at the urging of many biologists *** including me***, the Fish and Wildlife Service put the jaguar on the United States endangered species list, because there had been occasional sightings of the cats crossing north over the United States-Mexico border. At the same time, however, the agency ruled that it would not be "prudent" ***謹慎的 *** to declare that the jaguar has critical .habitat--a geographic area containing features the species needs to survive--in the United States. Determining an endangered species' critical habitat is a first step toward developing a plan for helping that species recover.

  D***The 1997 decision not to determine critical habitat for the jaguar was the right one, because even though they cross the border from time to time, jaguars don't occupy any territory in our country--and that probably means the environment here is no longer ideal for them.

  E***In prehistoric times, these beautiful cats inhabited significant areas of the western United States, but in the past 100 years, there have been few, if any, resident breeding populations here. The last time a female jaguar with a cub *** 幼獸 *** was sighted in this country was in the early 1900s.

  F***Two well-intentioned conservation advocacy groups, the Center for Biological Diversity and Defenders of Wildlife, sued the Fish and Wildlife Service to change its ruling. Thus in 2006, the agency reassessed the situation and again determined that no areas in the United States met the definition of critical habitat for the jaguar. Despite occasional sightings, mostly within 40 miles of the Mexican border, there were still no data to indicate jaguars had taken up residence inside the United States.

  G *** After this second ruling was made, an Arizona rancher *** 牧場主 ***, with support from the state Game and Fish Department, set infrared-camera ***紅外攝像機 *** traps togather more data, and essentially confirmed the Fish and Wildlife Service's findings. The cameras did capture transient jaguars, including one male jaguar, nick named Macho, B, who roamed the Arizona borderlands for more than a decade. But Macho B, now dead, might have been the sole resident American jaguar, and his extensive travels indicated he was not having an easy time surviving in this dry, rugged region.

  H*** Despite the continued evidence, the two conservation advocacy groups continued to sue the government. Apparently, they want jaguars to repopulate the United State seven if jaguars don't wan! to. Last March, a federal district judge in Arizona ordered the Fish and Wildlife Service to revisit its 2006 determination on critical habitat.

  I***The facts haven't changed: there is still no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar. But, having asserted this twice already, the service, nowunder a new president, has bent to the tiresome litigation ***訴訟***. On Jan. 12, Fish and Wildlife officials, claimed to have evaluated new scientific information that had become available after the July 2006 ruling. They determined that it is now prudent to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.

  J***This means that Fish and Wildlife must now also formulate a recovery plan for the jaguar. And since jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century, the government will likely have to go to significant expense to attempt to bring them back--especially if the cats have to be reintroduced.

  K***So why not do everything we can, at whatever cost, to bring jaguars back into the United States? To begin with, the American Southwest is, at best, marginal habitat for the animals. More important, there are better ways to help jaguars. South of our border, from Mexico to Argentina, thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat. Governments and conservation groups ***including the one I head*** are already working hard to conserve jaguar populations and connect them to one another through an initiative called the Jaguar Corridor.

  L***.The jaguars that now and then cross into the United States most likely come from the northernmost population of jaguars, in Sonora, Mexico. Rather than demand jaguars return to our country, we should help Mexico and other jaguar-range countries conserve the animals' true habitat it

  M ***The recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service means that the rare federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars. It also stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act, because if critical habitat is redefined as any place where a species might ever have existed, and where you or I might want it to exist again, then the door is open for many other sense less efforts to bring back long-lost creatures.

  N***The Fish and Wildlife officials whose job is to protect the country's wild animals need to grow a stronger backbone--stick with their original, correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work. Otherwise, when funds are needed to preserve all those small, ugly, non-charismatic endangered species at the back of the line, there may be no money left.

  1. It is still a fact that there is no suitable place for jaguars to live safely in the United States.

  2. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service should be more determined and saving for the conservation work.

  3. Jaguars were regarded as endangered species because of their rare appearance at the United States-Mexico border.

  4. Money was not spent effectively in helping save jaguars in the recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service.

  5. It can be inferred that the United States is not the best choice for jaguars to live from the evidence that they don't settle anywhere here.

  6. South of the United States' border, from Mexico to Argentina, is the true critical habitat for jaguars.

  7. The number of jaguars breeding populations in significant areas of the western United States has deceased in the past century.

  8. It is necessary for the government to invest lots of funds in order to help jaguars to reestablish.

  9. It didn't indicate that jaguars had settled down in the United States even though they were seen within 40 miles of the Mexican border at times.

  10. Fish and Wildlife officials were sure enough to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.


  【定位】由題幹中的still a fact和no suitable place定位到原文I***段第一句:11lefacts haven’t changed:there is still no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar.

  【精解】原文中的the facts haven’t changed對應題幹中的it is still a fact,原文中的no area in the United States essential to the conservation of the jaguar對應題幹中的no suitable place for jaguars to live safely in the United States,因此原文定位句和題幹是同義轉述,故選I***。


  【定位】由題幹中的determined and saving for the conservation work定位到原文N***段第一句:The Fish and Wild Life officials whose job is to protect the country's wild animals need to grow a stronger backbone——stick with their original.correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work.

  【精解】定位句表明美國魚類和野生動物服務中心需要堅持他們最初的正確的決定並且為更為重要的美洲虎保護工作節省資金。題於中的be more determined對應原文中的9row a stronger backbone,故選N***。


  【定位】由題幹中的regarded as endangered species定位到原文c***段第一句:…the Fish and Wildlife Service put the jaguar on the United States endangered species list,because there had been occasional sightings of the cats crossing north over the United States.Mexico border.



  【定位】由題幹中的in the recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service定位到原文M***段第一句:The recent move by the Fish and Wildlife Service means that the rare federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars.

  【精解】由定位句可知,美國魚類和野生動物服務中心的最近行動意味著致力於保護野生動物的稀有的聯邦資金被浪費了。題幹中的not spent effectively“***資金***沒有被有效利用”與此為同義轉述,故M***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的 the best choice for jaguars to live定位到原文D***段:…jaguars don’t occupy any territory in our country--and that probably means the environment here is no longer ideal for them.

  【精解】題幹中的the best choice與原文中的ideal屬於同義轉述,題幹中的don’t settle anywhere here與原文中的don’t occupy any territory in our country也屬於同義轉述,故D***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的from Mexico to Argentina定位到原文K***段第四句:South of our border.from Mexico to Argentina,thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat.

  【精解】題幹中的from Mexico to Argentina和原文中的一樣,原文意思是美洲虎在這些地點繁衍生息,也就是它們真正的危急棲息地,故K***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的breeding populations定位到原文E***段第一句:In prehistoric times.these beautiful cats inhabited significant areas of the western United States,but in the past l00 years。there have been few,if any,resident breeding populations here.



  【定位】由題幹中的help jaguars to reestablish定位到原文J***段第二句:And since jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century,the government will likely have to go to significant expense to attempt to bring them back.

  【精解】原文定位句的意思足“由於過去一個世紀以來,美洲虎無法憑藉自己的力量壯大族群,政府需要投入巨大的資金來幫助它們。’題乾和原文中都出現了reestablish“恢復,重建”,且題幹中的It is necessary for the government to invest lots of funds與原文中的the government will likely have to go to significant expense屬於同義轉換,故J***為答案


  【定位】由題幹中的within 40 miles of the Mexican border定位到原文F***段第三句:Despite occasional sightings,mostly within 40 miles of the Mexican border,there were still no data to indicate jaguars had taken up residence inside the United States.

  【精解】題幹中的even though they were seen…at times與定位句中的Despite occasional sightings屬於同義轉述,題幹中的It didn’t indicate that…與原文巾的there were still no data to indicate也屬於同義轉述,故F***為答案。


  【定位】由題幹中的 appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States定位到原文I***段第四句:They determined that it is now prudent to appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States.

  【精解】題幹中和原文定位句中都出現了同一短語appoint critical habitat for the jaguar in the United States,且題幹中的Sure enough和原文中的determined為同義轉述.故I***為答案。


  A*** Like lots of people, I never thought I'd be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest l only did my training because my husband was on a four-year course and 1was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite use full I'm convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life.

  B*** When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportunity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career.

  C*** Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes and observation. I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom. I've got the confidence of 30 years experience. I've seen new approaches come and go ***and sometime even identical "new ideas" come and go more than once***.

  D*** For me, it's the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms ***首字母縮略詞*** add up. This is what will make you a good teacher. There's still room for individuals but you have to have the confidence and passion for your subject to make it work.

  E*** The major challenge in teaching is time. There's not enough of it. It's hard if you're working full time to cope with the marking and feel Eke you have enough time to do your job properly. I've worked part time ever since I had children. I officially work three days a week--trot on my two days off I always work, it probably all adds up to what counts as a full week's work in most other jobs but the pay isn't bad so you can work part time and then the job really does fit in with family life. There are shortcuts to save time, and if had to work part time I'd have to use. them. But working part time gives me the luxury, to be a critical marker. It can take two hours to mark a 3,000 word A level essay, so if you have 16 pupils that's 32 hours of marking in one week for just one class.

  F*** One of the benefits of being a part-time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly. Sometimes my feedback is almost as long as their essay but 1 really want the kids to do well. One of the best things about teaching is you get to raise children's aspirations, and to make a difference in their lives. You get visits and emails from your old students to prove it! It's great to make the difference, and, as they say, it does make it all worthwhile.

  G *** The core of teaching is the subject and the pupils. We have a lot of NQTs and PGCE students coming to our school and sometimes I must admit to being disappointed when students don't know their subjects that well. I had an NQT who was teaching Animal Farm and asked me "What's Marxism?" --and she'd got a first in her degree so it just goes to show that government initiatives to try and attract those with firsts aren't necessarily going work.

  H*** However. lots of people drop out of teaching after a couple of years, it is an exhausting job. So my advice to those just starling out is:

  I*** Don't lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesn't go well. As long as in the higger picture of things you are connecting with kids and the subject--then don't get frustrated. Even after 30 years of teaching everyone has fearful days in teaching, he you think: "Can I really do this?"You've got In keep positive; it's only a problem if you gel mute bad days than good days.

  J***Make sure leaching doesn't overwhelm you. You have Io develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot of marking. So plan things well. Get your pupils to do peer marking, which really can work. If you know you just can't handle any more marking in a particular week, get pupi!s to write a speech and then perform it in the next class. You've got to think ahead about times of maximum workload and plan accordingly--ask your more experienced colleagues for advice

  K***You've got to keep your sense of burnout, which is a great v, ay of relieving a,situation. I know I became a better teacher when I became a parent. I realised that kids can be so unpleasant sometimes, even your own kids. They don't mean it; they're just being kids. It doesn't mean they bate you or hate your lessons, When you're a new teacher coming into teaching, especially if you are young, you think of the students as almost your adversaries ***對手***, anti you've got-to defeat them. But you've got to be, careful what you say. You can't belittle them too much or you can really harm them.

  L*** Love your subject. If you are going to succeed in secondary school leaching you must love your subject. The kids really know if you do or don't.

  M*** You have to know your students are individuals, they learn in different ways. You have to be sensitlive to that.

  N *** You can't just teach to a formula. 1 do worry about the diffcuence between lip service to what the government say it's supposed to be like and what it's really like. I do hate the untrnthfulness of that and the gulf seems to widen more anti more. It feels likewhat matters most is what's tested. The trouble is nothing that is really worthwhile canbe tested. are the love of learning, connection with literature, having empathy *** 移情作用 ***--these are the things that really make a difference to someone's life but of course they can't be tested. Young teachers have to he eareful not to get lost in fimnulas and initiatives. A more experienced teacher will have confidence to respond to kids anti to talk about an issue that's raised in class that's not on the plan. The children will learn so much from that but there's no box to tick.

  1. Keeping sense of humor rather than belittling your students can help relieve a situation.

  2. Teachers should not teach to a formula because what cannot be tested may really matter to a student's life.

  3. For the author, the main challenge in teaching is that there's no enough time.

  4. For teachers faced with a lot of marking, one strategy is to get pupils involved in peer marking.

  5. When dealing with things that happen in the classroom, teachers are advised to decide priorities.

  6. Working part time enables the author to mark students' assignments properly.

  7. The author believes she has received most satisfaction from teaching as a career.8. Students can tell whether a teacher loves his subject or not.

  9. The author thinks that teaching to formal work schemes and observation can make a loss in the classroom.

  10. According to the author, passion for a subject and interest in students' success will make a good teacher.

  1.K*** 【題幹譯文】保持幽默感比貶低學生更能緩解課堂上的突發狀況

  【定位】由題幹中的sense ol humor,belittling you students和relieve a situation定位到原文K***段第一句:You've got to keep your sense of humour.which is a great way of relieving a situation.和最後一句:You can’t belittle them too much 01"vou Carl really harm them.



  【定位】由題幹中的teach to a formula和matter to a student’s life定位到原文N***段第一句:You can't just teach to a formula.和第四句:The trouble is nothing that is really worthwhile Call be tested.So the love of learning,connection with literature,having empathy***移情作用***一出ese are the things that really make a difference to someone’s life but of course they can’t be tested.



  【定位】由題幹中的main challenge in teachin9定位到原文E***段前兩句:.The major challenge in teaching is time.There’s not enough of it.



  【定位】由題幹中的strategy和 peermarkin9定位到原文J***段第二句:You have to develop strategies especially if you are teaching a subject which requires a lot ofmarkin9.和第四句:Get your pupils tO do peer markin9.which really can work.



  【定位】由題幹中的things that happen in the classroom定位到原文I***段第一句:Don’t lose your sense of proportion over things that happen in the classroom or in an observation that doesn’t go well.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者建議老師在處理課堂上發生的事情時,不能喪失判斷輕重緩急的能力。原文中的sense of proportion意為“判斷輕重緩急的能力”,與題幹中的decide priorities對應,故答案為I***。


  【定位】由題幹中的working part time和mark students’ assignments properly定位到原文F***段第一句:One of the benefits of being a part.time teacher is that I do have time to mark properly.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者認為兼職教學最大的好處就是可以有時間來好好批改作業。題幹中的enables…t0…是對原文中0ne of the benefits的同義轉述,故答案為F***。


  【定位】由題幹中的most satisfaction from teachin9定位到原文A***段最後一句:I’m convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction,or fitted in SO well with family life.

  【精解】由定位句可知,作者認為如果當初她選擇了其他職業,未必會給她這麼多的歡樂和滿足感,即作者從教師這一職業中獲得了最大的滿足感。題幹中的believes對應原文中的I'm convinced,故答案為A***。


  【定位】由題幹中的students,a teacher和loves his subject定位到原文L***段最後一句:The kids really know if you do or don't

  【精解】在L***段中,作者建議老師們要熱愛自己所教授的科目,學生們可以看得出來你是否喜歡。題幹中的can tell對應原文巾的really know,故答案為L***。


  【定位】由題幹中的formal work schemes and observation定位到原文C***段前兩句:Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work scheme sand observation.I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom.

  【精解】定位句提到,教師現在都要按照教案和教案評論上課,作者認為,這雖然提高了教師的專業水平,但也造成了課堂上的損失。題幹中的make a loss對應原文中的feel the loss,故答案為C***。


  【定位】由題幹中的 passion for a subject and interest in students’ Success定位到原文D***段前兩句:For me.it’s the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms***首字母縮寫詞***add up.This is what will make you a good teacher.

