
General 更新 2025年03月17日


  值得一讀的英語美文:你和我的伊甸園Our Eden

  I do trust, my dearest, that you have been employing this bright day for both of us; for I have spent it in my dungeon, and the only light that broke upon me was when I opened your letter.


  I am sometimes driven to wish that you and I could mount upon a cloud ***as we used to fancy in those heavenly walks of ours***. And be home quite out of sight and hearing of the world; for now all the people in the world seem to come between us. How happy were Adam and Eve!

  我不時產生——個願望,我多麼想和你駕上一朵白雲 ***我們在醉人的漫步中常常這樣幻想***,遠離世俗喧囂;因為現在似乎世界上什麼樣的人都與我們在一起。亞當和夏娃曾經多麼幸福啊!

  There was no third person to come between them, and all the infinity around them only seemed to press their hearts closer together. We love one another as well as there is no silent and love garden of Eden for us. Will you sail away with me to discover some summer island?


  Do you not think that god has reserved one for us, ever since the beginning of the world? Foolish that I am to raise a question of it, since we have found such an Eden such an island sacred to us two whenever we have been together!


  Men we are the Adam and Eve of a virgin earth. Now, good - bye; for voices are babbling around me and I should not wonder if you were to hear the echo of them while you read this letter.


  值得一讀的英語美文:明天真的無法把握碼?Can We Really Couldn't Hold Tomorrow?

  “A year's plan starts with spring. A day's plan starts with morning.” People often would like to make some plans and preparations, even make an accurate calculation of each stage so as to make study and work systematic and orderly.


  On the contrary, “Plan varies faster than change.” Even the most accurate plan may have accidents and maybe disturbed. It then became the excuse for those who are unwilling to make plans.


  Are you good at making plans? Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year? If your plan is disturbed, what will you do? Will you follow suit or be pushed by time?


  值得一讀的英語美文:每每談一場戀愛就如同讀了一本新書 Falling in Love is Like Reading a Book

  Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren't always right.


  Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you.


  You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this time around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it.


  Maybe you’re worn out. You’ve read tons of books before. Some were just light weights on a Kindle or Nook, no big deal really. Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens, heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t worth it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe that time you fell in love with a book before will just never happen for you again. Maybe it’s a once in a lifetime feeling and you’re never gonna find it again.


  Or something exciting could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. That’s always a possibility right? That’s the beauty of risk. The reward could actually be worth it. You invest your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is empathy and a new understanding and pure wonder.


  How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your soul. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not alone.”


  You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author’s ever written. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the slower you read, wanting to savor it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to never having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know you’re better for having this close, inside you, covering your heart and mind.


