Join the chess club
1 你想加入象棋俱樂部嗎?
Do you want to abb the Chin chess club.
2 你們想加入什麼俱樂部?我們想加入象棋俱樂部。
What club do you wang to join? We want to join the chess club.
3 我是在競選象棋俱樂部經理。
I'm running for president of the chess club.
4 我們想加入國際象棋俱樂部。
We want to join the chess club.
5 用XML表示這個國際象棋俱樂部資料時至少產生了兩個問題。
There are at least two issues that arise in representing this chess club data as XML.
6 她攜帶象棋俱樂部的公款潛逃了。
She absconded with the chess club's money.
7 湯姆想參加國際象棋俱樂部,他會下國際象棋。
Tom wants to join the chess club and he can play chess.
8 在我們學校有一個國際象棋俱樂部。
There is a chess club at my school.
9 他想參加象棋俱樂部。
He wants to join the chess club.
10 另外,使用XML表示這個國際象棋俱樂部資料時有幾個常規的語義問題。
In addition, there are a few general semantic problems with using XML to represent this chess club data.