
General 更新 2024年07月05日




  A. 每小題你將聽到一個對話,從所給的A、B、C 三幅圖畫中找出與你所聽內容相符的選項。每段對話聽一遍。



  6. What will Peter do after class?

  A. Do some housework B. Do some homework C. Have nothing to do

  聽第7段對話,回答第7、8 小題。

  7. How does Mr. Wu come to school?

  A. By bike B. By underground C. By taxi

  8. How long does it take Mr. Wu to come to school?

  A. Only ten minutes B. About forty-five minutes C. Twenty minutes


  9. Where is the woman going?

  A. To the post office B. To the museum C. To the fruit shop

  10. How can she find the bridge?

  A. Go down the street and turn left

  B. Go down the street and turn right.

  C. Go along this street until the end

  C. 根據聽到的內容選出正確的選項,完成第11—15小題,讀兩遍。

  11. How long is the shop open every day?

  A. 12 hours. B. 18 hours. C. 20 hours. D. 24 hours

  12. Why do many people like to go shopping in the shop?

  A. It’s a big supermarket.

  B. There are a lot of things in the shop.

  C. The things are good and the shopkeepers are friendly.

  D. It’s not far away.

  13. What did Annie and her mother do on Saturday afternoon?

  A. They did some shopping. B. They did some washing.

  C. They went swimming. D. They did some house work

  14. What did Annie want to buy?

  A. Some food. B. Some comic books. C. Some hair clips. D. some snacks

  15. How much meat did Annie’s mother buy?

  A. Half a kilo. B. One kilo. C. Two kilos. D. One and a half kilos


  16. I met _______ eight-year-old boy at the gate. He was Tom’s brother.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  17. Ask the boy not to make any_______. I can’t sleep.

  A. voice B. sound C. noise D. singing

  18. Is there___________ in today’s newspaper?

  A. anything important B. something important

  C. important something D. important anything

  19. __________ bad weather! We have to stay at home.

  A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

  20. My mother often teaches __________ English at home.

  A. our B. ours C. we D. us

  21. it’s about _______ walk from here to the school.

  A. five minute B. five minute's

  C. five minutes' D. five minutes's

  22. My brother was born the evening of March 6th, 1980.

  A. on B. in C. at D. for

  23. --Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

  --Sorry, I can't. I take care of my little sister at home

  because my mother is ill.

  A. can B. can’t C. would D. have to

  24. Be careful! The traffic light is red. You mustn’t go __________ the street now.

  A. in B. along C. on D .across

  25.Our environment ***環境*** can be more comfortable if we have more trees, so we plant ____ every year.

  A. millions trees B. millions of trees

  C. million of tree D. million of tree

  26. -Whose room is this? -It’s ___________.

  A. Ann and Mary’s B. Ann’s and Mary’s

  C. Ann’s and Mary D. Ann and Mary

  27. The baby is sleeping. So we walk into the room 。

  A. quiet B. quite C. quickly D. quietly

  28. Listen! I can hear Simon__________ in the next room.

  A. sings B. singing C. to sing D. to singing

  29. The woman is very grateful________ him ________his help.

  A. to, with B. to, for C. with, with D. for, to

  30. ---I failed in my English test last week.


  A. What a pity B. Excuse me C. You’re welcome D. You’re wrong


  How can we stay healthy? One important rule is to exercise 31 .The Fang family do sports every day. Lily Fang 32 exercise in the morning because she must be at her job before seven o’clock. But she runs every evening. Her favourite outdoor sport is running. And she walks a lot, 33 . She walks to school every day and after school she 34 volleyball with her friends. Lily Fang goes to a yoga ***瑜伽*** class 35 .

  Mr. and Mrs. Fang 36 walk. They like to 37 everywhere. They go to work by bike from Monday to Friday. At weekend they sometimes get out of the city to climb Zijin Mountain .

  The Fangs believe doing some exercise can make you feel 38 . And they believe boys and girls should not be lazy. If you don’t have enough time, you 39 exercise every day. But you should 40 to do some physical exercises once in a while.

  31. A.often B.sometimes C.late D.later

  32. A.may not B.can not C.would not D.should not

  33. A.to B.also C.too D.again

  34. A.watches B.plays C.loves D.practices

  35. A.in two weeks B.after two weeks

  C.for two weeks D.twice a week

  36. A.always B.seldom C.usually D.often

  37. A.ride B.drive C.fly D.walk

  38. A.well B.bad C.good D.terrible

  39. A.needn’t B.don’t C.can’t D.mustn’t

  40. A.try B.want C.look forward D.hope



  A frog is a small animal grown in a small river. When he is young, the river is his home. He doesn’t know his parents, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims about and plays with them all the time. At that time, he doesn’t look like his parents. He has no legs and he has a big tail. So he looks like a fish.

  Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And from his body the young frog has four legs and a very short tail. He looks like his parents now. Then he’s going to eat a lot of bad insects ***害蟲*** for trees and grass.

  41. Where is a frog born?

  A. On a farm B. On the land C. In the river D. In the sea

  42. Which of the following is right?

  A. A baby frog stays at home and only knows his parents.

  B. A baby frog looks like a bird and he doesn’t know his parents

  C. A baby frog looks like his parents but he doesn’t know them.

  D. A baby frog looks like a fish and he has a lot of brothers and sisters.

  43. Who does a frog play with all the time?

  A. His parents B. His brothers and sisters C. Fish D. Insects

  44. A frog has _______________. .

  A. four legs and a very short tail. B. four legs but he has a long tail.

  C. no legs but he has a long tail. D. no legs and he looks like a fish.

  45. A baby frog _______________. .

  A. can’t swim B. can’t eat bad insects

  C. has no tail D. can eat bad insects


  Welcome to Our School Library

  Our Library is in the south of our school. The Library is open to every student and the library card is free. You can borrow five books, one CD and four videos —three weeks for books, one week for CDs and videos, at the same time.


  1、 You can borrow picture books for children and all kinds of story books

  2、 You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.

  3. You can’t take any newspapers or magazines out of the library


  1. You can borrow all kinds of video films, TV plays and music videos.

  2. You can’t watch videos here.


  1. You can borrow music audios and language***語言*** audios.

  2. You can enjoy listening in the special rooms here.

  46. If you want to get a library card, you _________.

  A.have to pay one dollar for it B.needn’t pay for it

  C.need to borrow five books first D.need to make a card

  47. You can borrow _______ at a time.

  A.only one video B.two CDs C.five books D.six books

  48. At the library, you can_________.

  A.buy CDs B.read magazines C.watch the videos D.buy cartoons

  49. According to ***根據*** the library rules, you can’t _______.

  A.take newspapers home B.borrow CDs from the library

  C.listen to music at the library D.read newspapers at the library

  50. The library has _________ .

  A.only picture books for children B.all kinds of music shows

  C.only language audios. D.different kinds of video films


  A. 根據所給漢語寫出所缺單詞。

  51.We will be in __________***麻煩*** if we can’t prepare the show well.

  52.I think the ___________ ***第九*** lesson is the most difficult of all.

  53.Tom often goes swimming in summer when it’s warm and _________***晴朗的***.

  54.The students are listening to the teacher____________***仔細地*** in class.

  55. Different people have different _______________***能力***.

  B. 用括號中所給詞的適當形式填空。

  56. At the moment they __________***wait*** for foreign visitors at the gate.

  57. It is a wonderful place with colourful lights __________ ***hold*** a dancing party.

  58. Mr Li ____________***find***a job in a big city two years ago.

  59. I am glad to see so many _________***amaze*** things in the museum.

  60. Don’t put _________***something*** hot into the rubbish bin..


  61. There will be a meeting this afternoon ***改為否定句***

  There _________ _________ a meeting this afternoon.

  62. He put out the fire with a wet blanket. ***對劃線部分提問***

  __________ _________ he put out the fire with?

  63.The cinema is about an hour’s walk from here. ***改為同義句***

  It ______ about an hour ______ _______ to the cinema from here.

  64. What a clever boy Tom is!***改為同義句***

  Tom is!

  65.You can’t leave the stove on. It’s dangerous.***改為祈使句***

  __________ __________ the stove on. It’s dangerous.


  A. Isn’t that interesting? B. Is there anything interesting?

  C. I’m sure you will enjoy it. D. Can you find more about him?

  E. What are you doing?

  Jim: Hello, David!66__________

  David: I’m looking at the amazing things on the Internet.

  Jim: 67____________

  David: Yes. It says the world’s smallest dog is only 7.6 cm tall. 68_______________

  Jim: Yes, it is. Is there anything about people?

  David:Of course. A man in Africa is 2.3 m tall.

  Jim: Wow! Even taller than Yao Ming! 69_________

  David: Yes. Why don’t we look for it on the internet together? 70_________________

  Jim: OK.


  A. 根據短文內容, 按要求回答問題。

  The Canadian people are not all the same. There are many different groups in Canada. People came to Canada at different times. They came from different places. Many of them still live in different ways.

  In early times, only Native ***土著的*** Americans lived in Canada. They arrived thousands of years ago. Today there are about fifty different American groups. The Eskimos came after the Native Americans did. Most of them live in the north of Canada, where it is very cold.

  The European settlers started arriving 450 years ago. Most came from France. They are a large group in Canada today. They follow French customs or ways of doing things. Later, most settlers came from England and Scotland. They spoke English. Some Canadians came from Germany and Italy. There are smaller groups from other places, too. But today more than half Canadian people speak English.

  You can see that different kinds of people are called Canadians. Many people do not want to forget their own lifestyles and languages. But they share the largest country on Earth. They work together for a bright future. They are all Canadians.

  71.Are the Canadian people all the same?

  72.Who first came to live in Canada?

  73.How many American groups are there in Canada today?

  74.What language do most Canadians speak today?


  B. 根據短文內容及首字母提示,填寫所缺單詞。

  A young man called John met a friend of his in the street one day. The friend said, “I’m going away for a short time. Will you please look a 76 my parrot for me?”

  The man answered yes at once, and b 77 the parrot to his house. The man had a pet cat. The cat was lying on the window ledge. It looked at the parrot with its eyes open w 78 and wanted to know whether it was a bird or not. If it was a bird, it would be nice to eat. Very s 79 the cat came nearer and nearer. It was thinking how nice it would be to have something to eat for a meal.

  The poor parrot was a little a 80 . It didn’t know what to do. It k 81 quiet u 82 the cat was near enough to jump on it. Then, suddenly, the parrot asked, “Do you have your breakfast?”

  The cat was so s 83 that it ran away as fast as it could. Maybe the cat was saying to i 84 , “That thing can t 85 like my master John. It can’t be a bird. And unluckily I have no food for today’s breakfast.”



  Dear Mr Li,

  I would like to recommend Sandy for this year’s Best Youth Award.

  Yours sincerely,




  A. 聽下面5段對話,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。每段對話讀兩遍。

  1. W: Hi , Jack . Shall we go swimming this weekend?

  M: Good idea.

  Q: What are they going to do this weekend?

  2. M: Kitty, where is your mother?

  W: She is in the supermarket. She plans to buy some drinks.

  Q: What is kitty’s mother doing?

  3. M: Which animal can live up to 150 years old ?

  W: A tortoise

  Q: Which animal are they talking about?

  4. M: Peter is a helpful student.

  W: Oh, yes. He often gives his seat to people in need on buses.

  Q: What does Peter often do?

  5. M: Hey , Lucy . Which pet do you like best?

  W: I like goldfish best. I can watch it swim around.

  Q: What is Lucy’s favorite pet?

  B. 聽下面3段對話,完成6至10小題。每段對話讀兩遍。


  6. W: Will you come and play basketball with us after class , Peter ?

  M : Sorry . I have a lot of homework to do .

  聽第7段對話,回答第7、8 小題。

  7. W: Mr. Wu, how do you come to school?

  M: Well, I take a taxi to save time.

  W: How long does it take you?

  M: Twenty minutes.


  8. W: Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the museum, please?

  M: Certainly. Go down this street and turn right. Then you will see a bridge. Go across the bridge and you will see a building. That is the museum and it’s between the post office and the fruit shop. You can’t miss it

  W: Is it far from here?

  M: No, it’s quite near. It’ll only take you about 10 minutes if you walk there.

  C. 下面你將聽到一篇短文,根據聽到的短文的內容選出正確的選項,完成第11~15小題,短文讀兩遍。

  There is a big shop near Annie’s home. The shop is open 24 hours a day. So people can go there any time. It has many things. There are a lot of people in the shop every day because the shopkeepers are friendly and things there are good.

  One Saturday afternoon, Annie and her mother went shopping there. Her mother wanted to buy some food for supper and Annie wanted a pair of trainers and some comic books. At last, her mother bought half a kilo of meat, one kilo of fish and two kilos of eggs. Annie also bought what she wanted. They were very happy.
