
General 更新 2025年03月04日




  Dick Whittington was a real person living in England about six hundred years ago. He went toLondon when he was young and made a fortune there by buying and selling cloth. He becameLord Mayor of London, and lent large sums of money to the king. He died in 1423, leaving all hismoney as a gift to help the poor.

  According to the stories, Dick Whittington was a poor orphan who went to London to seek hisfortune because he had heard that its streets were paved with gold. In London he found a jobhelping the cook of a rich merchant. The merchant was sending a ship full of goods toBarbary in North Africa, and told his employees that each of them could send one thing in theship to be sold along with the merchant’s goods. The only thing Dick Whittington owned was acat, so he sent the cat.

  Meanwhile, he was badly treated by the cook and he decided to leave London. As he waswalking away from London, on his way back home, he heard the Bow bells ringing and theyseemed to say to him,

  Turn again, Whittington,

  Lord Mayor of London.

  Dick turned and went back. Soon the ship returned, and Dick learned that his cat had been soldfor a great price because Barbary was full of rats and needed cats to kill them. This started Dickon the road to wealth.







  題外話:這故事很有趣,說明大多數人還是想發意外之財。既然有時天上會掉餡餅,何必流血流汗。殊不知歷史上真實的迪克•惠廷頓是個騎士的兒子,家境殷實。他去倫敦跟一個有錢的親戚學習經商,師傅賞識他的才能,把女兒嫁給了他。他靠雄厚的資本成為鉅商。那麼人們怎麼編出了一個貓的故事?原來,惠廷頓時代還有英國人說法語,他們說惠廷頓發家靠的是“achat”,即“買賣”。但法語中的“貓”是“chat”,所以有人就誤以為他發家靠的是“a chat”,或者說“a cat”。以訛傳訛,後來人們就附會出這樣一段故事。

  故事中提到的“Bow bells”指倫敦聖瑪利亞教堂***St.Mary-le-Bow***的鐘聲。聖瑪利亞教堂位於倫敦市中心附近,多年來以其鐘聲著名。英國有句俗話說,“地道的倫敦佬出生在能聽到聖瑪利亞教堂鐘聲的地方***A true cockney is one born within sound of Bow bells***。



  Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon woman who lived in England during the 11th century. She was the wife of Leofric, Lord of Coventry. According to legend, her husband forced his people to pay such heavy taxes that Lady Godiva felt sorry for them. She asked her husband to reduce the heavy taxes. Her husband said he would if she would ride naked through the town. He thought he was safe in making this promise, but to his astonishment, Lady Godiva accepted the challenge. She asked all the people in the town to stay indoors and closed their shutters as she went by. Then she rode through the streets on a white horse, and her long flowing hair was her only clothing. All the people of the town honoured her request except the town tailor, Tom, who peeped through a shutter and was struck blind. To this day, people still call someone who gets sexual pleasure from watching others secretly a "peeping Tom".


  戈黛娃夫人是十一世紀的一個英國貴婦,丈夫是考文垂的利奧弗裡克伯爵。據說她丈夫在當地橫徵暴斂,老百姓苦不堪言。戈黛娃夫人很同情老百姓,就請求丈夫減輕賦稅。伯爵說可以減稅,但有個條件,戈黛娃須赤裸身體騎馬在城裡走一遭。他心想這下會把妻子難住。不料戈黛娃卻一口答應下來。她先通知城裡所有的人都待在家裡,在她路過時緊閉門窗。然後她騎著一匹白馬,以長髮蔽體,穿過街市。所有的人都尊重她的請求,除去城裡一個叫湯姆的裁縫。湯姆人窗縫偷偷向外張望,登時眼睛就變瞎了。在英語裡,窺視他人以獲得性快感的人被叫做"peeping Tom".




  In the days of king Arthur there lived a ploughman and his wife. They had lived together happilyfor twenty years, but they had no child. The great magician Merlin had sympathy for them, andcaused the couple to have a little boy no bigger than his father’s thumb. They loved him dearlyand named him Tom Thumb. Tom had a number of absurd adventures because of his tiny size.He was once swallowed with grass by a cow, but fortunately his cry surprised the cow, so thatthe cow opened her mouth and let him fall out. Another adventure happened when he wasout in the field driving the cattle along. He fell into a furrow, and a great black raven pickedhim up and carried him away in her beak until she dropped him into the sea. Then a great fishswallowed him up. But the fish was soon caught up and brought to the court of King Arthur.The cook found Tom inside the fish, and took him up to the King. Tom Thumb amused theKing and the Knights of the Round Table so much that he was knighted and given a needle fora sword and a white mouse for a horse. Now he lived in luxury, but he never forgot his poorparents. Once a month he rode off on his white mouse to their cottage in the country to seethem. The poor ploughman and his wife were very proud of their little son.



