
General 更新 2025年01月06日



  1*** Parting is temporary, we the friendship between teachers and students will be for a long time, at the moment there is something in the vertical, and hard to express teachers and you goodbye.

  2*** 求知的路上你我為伍,青春的殿堂你我共同歡娛,籃球場上你我一起揮灑汗水,點點滴滴構成美妙回憶,馬上就要畢業了,再見我的朋友,再見我的同學,願你未來的人生更輝煌,常聯絡喲!

  3*** 飛揚的青春用熱情譜寫著年華,瑰麗的歲月用真心鐫刻著友誼,璀璨的人生用執著裝點著未來,祝心想事成,前程似錦!

  4*** 同學摯友,讓我再抱抱你,最後輕輕的說聲你好,雖然人生難免有聚有散,但你卻是我心中,最美麗的記憶。畢業了,祝福你,前途光明,一帆風順!

  5*** To graduate, to give you an autograph album, recorded is full of youth; A photo together with you, write down is full of old deep; Send you a short message, bearing is full of sincere blessings, graduated and express my hope for your future, all the best.

  6*** Classmate three years, again to spend a good time; Your help really many, quickly graduated, the in the mind real, clockwork SMS blessing, wish you always happy, happy forever!

  7*** A concern, a greeting, I wish, everything goes well, a sincere, the fierceness of his life, graduation comes, only the blessing, was great, success, prosperity, send other words, often contact.

  8*** 在這個陽光熱辣的季節裡,我們就要離去,為著更好的宴會,更多的熱鬧。

  9*** 風吹走了祝福的心絮,雨模糊了期盼的視線,我紮緊了思念的情結,相信總有一天我們會再度重逢!

  10*** 我的生活融入了你,你的生活中也蘊涵著我;當我們再次相見的時刻,你我仍然是一個整體。


  1*** Three years old, I am with you forged a deep friendship, let heart communication between you and me, forever.

  2*** 看了三年的熟悉風景,想著再過幾天這些風景就只能出現在記憶裡,心裡的惆悵便會一點點的像沉在水底的沙子,一點點的泛起來,心卻在那一刻一直往下沉,沉到很深的谷底,尋找那些未知的答案。

  3*** We have been together to enjoy the beautiful flowers; We have been together fantasy beautiful season. Classmate, the classmate, don't forget the days when we walk through together ever after. We had calm water, there is a heated debate, also had a silent competition. We are close to the shoulder, hold hands and have a common ideal, issued a common voice. Whether, or lost, everything will remain in my memory most deep place.

  4*** Look up at the sky, what is taller than you, you will feel inferior; Look down at the earth, anything less than you, you would be conceited; Only to broaden the field of vision, panoramic view of the sky and the earth, can find your real position between soil in the sky. No need to inferiority, don't conceit, insist on confidence.

  5*** 當你孤獨時,風兒就是我的歌聲,願它能使你得到片刻的安慰;當你驕傲時,雨點就是我的警鐘,願它能使你獲得永恆的謙遜。

  6*** 勇於在實踐中磨練意志,砥礪品行,增長才幹。既要學習書本知識,更要勤於實踐,在實踐中探索新知,並且不斷塑造和完善自己的人格。

  7*** 祝你愛情事業雙豐收,從此快樂不用愁,房子住得太得意,車子開得不廢油,幸福日子沒有頭,拼搏努力幾年後,世上美事享個夠!

  8*** The road, love, the taste, through the tears, the beauty of laughed, all precipitation in the stream of time, kept in a mottled memories. Four years flies, graduation respectively, hope for your future!

  9*** 有人說:“人人都可以成為自己的幸運的建築師。”願我們在走向生活的道路上,用自己的雙手建造幸運的大廈。

  10*** Let my blessing, like a cup of green tea, moisturize your throat; Like a ray of sunshine, light up your future; Like a bouquet of flowers, let your life more colorful!

  11*** Holding hand in hand into a memorial, stood side by side into a brave, corners, warm love even love forever. Graduated from my dear friends, is the starting point of friendship, let the future yearning to each other, miss each other, love on a string.

  12*** Friend is like flower, friendship is like flower is not much but leafy; Water is not deep, but in the water out. So, please remember that wonderful moment.

  13*** Bathed in pure bigger brighter although you and I each one, but I'll bring you the sun, leaving my sun, let them my heart belongs to you! I sincerely wish you every day she xinxin, comfortable!

  14*** 畢業,小舟,起航,滿載,理想,追求。我們,暫時,分手,重聚,祈願,豐收!祝福,親愛,學友,工作,順利,圓滿,成功,幸福,無憂!

  15*** In June, plum fragrant, harvest you smile. With the passion of summer, bring me warm greetings, wish you good luck in graduation, find an ideal job soon!

  16*** 短暫的別離,是為了永久的相聚,讓我們期盼,那份永恆的喜悅。

  17*** In the world the most precious, is sincere friendship, deep miss, like the fragrance of flowers, open in the deep canyons.

  18*** 離開彼此熟悉的環境,走入另一個陌生,就彷彿四年前我們從別處相會在這裡,然後熟悉了,收穫了,成長了,於是該遠離了,接著走向另一群人,另一個成長的環境。在未來,必然還會經歷著更多的聚聚散散,我們將在生命的歷程裡,找尋真正的自己。

  19*** 我們為什麼在這裡相遇,又為什麼在這裡分離?今天我們暫且不談悲喜。讓我們在這一刻好好的相聚。時光易逝,相見無期,無論以後你我走到哪裡都不要忘了你我曾經在這裡相遇。

  20*** In the classroom, exerts oneself hard diary; Dormitory, romping warm memories; Courtside, youth against blood form; Campus, you are my courage to lose sight of the good memories. Graduation season in June, wish you all so far, bon voyage!


  1*** Flower is the peony, the most beautiful people most close friends, friends don't hand over gold and silver, only one heart to make friends. Water thousands of miles to the sea, people go in friendship, the tree roots, the roots between friends heart to heart.

  2*** Do you remember? On the training field erected the red hat, parade loud slogans, yes, since then, we step into this fascinating world together...

  3*** 輕輕撥動你的號碼,讓你知道我的到來;慢慢放飛我的祝福,讓你感到我的存在。讓風兒送去我的心聲,讓星星傳遞我的問候,希望你天天快樂。

  4*** Three the spring of hope, we have three sowing; Three golden autumn, we harvest for three times. We have received the three fire in the summer of hone and test in the dead of winter, please don't forget this flavorful colorful time.

  5*** Sail a boat in the port of youth, we break up temporarily, full of ideal and pursuit. When together again? Will at the time of the harvest!

  6*** More than one thousand to study day and night, more than one thousand day and night confusion, more than one thousand s, day and night graduate to find a job, let you locate yourself, find an ideal job, earn a happy fruit, win a colleague, life progresses day by day.

  7*** 畢業了,沒有太多的言語!只有一個深情的擁抱,還有一句知心話要告訴你:和你在一起,“你是一切”!沒有你在身邊,“一切是你”!你若安好,便是晴天!

  8*** 賽場上的汗水,教室裡的讀書聲,宿舍裡的談笑,食堂裡的爭搶,這些都歷歷在目。轉眼畢業的鐘聲敲響,你我就要分別,此時的心情不知如何表達,唯有發出心底的祝願,願同學一路順風!

  9*** 課桌留下了回憶,粉筆寫下了思意,黑板記錄了情誼,教室珍藏了日記,每一次回眸,不是擦肩而過,而是彼此珍惜。畢業快樂!

  10*** 還記得年少時的夢吧,是那些不曾凋零的花,我們經過風吹雨打,我們走到了這個天涯,在此分別我們的往事,在此回憶我們過去,在此嚮往我們的明天。走吧,走吧,為了更好的明天。

  11*** Like a butterfly flying over the flowers, like a clear spring flowing through the valley, in the memory in the heart of the screen, high school life, like colorful pages, and also like a Que leaping cheerful note movement.

  12*** Wishing you a drop of crystal water, projected into the vast sea; Of a fresh flower, flower garden; A flash of fiber, embroidery weave red flags; As a small screw, a lifetime to stick to his post...

  13*** Say goodbye to the tree-lined campus, set sail, a fight chapter; Say goodbye to a model master, inspiring, chasing dreams in your heart; Say goodbye to the old schoolmates, friendship long, note the desire of love. Graduation, you would like to with a vision, the direction of success!

  14*** To count the past, had tears and laughter precious memories. A friend is not much, really. In my life a few real friends, but have you!

  15*** Float in the sky with you hot June youth; June engraved you sincere friendship; June you smile; June was decorated with you the beautiful future. May all your wish come true, all plain sailing.

  16*** 敲響的是鐘聲,走過的是歲月,種下的是希望,留下的是故事,盼望的是美好,送來的是祝福,願我的朋友:天天快樂!時時幸福!

  17*** 輕輕的我們相聚一起,無限歡聲和笑語;輕輕的我們又要分離,情誼栓起彼此;畢業的我們再難相聚,讓我的祝福隨你一路。

  18*** 生命的長河中,留不住的是年華和往事,留下來的是夢和回憶。大學時光默然逝去,社會紛繁的生活悄然而至,我誠摯的祝你:一帆風順。

  19*** 同一個校園,記錄了同樣的青春,同一個年級,記載了同樣的情深,同一個班級,記下了同樣的友誼,要畢業了,唯有願你好運連連,工作順利,鴻圖大展,前程似錦。

  20*** 道上的加油,聲聲迴響;教室裡的鼓勵,句句暖心;宿舍裡的調侃,笑翻全場;一起努力的默契,心中流淌。快樂總是那麼短暫,畢業在即,讓我們珍存青春,作一輩子的財富吧。祝你明天更輝煌。

  21*** Friend, this is close to the friend friendship, not miss a day, two days not see miss very much, a few days not see miss very much, I wish you many fortunes find their way in the New Year, good luck!

  22*** 你是快樂的,我就是幸福的,為你付出的,所有都是值得的。相同的感受,超高的默契度,在校園的每個角落,我們都是最閃亮的組合。願你的夢想展翅高飛。

  23*** First met your mood is sweet, and really mean it when you are dating, and you together of the time is happy, meet you this friend is a complaint or regret.

  24*** This summer, how many, how many people weep and familiar faces, wordless look back of the summer solstice, the separation of the season, the more eager not to summer solstice.

  25*** June is a graduation poem, drawing; June is a golden jade wine, gently into the spleen; June is my tan's arm, deep imprint.

  26*** 同窗三年甜蜜生活,是“一串糖葫蘆”,那迷人的甜和酸,讓人久久回味。畢業了,分身不分心,祝福你學友,一切順心如意,特別是愛情要甜蜜蜜哦!

  27*** The river have fish, big fish stream. You did not enter a famous university ideal, but with your intelligence and hard work, believe that four years later still promising, come on!

  28*** 用青春定義我們今天的時光,用幸福計算我們燦爛的明天,用永遠討論我們未完成的夢想,用祝你成功設定我們各自不同的理想,同學,畢業,加油。

  29*** An inch, focused on the poles of the sea; Time and space, the wise man to cold to heat; Are friends, across time situation not changed; Is a bosom friend, the ends of the world remember heart.

  30*** 生活已經向我們敞開了胸襟,朋友,讓我們勇敢地迎上前去,去盡情地體驗它無邊無際的壯闊,無窮無盡的幽深吧! 畢業分別了,願我千萬個祝福,時刻陪伴你左右。相信四年後依舊前途無量,加油!大學畢業祝福語,臨畢業給同學發條祝福簡訊,道聲珍重,祝同學四年同窗友誼長存。
