
General 更新 2025年03月23日



  索尼宣佈出售PC業務 全球裁員五千

  Sony is in talks to sell its troubled personal computer business and Thursday lowered its earnings forecast for the business year ending March to a 110 billion yen loss ***$1.08 billion***.

  索尼公司將出售債務累累的個人電腦業務,並且於週四宣佈2013財年***2013年4月1日- 2014年3月31日***預計將出現1100億日元***約10.8億美元***的虧損。

  The company also said it's cutting its global workforce by about 3 percent or 5,000 people by the end of March 2015 as it restructures its PC, television and other businesses. Some 3,500 of the job losses will be overseas and 1,500 in Japan.


  Sony Chief Executive Kazuo Hirai told reporters the company's electronics business was gradually improving, but restructuring costs would send the company into losses for the fiscal year.


  "We are beginning to see the path to a turnaround in our TV business," Hirai said. "TV remains an important category for Sony."




  If you’ve been hoping to upgrade that iPhone in your pocket, you might not have to wait much longer.


  Apple officially announced its annual fall event will be held Sept. 9 in San Francisco. The event is traditionally where the Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant reveals updates to its iPhone line. It’s also the same event where the company showcased the Apple Watch last year.

  蘋果公司官方公佈了年度秋季釋出會定於9月9日,在美國舊金山舉行。此次釋出會一如既往地,如同庫比蒂諾——總部在加利福利亞的技術巨頭公開發布iPhone產品系列更新的釋出會,同時也是和去年蘋果公司舉行Apple Watch釋出會類似。

  We don’t expect a new Apple Watch at this year’s event, but we do have a few ideas of what the company might have in store.

  我們並不期待在今年的釋出會上有新的Apple Watch,不過我們確實對蘋果公司有可能推出的產品有一些期待。

  The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus

  iPhone 6S和iPhone 6S Plus

  September is typically when Apple announces updates to its iPhone line, and we suspect this year will be no different. Rumor has it Apple will be announcing updates to both the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus at the event. Called the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, the phones will offer smallincremental upgrades from last year’s models.

  9月份一直是蘋果公司釋出iPhone新產品的時期,我們認為今年也不例外。有傳言認為,蘋果公司本次釋出會將釋出升級版的iPhone 6以及6 Plus。命名為iPhone 6S 和6S Plus的蘋果手機,相比去年的款式將增加了一些細小的新功能。

  Expect both phones to come packing new Qualcomm wireless chips and faster A9 processors, leading to improved LTE speeds and battery life on the phone. The camera on the iPhone 6S is expected to also see some improvements. Rumors point to a new 12-megapixel rear-facing camera with 4K video support as well as a new, improved forward-facing camera for video calls and selfies.

  我們將期待的,是兩個版本手機配置新型的Qualcomm無線晶片和更快的A9處理器,所以LTE的速度更快,手機續航能力更強。iPhone 6S的相機功能仍有改進的空間。據傳言說,會有一個新型的1200萬畫素的後置攝像頭,支援4K錄影,以及一個全新,改良的前置攝像頭,供攝像與自拍的功能需求。

  Both phones are expected to get force-touch displays, which will add a new layer of functionality. Similar to the feature on the Apple Watch, you would be able to press down on the screen to perform functions in addition to the phone’s traditional controls. The iPhone will also reportedly now come in a rose-gold option.

  兩個版本的手機觸控式螢幕都有force-touch的功能,意味著添加了新的功能。你會發現,Apple Watch也有類似的特性,你可以點按螢幕來執行除了傳統手機控制功能之外的功能。據說也將會發布一款玫瑰金的iPhone。

  There likely won’t be an iPhone 6C announced to replace the low-cost iPhone 5C.

  而以iPhone 6C取代低成本的iPhone 5C的情況是不大可能出現的。

  A new Apple TV

  新版Apple TV

  It’s still not ready to announce that long-rumored television, but Apple is expected to announce an update to its set-top box at the Sept. 9 event. The 4th generation of the popular device is anticipated to offer a number of new features including Siri support and an updated remote control. The device is also rumored to get a new App Store, along with an SDK for developers who want to create an app for the box. With new apps like games, the Apple TV could start to become a competitor for gaming systems such as Xbox and PlayStation.

  蘋果還沒有準備釋出傳聞已久的電視機。不過據說蘋果公司將會在9月9日的釋出會公佈它的一項機頂盒更新。這個第四代機頂盒,預計會有很多新功能,包括支援Siri功能,以及升級後的遙控功能。還有傳言認為,這個裝置支援App Store功能,併為開發人員提供軟體開發工具包***SDK***,以便開發創造機頂盒的應用。擁有新型諸如遊戲等的新應用,Apple TV就能以競爭者的姿態在遊戲系統的市場上與Xbox和PlayStation相競爭了。

  Those apps will reportedly be exclusive to the new Apple TV, which will likely be priced somewhere between $149 and $199. Apple is thought to be keeping its current $69 Apple TV around as a low-price alternative to the new version, and as a competitor for things like Roku and Google’s Chromecast. However, the older version of the TV likely won’t be able to use the new App Store.

  據說那些應用只配置在最新的Apple TV裡,定價將會在$149美元和$199美元之間。有人認為蘋果公司會保持當前Apple TV $69美元左右的價格,作為新版Apple TV的相對低價格的備選,同時也與諸如Roku和谷歌Chromecast的產品相競爭。然而,稍舊版本的Apple TV很有可能無法相容最新的App Store功能。

  The Maybes


  Apple has been long-rumored to be working on a larger, 12.9-inch version of the iPad. We could potentially see the tablet at September’s event, but don’t hold your breath. Chances are, Apple will hold off on announcing this one until October.


  Recent rumors also point to Apple launching a new streaming service this year to compete with cable companies, as well as a new ‘smart band’ for the Apple Watch to add new functionality to the device. While both are still likely to happen this year, don’t expect either to come at this month’s event.

  最近的傳言也指出,蘋果公司今年會啟動新的流媒體服務與其他的有線電視公司相競爭,以及為Apple Watch裝置增添新款的“智慧手環”功能。儘管這兩件舉措都很有可能在今年公佈,不過也別期待本月就能馬上看到。

  Of course, no one but Tim Cook knows for sure what Apple has in store for Sept. 9. Be sure to check back here then for a full report on everything that is announced.

