1、a place nearby 天籟之音!
2、lark in the clear air .愛爾蘭女歌手卡爾迪龍清澈女聲.
3、a thousand miles 鋼琴伴奏很好聽.
4、it\'s only the fairly tale. 很美的童聲
5、lu ka
6、love will keep us alive
7、forever young 童年美好的回憶在MELODY中再次重現,很清,很美.
8、like a rose 男生對女生純純的告白.
9、Hey Juliet .雖然是一支廣告歌,卻也不比其他的歌遜色,很動感的音樂.會不由自主的舞動起來.
10、always getting over your 兩個MM激情演繹的,好聽!
11、get the party started 朋克中的一首好聽的歌,雖然很多人對朋克有許多偏見,但好的歌曲是不容質疑的,音樂可以包容一切,包括人們浮躁的心.
12、小紅梅有很多經典歌曲,偶還喜歡她的Animal Instinct .
13、i knew i loved you 澳洲組合野人花園為數不多的好歌之一.
14、To Stay 再介紹一首抒情的歌,高潮在後面,要耐心等待.
15、Lonely NANA出身於非洲迦納,家庭富有。兒時破碎的家庭、壓抑的環境對其作品產生了深刻的影響。這首LONELY是她最有名的作品,也是最感人的作品之一。在這首歌曲中,愛情的失敗,世事的無奈,人與人之間的勾心鬥角,都被他赤裸裸的展露在你面前。動情處的傷心吶喊,頹廢時的無奈低吟,節奏布魯斯,跳舞音樂,HIP HOP結合的天衣無縫。
I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard
I felt an answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word!
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
but it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!
在我們還是罪人的時候,主為我們獻出肉身,遭受苦難,被釘十字架,使我們今日得以因信稱義,安享太平,在這樣的節日裡,我們把這些讚美歌曲獻給主-《Mary, Did You Know 》《When A Child Is Born》《When Christmas Comes To Town》《Amazing Grace》
Dear Mum and Dad
What can I say?
You've been with me
All along the way。
Your sweet and selfless spirit
That deals with those come-what-mays,
I tell you now, quite honestly
You've brightened all my days。
父母帶給我血肉之軀,含辛茹苦撫育我們成人。在陽光燦爛的日子裡,他們送我一片情空;飄雨落雪時節,他們為我撐起一把溫情的傘。在感恩節到來之際,我們要對爸爸媽媽唱首歌:《A Song For Mama》《Mama》《The Woman In My Life》《My Fathers Eyes》《Dance With My Father》
A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts。
A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent。
Five fat turkeys were sitting on a fence.
***one hand up***
The first one said, "I'm so immense."
***Point to thumb***
The second one said, "I can gobble at you."
***Pointer finger***
The third one said, "I can gobble, too."
***Middle finger***
The fourth one said, "I can spread my tail."
***Ring finger***
The fifth one said, "Don't catch it on a nail."
***Little finger***
A farmer came along and stopped to say
***Pointer of other hand***
"Turkeys look best on Thanksgiving Day."
Turkey, Turkey***Sung to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star***Turkey, Turkey look at you……
Here is come
Here is come
Turkey on the table
Turkey on the table
Up up goes
Up up goes
感恩節英文兒歌3:Turkey Song
A turkey is a silly bird
His head goes wobble wobble
And all he knows is just one world
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!