
General 更新 2025年03月05日



  A Shanghai-based research has found that girls are overtaking boys in all grades, from primaryschool through university, China Youth Daily reported.


  Data collected from almost 1,500 surveys show that in Shanghai, for students from grades 3 to 9, girls' average performance in all subjects surpasses that of their male counterparts, withthe discrepancy in the subject of English being the most significant one. This imbalance is alsoreflected in the disparity between male and female freshmen in universities. In 2010 alone, some 330,000 more women enrolled in universities nationwide.


  Most educational experts have claimed the current educational system, including its methodsand various rewarding systems, are girl-friendly. Compared with boys, girls are more self-disciplined and careful, and naturally score higher on tests that require good memorizationskills. A better performance in the lower grades will help boost the girls' confidence andthey will keep this level up throughout school.


  Zhou Haiwang, a researcher with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that boyslosing at the starting line aren't isolated cases but "an overall and ongoing issue." He is moreconcerned about the possible negative effects on the entire male population and in turn, social development.



  Forget b-school. These days, d.school is the place to go.


  Stanford University's d.school-the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design-has gained recognition inrecent years for introducing the trendy, but murky, problem-solving concept known as "designthinking" to executives, educators, scientists, doctors and lawyers. Now other schools arecoming up with their own programs.

  斯坦福大學***Stanford University***的哈素•普拉特納設計學院***Hasso Plattner Institute of Design***提出一種名為"設計思維"的理念,在近年來獲得了外界認可。這種設計思維是針對企業高管、教育界人士、科學家、醫生和律師而提出的一種時尚、但相當模糊的問題解決方式。如今,其他學校也開始紛紛開設類似的課程。

  Design thinking uses close, almost anthropological observation of people to gain insight intoproblems that may not be articulated yet. For example, researchers may study the habits ofshoppers waiting to pay for groceries in order to create a more efficient checkout system thatmaximizes last-minute purchases while keeping customers moving quickly.


  Traditionally, companies have relied on focus groups to get feedback on products that werealready in development. With design thinking, potential solutions-products, processes orservices-are modeled, often using simple materials like markers and pipe-cleaners, then testedand quickly adjusted based on user feedback.


  The d.school was launched in 2005-one of the first of its kind-with help from a $35 milliondonation by SAP AG SAP.XE +0.49%co-founder Hasso Plattner, who has said he was inspiredto spread the practice after reading a magazine article about global consultancy IDEO, aleader in design thinking.

  斯坦福的這家設計學院是於2005年在SAP AG創始人之一哈素•普拉特納***Hasso Plattner***3,500萬美元的資助下建立的,屬於最早的一批設計學院。普拉特納曾表示,他是在雜誌上看到一篇關於全球諮詢公司IDEO的文章後,受到了啟發,遂決定要讓更多人瞭解這種方式。IDEO公司是設計思維方式的倡導者。

  Designed to ignite creativity and collaboration, the d.school's interior looks like a preschoolplayroom for grown-ups: Colorful furniture, open spaces and neon Post-it Notes abound. Theschool said much of the lay out is for the sake of teamwork, as hard chairs and small tablesencourage student groups to remain on their toes and work more closely with each other.


  The d.school doesn't award degrees and isn't tied to any individual department, but two to fourtimes as many students want to take its courses than there are seats available. It now enrolls 700 students a year, up from 100 in its inaugural year. Courses run the gamut from designingproducts for the world's poor to "D.Compress: Designing Calm," in which students designtechnology that "enables calm states of cognition, emotion and physiology."

  這家設計學院並不授予學位,也不附屬於任何一個院系,但是希望上設計學院課程的學生人數是學院所能接受學生數的兩到四倍。目前該學院每年接收700名學生,比初創那年的100名學生多出不少。課程設定涉及領域相當廣泛,有些課程要求學生設計出供世界各地窮人所使用的產品,還有一門名為"D.Compress: DesigningCalm"的課程,教授學生能夠在認知、情感和生理上帶來平靜狀態的設計技巧。
