
General 更新 2025年03月22日



  科技公司的春天 納斯達克指數創歷史新高

  The tech-heavy Nasdaq index has closed at a record high, surpassing a level it last reached in 2000 at the height of the dot com bubble.


  The index gained 20.89 points to close at 5,056.06, besting the high of 5,048.62 it hit on 10 March 2000.


  The S&P 500 index gained 4.97 to 2,112.93 and the Dow Jones rose 20.42 points to 18,058.69.While the Dow Jones and S&P 500 have hit multiple records recently, the Nasdaq has taken longer to recover.


  Some analysts think it can push on from the current level.


  "[The Nasdaq] has the potential to go up, absent some external event that I can't predict," said Walter Price, senior portfolio manager at AllianzGI Global Technology fund.


  However Mr Price said the current market environment is different from the dot-com boom of the late 1990s.


  In 2000, "a lot of the high-growth companies were selling at 200 or 300 times next year's earnings," he said.


  "This is nothing like that. This is a whole different world versus 2000."


  The rise of Apple has been an important part of the Nasdaq's recovery. It launched the iPod in 2001 and the iPhone in 2007.


  The success of those products helped its market value surge to more than $750bn and accounts for around 10% of the index's value.


  Back in 2000, Microsoft was the most valuable stock on the index, now it is a distant second to Apple with a value of $365bn.


  Away from the Nasdaq, shares in IBM were the biggest winner on the Dow, rising over 3% after it reported better-than-expected earnings on Monday.




  What's Steve Cook planning for AR and VR gadgets? Here are three possibilities.

  Steve Cook對AR和VR裝置有何打算呢?有以下三種猜測。

  Apple is doing a great job of hinting that it's very serious about virtual reality. The company recently confirmed a Financial Times report that it hired VR expert and Virginia Tech computer-science professor Doug Bowman, also the head of the university's Center for Human-Computer Interaction. Apple has also acquired three companies working in either VR or AR ***augmented reality*** during the past year: AR company Metaio, motion capture startup Faceshift, and expression analysis company Emotient.

  蘋果公司不斷向公眾預示了其對虛擬現實技術的高度重視。蘋果公司在最近的財經時報上一則報道中證實其僱用了VR專家以及Virginia理工大學電腦科學教授Doug Bowman,Doug Bowman同時也是這個大學人機互動中心的帶頭人。在過去一年中蘋果公司也與其他三家VR和AR公司展開合作,他們分別是:Metaio AR公司,Faceshift動作捕捉公司,Emotient表情分析公司。

  So what does Bowman's hire suggest Apple has planned for VR and AR? It's impossible to know for sure, but here are three possible scenarios.


  1. A headset to replace the iPhone.


  Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster recently told the Wall Street Journal he thinks Apple is pursuing an AR product, like electronic glasses or an Apple version of Google Glass, that could potentially replace the iPhone one day. This type of device could allow consumers to scroll through applications without obscuring visibility of the real world. Even if Apple has no official plans to produce such a product, Munster told the WSJ that Apple will still allocate resources to the technology "just to hedge their bets," and that he thinks Apple has a small team of people working on AR.

  Piper Jaffray公司高階分析師Gene Munster最近告訴華爾街日報,他認為蘋果公司正在研發一種AR裝置類似於蘋果版谷歌眼鏡,這類產品很有可能會取代iphone。這類裝置在允許使用者使用各種APP時也能顧及到周圍的世界。即使蘋果目前沒有明確計劃要生產這類產品,但根據Munster向華爾街日報提供的資訊,蘋果公司將會調配一部分研發資源用於該技術的發展。“蘋果這樣的做法是設法對衝賭注”並且他認為蘋果有一小部分員工正在對AR產品進行研究。

  2. A gadget to make all screens a thing of the past.


  Dreaming even bigger, Apple could be envisioning a headset that would make all other products with a screen--tablets, computers, TVs--obsolete, as suggested by Tech Insider. VR has been referred to as "the last medium," suggesting that as soon as VR and AR technology reach a tipping point of consumer adoption, there will be no need for any other device with a screen. Everything from computing to entertainment to apps will be achievable through one singular device.

  隨著蘋果公司對未來想象的不斷髮展,根據Tech Insider的訊息,蘋果公司可能正在設計一種頭戴裝置,這種產品使得其他所有帶螢幕的產品如平板電腦,普通電腦以及電視裝置成為歷史。VR也被稱為是最終媒介,一旦VR和AR消費產品普及開來,人們將不再需要帶有螢幕的裝置了。所有的電腦運算和娛樂以及APP使用都可以通過一個裝置完成。

  3. Apple's electric car.


  Despite Bowman's extensive experience in VR and AR, there is also a chance that his hiring is actually related to Apple's secretive car project. Why? As the FT reported, car companies including BMW have been experimenting with "gesture control," where drivers can use physical gestures to control infotainment systems. The benefit of the technology is the ability to operate electronic features while continuing to look at the road ahead, rather than look down at a screen and risk distracted driving. While it seems unlikely that Apple would hire a VR expert for something other than VR, Bowman's expertise in "human-computer interaction" does lend itself to this type of technology.


  Regardless of Apple's specific plans, it's hard to imagine the company not offering some sort of product or service related to VR and AR technology in the next few years. Investment in the sector has grown for the past six consecutive quarters, helping the industry claim a spot on Inc.'s most recent list of the Best Industries for Starting a Business.

