
General 更新 2024年10月05日


  :活幹完了The work is done

  After preparing for a farewell dinner party, I was really very tired. So before dinner had started I told my husband to do the wash up after the meal. My husband said; “Sure, no problem.”


  When everybody left, I went to the bedroom, assuring that my husband would wash the dishes and lean the room.


  When he returned, he was wet all over. He said to me. “The car is duanwenw washed at the nearby pool. I am sure you’ll be satisfied.”


  :我們一分為二吧Let’s make it half

  A very good friend of mine needed a couch for his living room, so I gave him the one which I had kept it for years in my storage room. I


  It was from my great grandfather. I wanted nothing for it, but a few days later, my friend came duanwenw to see me and tried to give me $100. I really didn’t want to take the money. But he said:” You should take the money. It’s all yours. I sold it to my neighbor for $200”


  :母親最知情Mother knows best

  After delivering 500 cases of soda to a supermarket, I was setting up display when a woman approached. “Don’t you have any help putting all this soda up?” she asked.


  “No, ma’am.”


  “Well, I should think the store would give you some help.” With that , she walked away. And I went back duanwenw to work. A few minutes later, four store clerks came over and started stacking soda. In 15 minutes to job was done.


  “Hey, Bill.” I called to the manager. “When my mother says you need help, you get help.”


  :善意的觀察Friendly observation

  Because my grandmother often mislays her keys, I bought her a key tag keep in response to certain sounds. She decided on the word:” Mama”


  During one of my visits, a neighbor took me duanwenw aside and suggested I might have to pay more attention to the elderly lady. “Yesterday,” he said, “I had seen her roaming through her house, calling for mother and looking for her in drawers and closets.”


  :動人的畫面Painting a nice picture

  Over a period of years a father-and-son team did the painting and papering at our house.


  As the father grew older, he became less and less able to handle the planning and directing of the decoration. duanwenw It was obvious that his son would have to take over the management. I wondered what the younger man would do without hurting his father’s feelings.


  I needn’t have worried. The next time the two came to do work for us, I heard the son say to his father:” Let’s do the kitchen first, Boss.”



  A foreign merchant took a fancy to a stone, which was on the table in a house in the city of Nanjing.


  He had tried to buy it for several times, but failed to make the deal, because the master raised the price deliberately.


  One day, the master was seized by a whim and polished the stone all over again, hoping to increase the price even higher. duanwenw The next day, when the foreign merchant saw the antiquated article had become glittering and brilliant, be was astounded, and sighed, “Pity, what a pity!” he truned around and left after he said this.



  Old Cat and Little Cat were fishing together on the riverbank.

  A dragonfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole, and tried to grab the dragonfly. The dragonfly flew away, and the little cat, unable to grab it, stopped trying and went back to fishing on the riverbank. As soon as Little Cat was back [lit: as soon as little cat looked], Old Cat caught a big fish.

  A butterfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole and again tried to catch it. The butterfly flew away without the little cat having caught it, and Little Cat again went back to the riverbank. As soon as he looked over at Old Cat, Old Cat had caught another big fish.

  Little Cat said: “How annoying, why is it that I haven’t caught even one little fish?”

  Old Cat looked him over and said: “If you’re fishing just fish, don’t be in two minds about it. If you spend a while catching dragonflies, then you spend another while catching butterflies, how can you catch fish?”

  Little Cat listened to Old Cat’s words and begin to fish intently.

  The dragonfly flew over again, and the butterfly flew over also, but it was as if Little Cat didn’t see them. Not long after that, Little Cat caught a big fish.



  小貓說: “真氣人,我怎麼一條小魚也釣不著?”

  老貓看了看小貓,說: “釣魚就釣魚,不要這麼三心二意的。一會兒捉蜻蜓,一會兒捉蝴蝶,怎麼能釣著魚呢?”



