:First Words
Phillip B. Williams
A storm and so a gift.
Its swift approach
lifts gravel from the road.
A fence is flattened in
the course of the storm's
worse attempt at language --
thunder's umbrage. A tree
is torn apart,
blown upward through a bedroom
window. A boy winnows
through the pile
of shards for the sharpest parts
from the blown-apart
glass. He has
a bag that holds found edges
jagged as a stag's
horns or smooth as
a single pane smashed into
smaller panes that he sticks
his hand inside
to make blood web across
his acheless skin flexing
like fish gills
O-lipped for a scream
they cannot make.
He wants to feel
what his friends have felt,
the slant of fear on their faces
he could never
recreate, his body born
without pain. When his skin's
pouting welts
don't rake a whimper
from his mouth, he runs
outside, arms up
for the storm, aluminum
baseball bat held out
to the sky
until lightning, with an electric
tongue, makes his viscera
the boy's first word for pain
is the light's
new word for home.
:Spéculation Hasardeuse
Arthur Vogelsang
No one was learning French fast.
I was learning French too slowly and
Some were learning at an average speed.
We had to learn it fast. There was a great plane
Coming for us and we had to know French
When we got on it or else.
Later we found out there was no or else.
We boarded the plane knowing an amount of French.
Enough that the others covered for me.
That was easy, I never spoke French,
I never spoke. Far up over Earth and France
Where we floated which of course was fun
In the great plane, in the great swift plane as I have said,
That high, the French spoke to us in French,
Numbers, "millième des soixante," and other manifold numbers
For hours -- division and multiplication are the hairiest,
The epitome of difficult, for a non-native speaker.
According to my character I did something else,
No counting, no speaking French. I was there
To float and study and be studied and do unmentionables
So I forgot about learning French fast and I forgot about
Their or else, I said to myself I think I am their or else.
I was not. In such a risky venture or spéculation hasardeuse
I think it was decided to include somebody not fast and not smart
Like a slow horse that keeps a posse at its safe pace, unambushed.
The endless arguments about this had been in French and English,
Back and forth endlessly they had gone at it,
So we began by trying to learn French fast.
:Down Unwin's Track
Alison Brackenbury
And the rain stopped. And the sky spun
past the hills' flush of winter corn.
The mare strode out as though still young.
You walked. I almost said, last year
I saw a hare run with her young
just past the broken wall, just here.
Two flew in circles. First, one rose
upon its great back legs. It boxed
at air. The second flinched, then rose.
England has blackbirds, mice. To find
these strong black shapes makes the heart race
as barley under icy wind.
Boxing is courtship, failed. One broke,
tore past us to the rough safe hedge.
She crossed the sun. Her colours woke,
ears black, back russet, earth new-laid.
Her legs stretched straight. The late showers made
bright water fly from every blade.