
General 更新 2024年10月03日


  英語短篇故事作文:Man Fatally Stabbed

  A middle-aged man was fatally stabbed outside a nightclub late Saturday night. Bob Evans died about 1:30 a.m. after a woman stabbed him in the back outside Lovers Lounge. Police who arrived at the club found Evans lying in the parking lot with a bloody ice pick on the pavement next to him. A sobbing woman was cradling the victim’s head in her lap and stroking his hair.

  Police identified the woman as Sara Haynes, 39, an emergency room nurse. They took her into custody and said she would be booked for murder. She was Evans's long-time girlfriend. The lounge's bartender said Haynes started arguing with Evans when she saw him dancing with a young woman.

  “I thought there might be trouble when I saw her walk in,” said the bartender. “She was looking all around, with a wild look in her eyes. He was on the floor dancing away with this young blonde. She went straight at them. She pulled the blonde out of his arms and started yelling at him.”

  Evans then led Sara outside, apparently to avoid a scene inside the club. A witness who was sitting in his car told police he saw them argue for a couple of minutes. When Evans turned around to walk back inside, Sara pulled the ice pick out of her purse and stabbed Evans several times. He collapsed to the ground. Then she sat down, put his head in her lap, and started crying.

  英語短篇故事作文:Female Seeks Mature Male

  Julia was 12 years old. Her best friend Betsy was 13. Summer was almost over. School was about to start. Julia and Betsy were having lunch at BurgerBoy. Betsy had decided that Julia needed a boyfriend.

  “But why?” asked Julia. “I’m okay without one. What good is a 12-year-old boy anyway? All they’re interested in is playing baseball or riding their skateboards. Where does a girl fit into that picture?”

  “Don’t be silly,” replied Betsy. “And forget about 12-year-olds. They’re immature. You should go for someone more experienced—someone at least 13 years old. Someone who will carry your books and walk you to your classes. You need someone who’ll give you a Valentine’s Day card and remember your birthday. You need someone to comfort you when you’re sad and lonely. You need someone to protect you.”

  “But my dad does that! That’s what dads are for. He comforts me; he protects me. And he remembers my birthday, too. I’ve got a backpack to carry my books, and I know where all my classes are. I don’t need an escort. And a Valentine’s Day card means that someone loves you. What if I don’t love them back? I don’t want a Valentine’s Day card from someone I don’t love. I don’t love anyone anyway. I’m too young. I don’t think I even know what love is. Besides, you don’t have a boyfriend. Why should I?”

  “Because you're my first client. I've decided that I'm going to be a matchmaker when I grow up.”

  “Well, if I'm your first client, that means I'll probably also be your first mistake. No, thank you.”

  英語短篇故事作文:The Doctor's Perfect Children

  Veronica was an only child. Even as a child, she decided that she was going to be a doctor. All her dolls became her patients. All her dollhouses became hospitals for her patients. She spent her early childhood treating her patients for all kinds of diseases and injuries. She saved all of them and billed none of them.

  Veronica got straight A’s in high school and college, because she knew that good grades would help her get into a good medical school. She graduated from medical school near the top of her class. She became a pediatrician. She got married and had two kids, one boy and one girl. Veronica’s husband David was an architect and a great cook. Her children did their homework without being told. They got straight A’s in school. They ate all their vegetables without complaining. They were perfect little children, except for one thing: They argued with each other constantly.

  Veronica got home at 4:30 p.m. today. David gave her a big kiss and a hug. Then her kids gave her a kiss and a hug. She went upstairs and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. When she returned, the kids were waiting for her in the living room to talk about their day in school.

  Marvin, 10, said that today his biology teacher helped them cut up dead frogs. They smelled bad, but he enjoyed seeing their little body parts, like their lungs and heart. “I like biology,” Marvin said. “I want to be a biologist, an animal doctor, and an inventor when I grow up. I’m going to invent a pill so that animals all learn to live together without eating each other all the time.”

  “You’re crazy!” exclaimed Rebecca. “What are the animals going to eat if they don’t eat each other?”

  “You don’t know anything. You’re a girl and you’re only nine,” taunted Marvin.

  “Marvin, be polite to your sister,” Veronica admonished.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. “I apologize, dear little sister.”

  “That didn’t sound very sincere, mommy,” Rebecca complained.

  “Okay, here’s how I’ll keep the animals from eating each other. I already thought of that, of course. The solution is a pill that will make all animals like to eat grass, like the cows and sheep do. That way no more animals will eat each other, and kids won’t have to mow the lawn any more. So, that will kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Well, that’s very clever,” Veronica told Marvin.

  “Now, tell us about your day, Rebecca,” Veronica said.

  “Well, as you know, mommy, I’m going to be a real doctor like you, not a mad scientist like somebody I know,” Rebecca started, and then stuck her tongue out at her brother.

