
General 更新 2024年10月02日



  The "paperless office" has earned a proud placeon lists of technological promises that did not cometo pass. Surely, though, the more modest goal ofhe carbon-paperless office is within the reach ofmankind? Carbon paper allows two copies of a document to be made at once. Nowadays, acouple of keystrokes can do the same thing with a lot less fuss.

  Yet carbon paper persists. Forms still need to be filled out in a way that produces copies.This should not come as a surprise. Innovation tends to create new niches*** 合適的職業***, ratherthan refill those that already exist. So technologies may become marginal, but they rarely goextinct. And today the little niches in which old technologies take refuge are ever more viableand accessible, thanks to the Internet and the fact that production no longer needs to be somass; making small numbers of obscure items is growing easier.

  On top of that, a widespread Technology of nostalgia***技術懷舊 *** seeks to preserve all theways people have ever done anything, simply because they are kind of neat. As a resulttechnologies from all the way back to the stone age persist and even flourish in the modernworld. According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders ofWired magazine, America's flintknappers ***燧石*** produce over a million new arrow and spearheads every year. One of the things technology wants, it seems, is to survive.

  Carbon paper, to the extent that it may have a desire for self-preservation, may also takecomfort in the fact that, for all that this is a digital age, many similar products are hanging on,and even making comebacks. Indeed, digital technologies may prove to be more transient thantheir predecessors. They are based on the idea that the medium on which a file's constituent0s and 1s are stored doesn't matter, and on Alan Turing's insight that any computer canmimic any other, given memory enough and time. This suggests that new digital technologiesshould be able to wipe out their predecessors completely. And early digital technologies doseem to be vanishing. The music cassette is enjoying a little renaissance, its very faithlessnessapparently part of its charm; but digital audio tape seems doomed.

  So revolutionary digital technologies may yet discard older ones to the dustbin. Perhapsthis will be the case with a remarkable breakthrough in molecular***分子的*** technology thatcould, in principle, store all the data ever recorded in a device that could fit in the back of avan. In this instance, it would not be a matter of the new extinguishing the old. Though it maynever have been used for MP3s and PDFs before, DNA has been storing data for over threebillion years. And it shows no sign of going extinct.

  56. Which of the following is TRUE about the carbon paper?

  A*** It is the key to paperless office.

  B*** It will be replaced by the computer soon.

  C*** It is more troublesome than the computer.

  D*** It can hardly survive in the digital age.

  57. According to the passage, "viable" *** Line 4, Para. 2*** means __

  A*** secure

  B*** dynamic

  C*** feasible

  D*** flexible

  58. Why does the author mention the example of What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly?

  A*** To point out that old Technology of nostalgia will flourish in the modern world.

  B*** To illustrate the importance of flintknappers.

  C*** To show that flintknapping is one of the stone age technologies.

  D*** To prove that old technologies seemingly never die.

  59. What can be inferred about digital technologies?

  A*** Digital audio tape will be vanished because of its accuracy.

  B*** Digital technologies have been proved to outlive the old technologies.

  C*** Early digital technologies will never go extinct.

  D*** The future of digital technologies will be used for DNA research.

  60. The passage mainly concerned with

  A*** the difficulty of the realization of paperless office

  B*** the fact that newest technologies may die out while the oldest survive

  C*** the reason why old technologies will never be on the edge of extinction

  D*** the importance of keeping improving technologies all the time


  56.C***。定位 由題幹中的carbon paper 定位到第一段最後兩句:Carbon paper allows two copies of adocument to be made at once. Nowadays, a coupleof keystrokes can do the same thing with a lot lessfuss.

  詳解 事實細節題。本題考查對複寫紙的理解。由定位句“複寫紙可迅速地把一份檔案印出兩份復件。如今,敲幾下鍵盤就可以做到同樣的事情,而且還省去了不少麻煩”可知,複寫紙使用起來要比計算機麻煩,故答案為C***。A***“複寫紙是無紙化辦公的關鍵”和B***“複寫紙很快會被計算機所取代”均未在原文提及,故排除;第二段第一句指出“複寫紙依舊存在著”,而非D***“複寫紙在數字時代很難存活”,故排除。

  57.C***。詳解 由題幹提示定位到第二段末句:And today the little niches in which oldtechnologies take refuge are ever more viable and accessible,thanks to the Internet and thefact that production no longer needs to be so mass:making small numbers of obscure itemsis growing easier.

  詳解 語義理解題。本題考查“viable”的詞意。定位句提到“現如今,由於網際網路技術以及不再需要大規模生產這一事實,那些古老技術賴以延續的微小職業正變得越來越容易存活並且容易入門”,根據上下文可推斷出,viable應與accessible為同一語義場,即“可行的,易存活的”,故正確答案為C***。A***secure“安全的”、B***dynamic“活力的”和D***flexible“靈活的”均不符合題意.故排除。

  58.D***。詳解 根據題幹What Technology Wants和Kevin Kelly定位到第三段倒數第一、二句:According to What Technology Wants,a book by Kevin Kelly,one of the founders of Wiredmagazine,America's flintknappers produce over a million new arrow and spear heads everyyear.One of the things technology wants,it seems,is to survive.

  詳解 事實細節題。本題考查作者以凱文·凱利所著《技術想要什麼》為例的目的。定位句提到“《連線》雜誌創始人之一凱文·凱利在其《技術想要什麼》一書中稱,美國的燧石工每年生產超過100萬支新箭頭和矛頭,技術所想露的事情之一似乎就是存活下去。”而作者在定位句前一句指出“所以,從石器時代以來的技術得以存在,甚至在現代世界興盛起來。”故本文作者以凱文·凱利所著《技術想要什麼》為例旨在證明舊技術似乎永遠都不會消亡,故D***為答案。A***“旨在指出舊技術在現代社會將興盛起來”為過度推斷,故排除;B***“旨在說明燧石工的重要性”和C***“旨在說明燧石是石器時代以來的一門舊技術”均為對原文的曲解,故排除。

  59.A***。詳解 由題幹中的digital technologies定位到倒數第二段最後兩句:And early digitaltechnologies do seem to be vanishing.The music cassette is enjoying a little renaissance,itsvery faithlessness apparently part of its charm;but digtal audio tape seems doomed.

  詳解 推理判斷題。本題考查對數字技術的理解。由定位句可知“音樂磁帶正悄然成為復興的潮流,失真特質似乎正是其魅力的一部分;但數字錄音帶似乎難逃消亡厄運”,由此可推出,數字錄音帶似乎難逃消亡厄運是由於其保真,可被複制,故答案為A***。該段第二句指出“事實上,數字技術的存在時間可能比之前的技術更加短暫”,而非存活得更久,故排除B***“數字技術要比老的技術存活得更久”;C***“早期的數字技術永遠都不會滅絕”與該段倒數第二句“早期的數字技術似乎的確正在消失”不符,故排除;D***“數字技術在未來會被應用於DNA研究”原文並未提及,故排除。

  60.B***。詳解 本題考查全文主旨,應對全文進行整體把握。詳解 主旨大意題。文章以複寫紙為例說明舊技術不會消亡,接下來論證其原因,最後表明最新的技術看起來最有可能消失;而最古老的技術有可能一直與我們相伴,故答案為B***。A***“無紙辦公室實現的困難性”僅在文中第一段提及,故排除;C***“為什麼舊技術永遠不會消亡”僅在文中第二、三段涉及,故排除;D***“不斷更新技術的重要性”是對原文的曲解,故排除。
