
General 更新 2024年10月06日



  怒木頭正能量 KEEP REAL

  暖暖需要正能量 be a better girl

  非正能量 nonpositive energy

  正能量定理 Positive energy theorem

  正能量位面 Positive Energy Plane

  正能量平衡 positive energy balance

  防護正能量傷害 Protection From Positive Energy

  愛的正能量 Energy in Love

  正能量修成手冊 wishes fulfilled

  正能量 positive energy

  正能量 Rip It Up

  正能量 wish shine



  In that way an ordinary positive energy electron would not be able to jump into a state ofnegative energy. 我們幾年前第一次認識了馬斯達爾的總部大廈 ,當時它的目標是成為世界上第一個正能量建築***也就是產生的能量大於消耗的能量***。

  We first saw Masdar HQ a couple of years ago, when it was aiming to be the world's firstpositive energy building. 安蒂拉的外形在設計上加入了印度傳統風水學元素,通過合理的空間佈局讓“正能量”在屋內流轉。

  Antilla’s shape is based on Vaastu, an Indian tradition much like Feng Shui that is said to moveenergy beneficially through the building by strategically placing materials, rooms and objects. 而是意味著,你能夠有意識地將消極思想轉變為積極思想,並讓積極的正能量來塑造你的生活,讓你的生活擺脫消極的影響。

  However it does mean that you will have the conscious awareness to change the negative to apositive and allow that positive energy to shape your life as opposed to being influenced by thenegative. 這個可以幫助他們把周圍的負能量趕跑,但允許正能量進來。

  This repels the negative energy around them but allows the positive energy to enter. 只有當正能量重新積聚反彈,才能避免此次的市場崩潰。

  Only when the positive energy regain ground that this crash can be avoid. 可以看到,在崩盤期間,曾有一股很弱的正能量高峰企圖做出反擊。

  Observe that during this crash a weak peak of positive energy try to gain ground to fight back.結論:健美運動員在訓練期間應保持正能量平衡,以便有更多的能量參與肌肉的合成代謝。

  CONCLUSION: Positive energy balance should be kept in the training in bodybuilders so as tokeep more energy joining the anabolism of muscle. 正能量形成基本粒子,負能量形成負的能量場。

  The positive energy develops into fundamental particle, and the negative energy develops intonegative energy field. 雖然風光背後事業和家庭各有隱憂,但樂觀的她積極面對,充滿正能量。

  Although scenery behind career and family each have malaises, but optimistic she face actively,full of positive energy. 同樣地,由於正能量是引起價格上揚的原因,通過觀察累積的正能量,即使在熊市中我們也可以預測即將到來的上漲階段。

  On the other hand, since the positive energy is the cause of price increases, even in a depressed market we can predict the coming increasing cycle by observing the accumulation ofpositive energy. 這種特定的標架在重力系統的正能量定理證明上特別有用。

  A SOF has application in particular to a positive energy proof and energy localization for agravitational system. 宇宙是由能量構成的,能量分為正能量和負能量,兩種能量的性質完全相反。

  The universe is constituted by energy. Which is divided into positive energy and negativeenergy, but their nature is completely opposite. 投資集團的加入可以為公司注入新動力,發放正能量,再進一步推動公司的廣播業務。

  The contributions of the investor group will help instill positive energy into the Company andtake its business to a new dimension on a global scale. 每個社群各自為政,儘管各城的高階神職者會定期在一座漂浮於正能量位面的祕密大教堂會面…

  Each settlement is more or less independent, though periodically the High Ecclesiastics of many cities will gather in a hidden cathedral that floats alone in the Positive Energy Plane. 宇宙是由能量構成的,能量分為正能量和負能量,兩種能量的性質完全相反。

  Which is divided into positive energy and negative energy, but their nature is completelyopposite. 這是展示正能量的表格,你可以看到不同的成分,負能量和總能量。

  Here is a chart that just shows the positive energies, and you can see the various components, and then the negative energies and the net. 北京保健按摩多喝水,防止穿深色衣服,常做大掃除…這些都能產生正能量,令你生氣盎然,機智風趣,煥發魅力和無限風情。

  Drink plenty of water, to prevent wear dark clothes, always do clean-up … they can producepositive energy, make you vibrant, wit, charm and boundless style radiate. 進階虔誠祈禱I:你的1級正能量法術的效果提高40%。

  Increases the damage of your 1st level positive spells by 40%. 審慎地建立和培養充滿支援和正能量的關係群,包括家人和朋友。

  Consciously build and nurture a supportive network of positive relationships, including familyand friends. 如果您贏得肥波的信任,牠會帶給你家庭無限歡樂,因為牠天生一個就是充滿正能量的可人兒。

  The party that FatBall will give his full trust shall no doubt be a very happy family because he's so positive with his life and he has the ability to create happiness. 然而,這股正能量峰很快被一股更為強勁的負能量高峰給沖刷掉了。

  However, this positive peak was soon pushed away by a even higher peak from the samenegative energy pack. 無論現在是怎樣的表現狀態,第八宮的星體不斷地再生,令更多正能量能釋放。

  No matter what the present level of manifestation, however, planets in the 8th undergo aconstant regeneration, permitting their more positive qualities to shine through. 這張唱片肯定會很有意思,都會涉及“把我做過的***糗***事變成積極正能量”的內容。

  It's going to be a really interesting record, and it's all about turning everything I've done intosomething positive. 提高水、食物和含水的物質***包括人體***的正能量,轉化因電或化學物質所造成的負能量。

  Increases positive energy of water, food and any object containing water, including human body, and transforms negative energy caused by electricity or chemicals. 他必須戒掉自己吮吸他人能量的惡習,而成為一個充滿活力的能源體並不斷向外放射這種正能量。

  He must wean himself from suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter ofenergy himself. 你的1級正能量法術的效果提高40%。

  Increases the damage of your 1st level positive spells by 40%. 我以我的技巧,將我的工具自過往所有的正能量和負能量中洗滌並且淨化。

  I cleanse and purify this tool of my Craft from all past energies and negativity. 我以我的技巧,將我的工具自過往所有的正能量和負能量中洗滌並且淨化。

  I cleanse and purify this tool of my Craft from all past energies and negativity.


  1. Body of Light *** Su *** : A lumi's body is infused with a softly glowing positive energy.

  明光之軀 *** 自然能力 *** 光民的身體充盈著正能量.

  2. Vast amounts of energy, from X-rays right through the spectrum down to radio waves, are escaping into space.


  3. The distribution was skewed toward the lower energy values.


  4. That's why the gate needed all the extra power.

  正因為 這樣,星門才需要這麼大的能量.

  5. We've had to divert a lot of power in order to prepare for the storm.


  6. Then visualize that your energy is'blending with your visual body.


  7. Ariana: He is pouring forth the energy and the love.

  雅典娜: 他正往前傳佈能量與愛.

  8. BMR was positively correlated with fat free mass *** FFM ***.

  基礎代謝與去脂組織 *** FFM *** 呈顯著正相關,用FFM校正 以後,基礎代謝的能量消耗肥胖組兒童仍然高於非肥胖組兒童.

  9. Then visualize the energy wave is spinning back about one meter and see It'stop there.


  10. Galvatron is planning to activate the plasma energy chamber so he can destroy Earth.


  11. When you exercise, your blood will flood into your working muscles, leaving less energy for digestion.

  當你鍛鍊的時候, 你的血液將會流入正運動的肌肉中, 而留較少的能量用來消化.

  12. DPSS are set of limited orthogonal sequences, which have maximum spectral energy in the frequency range.

  在眾多的正交序列中, DPSS在設定的頻率範圍內具有最大的頻譜能量.

