
General 更新 2024年07月06日



  A few minutes before six o’clock, Mr. Smith began to leave. He was about to start the car when a gunman ***持槍者*** 1 up from the back seat. He 2 a gun to Mr. Smith’s head,“Drive me to Paris!” he shouted.

  “All right”Mr. Smith answered. He started the engine ***發動機***, pulled away from the side of the street and 3 down. Being 81 years old, he knew he could not 4 the gunman. He knew he needed help. Where were the police? As he drove 5 each crossing, he looked up and down the side streets, hoping to meet a police car. But he could see 6 .“Just my luck,” he thought. “If I was 7 too fast, there would be a police car on every corner.”

  8 he pushed his foot down on the accelerator, and the car ran 9 faster. “What are you doing?” shouted the gunman.“Keeping off the police.” Mr. Smith answered.“I thought I saw a police car 10 there.”

  He ran red lights, drove wrong on one-way streets. On the two-way streets, he drove on the wrong 11 of the road. Not one of the policemen saw him. Again Mr. Smith’s plan was not working. He had to try a 12 plan.

  He 13 a corner and saw the police station in front. Then he drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate. The car hit a police motorbike down and stopped. Mr. Smith shouted,“Help! Help!”Then he 14 back to grab the man’s gun. At the same time the policemen heard the 15 and quickly caught the gunman.

  1. A. wokeB. satC. stoodD. jumped

  2. A. brought B. pointed C. held D. carried

  3. A. drove B. left C. took D. pushed

  4. A. fight B. lift C. keep D. hit

  5. A. around B. over C. through D. towards

  6. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

  7. A. driving B. moving C. getting D. walking

  8. A. Slowly B. Suddenly C. Quietly D. Carefully

  9. A. more B. much C. very D. quite

  10. A. front B. near C. below D. back

  11. A. street B. way C. side D. corner

  12. A. new B. safe C. hard D. nice

  13. A. found B. turned C. stopped at D. arrived at

  14. A. got B. looked C. turned D. came

  15. A. sound B. man C. voice D. noise


  1.D。本題考查這四個片語的意思和用法,wake up 是“醒來”的意思,sit up是“熬夜”的意思,stand up是“站起”的意思,jump up是“跳出來”,“突然出現”的意思。根據句意,可知選D比較合適。

  2.B。從四個選項看,歹徒拿出槍顯然是指著他, 故選B。





  7.A。Mr. Smith是開著車的,因此四個答案中A為正確答案。

  8.B。根據後文提示,他踩油門後車子開得更快了,顯然他是突然加大了油門,選B 。


  10.B。 “在那附近”。


  12.A。根據句意,Mr. Smith在一計不成後又生一計, 選A。


  14.C。本題的難點在於look back to 和turn back to 的用法,兩個片語的意思分別是“回頭”和“轉身”的意思,再聯絡下文,他顯然是轉身想抓住歹徒, 故選C。

  15.D。發生衝突後應產生打鬧的噪音,故選D 最恰當。


  Many of you are studying English and you may be 1 why it is so difficult to learn. It's actually not too difficult to learn 2 you know some 3 about the language and culture that it reflects ***反映***. Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that it is made up of several other languages 4 French, German, Latin, Greek and AngloSaxon. In addition, there are words 5 Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese 6 can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words 7 other languages is 8 of the key reasons 9 some of the difficulties that people meet with ***遇到*** 10 they are learning English.

  1. A. knowingB. wonderingC. earningD. hearing

  2. A. butB. andC. ifD. unless

  3. A. newsB. factsC. truthD. information

  4. A. such asB. the same asC. so asD. for example

  5. A. inB. offC. ofD. from

  6. A. wordsB. cultureC. languageD. letters

  7. A. forB. toC. fromD. out

  8. A. thatB. somethingC. oneD. this

  9. A. whyB. ifC. whatD. for

  10. A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. while


  1. B。想知道原因。

  2. C。用if表示假設。

  3. D。some information 為“一些語言資訊”。information是不可數名詞。

  4. A。對組成部分的列舉用such as。

  5. D。from表示來“自於……”, “選自於……”。

  6. A。句意理解題.中文和日文是English and Japanese words。

  7. C。同5。

  8. C 。one of 表示……之一。

  9. A。此句是定語從句,連線詞是why。

  10. D。由於此句用的是進行時,故用while。
