
General 更新 2025年03月25日


  中外名人英語故事:Karl Marx


  As a student in Bonn and Berlin, Marx was greatly influenced by the philosophy of Hegel. While Marx was impressed with the Hegelian professors under whom he studied, he ultimately found himself attracted to a group of students known as the "Young Hegelians" .


  Although Marx desired a career as an academic at the time, his political sympathies prevented him from receiving a position in the state-controlled university system. Instead, Marx turned to journalism where his radical politics attracted the attention of Prussian censors. The publication for which he worked was shut down for its politically incorrect commentary, and the frustrated Marx traveled to Paris.


  Paris in 1843 was an international center of social, political, and artistic activity and the gathering place of radicals and revolutionaries from all over Europe. In Paris Marx became involved with socialists and revolutionaries. Most significantly, though, it was in Paris that Marx met Friedrich Engels, the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer in England who had become a socialist after observing the deplorable condition of workers in his father’s factories. Together, Marx and Engels began to develop the ideas which became Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism, or, as it is better known, Communism. Eventually, Marx was exiled from France in 1845 at the behest of the Prussian government for antiroyalist writings.


  After leaving Paris, Marx traveled to Belgium where he became involved with a group of artisans. He attempted to assemble a ragtag group into a unified political organization, the German Working Men’s Association, which later became "The Communist League" . In 1847 the Communist League commissioned Marx and Engels to pen a statement of their beliefs and aims. This statement became the Communist Manifesto, which Marx zealously composed in anticipation the revolutions of 1848. When revolution did begin in Germany in 1848,Marx traveled to the Rhineland to encourage its progress. When the revolution failed, Marx returned to Paris but soon left for London where he would remain for the rest of his life.


  Marx died in London in 1883,still awaiting the inevitable revolution which he had predicted.


  中外名人英語故事:Henry Thoreau


  He was born David Henry Thoreau in Concord, Massachusetts, to John Thoreau a pencil makerand Cynthia Dunbar. David Henry was named after a recently deceased paternal uncle, DavidThoreau. He did not become “Henry David” until after college, although he never petitioned tomake a legal name change. He had two older siblings, Helen and John Jr., and a younger sister,Sophia.Thorea’s birthplace still exists on Virginia Road in Concord and is currently the focus ofpreservation efforts. The house is original, but it now stands about 100 yards away from itsfirst site.

  梭羅出生時取名大衛·亨利·梭羅,他出生在馬薩諸塞州的康科德鎮,父親是約翰·梭羅鉛筆製造商,母親叫辛西婭·鄧巴。大衛·亨利以新近去世的叔叔大衛·梭羅命名。他直到大學畢業後才使用“亨利·大衛”這個名字,雖然他從未請求合法地改變姓名。他有一個姐姐海倫和一個哥哥小約翰,還有一個妹妹,索菲婭。梭羅的出生地仍然保存於康科德的Virginia Road,是目前的重點文物保護遺址。房子還是老房子,但據最初的地點有100碼遠。

  Thoreau studied at Harvard University between 1833 and 1837. He lived in Hollis Hall and tookcourses in rhetoric, classics, philosophy, mathematics, and science. A legend proposes thatThoreau refused to pay the five-dollar fee for a Harvard diploma. In fact, the master’s degree hedeclined to purchase had no academic merit: Harvard College offered it to graduates “whoproved their physical worth by being alive three years after graduating, and their saving,earning, or inheriting quality or condition by having Five Dollars to give the college.” Hiscomment was: “Let every sheep keep its own skin.”

  梭羅1833年到1837年間就讀哈佛大學。他住在霍利斯大廳,學習修辭、古典文學、哲學、數學和科學。據說,梭羅拒絕支付五美元的費用以獲得哈佛文憑。事實上,他拒絕購買的這個碩士學位,沒有學術價值:哈佛大學向那些“畢業三年後還活著回來證明其實際價值的畢業生”頒發此學位,同時“他們的儲蓄、收入、所承襲的財產或是社會地位使之能向學院支付五美元。” 而他對此的評論是“讓每個人都能有不同的個性”。

  In appearance he was homely, with a nose that he called “my most prominent feature,” againin Cape Cod. Of his face, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote: “is as ugly as sin, long-nosed, queer-mouthed, and with uncouth and rustic, though courteous manners, corresponding very wellwith such an exterior. But his ugliness is of an honest and agreeable fashion, and becomeshim much better than beauty.”


  After college, Thoreau taught school, wrote essays and poems for The Dial, and brieflyattempted freelance writing in New York City. The death of his brother in 1842 was a profoundemotional shock and may have influenced his decision to live with his parents and never tomarry.


  中外名人英語故事:Complete nirvana painting a tiger

  Five dynasties painting tiger famous through the company since the childhood like painting, especially like painting a tiger, but not having seen the tiger really, always painted sick cats, the tiger so he decided to enter the mountains, visit the tiger, really experienced untold hardships, with the help of Orion's uncle, finally met the tiger really, through a lot of sketch copy, the painting techniques by leaps and bounds, tiger's tiger lifelike, a few can be spurious. Since then, and spent most of his time visited many famous mountains and great rivers, see more birds beast, finally become a generation of masters.

