
General 更新 2025年03月22日

  you and me這首英文歌,只是歌詞就讓人覺得很傷感呢。下面是小編給大家整理的傷感的英文歌曲,供大家參閱!

  傷感的英文歌曲you and me歌手簡介

  迪克蘭·加爾佈雷斯於1991年12月19日出生的英國的歌手。一位堪稱歌唱奇才的少年迪克蘭·加爾佈雷斯,被英國媒體推崇為“終生難得一見的歌唱奇才”的迪克蘭,他最出名的是他2002年的單曲《tell me why》,達到在英國排行榜#29 ,當時才10歲,並以他的首張專輯《Declan》轟動歐洲。

  傷感的英文歌曲you and me歌手介紹

  迪克蘭·加爾佈雷斯從4歲開始展露歌唱天賦,8歲那年,他開始參加一些音樂比賽,並在14個月中獲得了16個大獎。同時他也獲得了詞作家Barry Mason寫過Last Waltz-最後的華爾茲的作者的欣賞,從此一發不可收拾。我們聽到的這首「Walking In The Air」錄製於2001年,那時候他才9歲。據傳有好幾家唱片公司爭相與他簽約,最後EMI百代以超過百萬英鎊之巨,簽了他3年,並承諾發行3張唱片。


  迪克蘭的聲音,清亮脫俗,演唱歌曲的範疇也是極廣。從流行的「Angels」之類到「Carrickfergus」這樣傳統的愛爾蘭歌曲,他都把握得不錯。而這個小小童星的心願卻是有一天能夠不再翻唱別人的歌曲,能有幾首屬於“Declan Galbraith”的歌。

  除了天使般的聲音,迪克蘭小小年紀,已經表現星探們熱衷的所謂“明星氣質”—— 一頭鬆軟的深色頭髮,濃密的睫毛,明亮清澈的橄欖綠眼睛,充滿童真頗富感染力的笑容,還有滿滿的自信。更重要的是,他從不怯場,每次上臺都異常興奮。應該說,也有過一次緊張,那是在聖保羅大教堂為女王獻唱的演出上。曾為Robbie Williams和Phil Collins製作MTV的John Carver十分有信心的說,“迪克蘭註定要成為一個超級巨星的,不僅是因為他超群的聲音,更重要的是他極好的個性,他非常聰明。”

  除了他的音樂天賦,以及身後的百萬合同,迪克蘭和其它男孩沒有什麼分別。喜歡足球,電腦遊戲和游泳,房間裡貼滿海報,還喜歡Robbie Williams、西城男孩和哈利波特。他也曾為簽名不夠快而苦惱,直到聽從父親的建議,用“Dec”簽名才算解決。他也會在採訪中忍不住想要從凳子上逃走,當然會事先禮貌的問“我可以很快去踢球嗎?”還有一次迪克蘭在接受訪問時說自己曾經夢到Alton Johnson邀請他去參加Alton的音樂會,主持人問他如果成真他是否會接受邀請。迪克蘭說:“應該會,不然他可能會哭,那樣我最終還不是要說‘別驚慌,我會去的’。”angel-Declan迪克蘭一邊上學一邊參與專輯的推廣。他有專門的家教,確保他不會因為缺課而影響學業;他有專門的造型設計師,也有專門的聲樂導師和專屬經紀人,有自己專門的歌迷網……這對於一個床頭還擺著恐龍惦記著遙控車的小男孩,似乎的確有些興師動眾了。因此,他沒有太多的朋友,除了堂兄Joe。

  傷感的英文you and me歌詞

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  Happy party people

  Happy party people

  Together we have fun everyone

  Happy party people

  Come join us all around to the sun

  Happy party people

  Together on the way to the sun

  Happy party people

  It's always on the run having fun


  You and me

  We are always on the run having fun

  Knowing me

  Knowing you

  It's the best we can do

  You and me

  We are always on the run having fun

  Knowing me

  Knowing you

  It's the best we can do

  Happy party people

  Together we have fun everyone

  Happy party people

  Come join us all around to the sun

  Happy party people

  Together on the way to the sun

  Happy party people

  It's always on the run having fun


  You and me

  We are always on the run having fun

  Knowing me

  Knowing you

  It's the best we can do

  You and me

  We are always on the run having fun

  Knowing me

  Knowing you

  It's the best we can do

  Happy party people

  Together we have fun everyone

  Happy party people

  Come join us all around to the sun

  Happy party people

  Together on the way to the sun

  Happy party people

  It's always on the run having fun

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  Happy party people

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  This is what I want what I really really want

  This is what I want now party everyone

  Happy party people

  Together we have fun everyone

  Happy party people

  Come join us all around to the sun

  Happy party people

  Together on the way to the sun

  Happy party people

  It's always on the run having fun

  Happy party people


