
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  有關兒童英語故事:A poor pig

  Danny is a little pig. He is unhappy because he wants to leave home to see the world.

  It's a sunny day. Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping. On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock and a rabbit. At last, he gets to a lake. He looks at his reflection in the water and says, "I wish I have an elephant's nose , a peacock's tail and a rabbit's ears." After a while, Danny's wish comes true. He runs back excitedly.

  But his parents can't recognize Danny, "Go away, you're not our son."Danny goes to the lake again. "I just want to be a pig." He says sadly. Danny waits and waits. He becomes a pig again.

  Danny runs back quickly. His parents hug and say, "This is our lovely baby."

  有關兒童英語故事:King Alfred and the Cakes

  King ALFRED O f England once led his army to fight with another army and was beaten. So he had to run away through the woods and swamps沼澤,溼地 to save his life.

  One evening he came to a woodcutter's hut. He was very tired and hungry, so he begged the woodcutter's wife to give him something to eat and a place to sleep in. He was ragged and dirty and she did not know that he was the king. She felt so sorry for him that she told him to come in and gave hem a seat near the fire.

  She was baking some cakes. She said to King Alfred, "I must go and milk the cow. Watch the cakes and do not let them burn." The king was willing to do this, but he kept thinking about his army and soon forgot all about the cakes. In a few minutes the woman came back and found the cakes burning. She was so angry that she struck the king with a stick and cried, "You lazy fellow! You want to eat, but you do not want to work."


  In the charming followers of Artemis there was a beautifulfairy maiden called Callisto. Zeus loved her passionately and often sought her company. Before the year was out she bore him a son, Arcas by name. He later became the ancestor of the Archadians. Zeus' frequent absences from Mt Olympus caused Hera's suspicions. In time the vengeful復仇的 queen discovered the truth and drew up an effective plan of paying back. One day Callisto suddenly found herself changed into a bear, with monstrous巨大的,怪異的 jaws and bloodshot eyes. Still she remained human in heart. She immediately left her son and went into hiding in the forest.

  Years passed. Little Arcas had grown into a young man. He was hunting merrily in the woods one day when a large grey bear suddenly appeared before him. Both were amazed, he terrified at the sight of the frightening bear. The bear recognized that the young hunter was her own son. The young hunter aimed his spear at the slowly approaching bear and was about to pounce突襲,猛撲 upon it. Just at that moment Zeus stepped in and stopped the foolish act. For he had not been able to find the whereabouts of his lovely mistress until quite recently. He had been secretly protecting her from all danger and harm. Now he turned his son into a little bear, and sent both mother and son into the highheavens. In there they have remained to this day, known as the Great and Little Bear.


  As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus, Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise.

  One day they came to a village. At a thousand houses they knocked, and a thousand times they were refused rest and food and drink. At last they arrived at a humble cottage, where the old couple Baucis and her husband Philemon lived. Poor but at peace with world, they made the best of what life could offer them, and felt truly grateful to the gods above. When the two travellers entered the hut, the old couple were glad with lively happiness. They offered their guests their best seat, and immediately set about preparing dinner for them. With no small difficulty they made fire, brought in a fresh cabbage, cut a fat piece of their long kept meat and put them over the fire to cook. The one single goose they were ready to kill for the visitors, but it was saved at the last minute by the guests. The dining bench was a makeshift臨時的, poor and patched but the best they had. The table was supported by a brick. The feast was quite modest, eggs and wine and cottage cheese, and a variety of newly picked fruit. The old couple humblywaited on the visiting guests with sincere looks and eager goodwill.

  Moved at the hospitality ofthe house, the gods told their true identity. "We are gods", saidZeus. "While the neighbourhood pays the penalty for its wickedness you shall be free from misfortune. Coming along with us". When they were near the top of the hill, Bancis and Philemon looked back and saw all the village below covered by a marsh沼澤,溼地, and that among the general ruin and destruction their old cottage alone survived, changed into a grand temple. At their request they were made the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus. When their span of worldly life came to an end they were turned into an ash and linden, standing side by side in front of the temple.

