
General 更新 2025年03月31日

  Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.下面是小編為大家帶來的,希望大家喜歡。


  此節源於美國芝加哥的工人大罷工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多萬工人為爭取實行八小時工作制而舉行大罷工,經過艱苦的流血鬥爭,終於獲得了勝利。為紀念這次工人運動,187月14日,由各國馬克思主義者召集的社會主義者代表大會,在法國巴黎隆重開幕。大會上,與會代表一致同意:把5月1日定為國際無產階級的共同節日。這一決議得到世界各國工人的積極響應。1890年5月1日,歐美各國的工人階級率先走上街頭,舉行盛大的示威遊行與集會,爭取合法權益。從此,每逢這一天世界各國的勞動人民都要集會、遊行,以示慶祝。

  The workers of this day from the Chicago strike. In May 1, 1886, Chicago's about 200000 workers for the implementation of the eight hour working day strike held, after a bloody hard struggle, finally achieved victory. To commemorate the labor movement, July 14, 1889, convened by the Marx doctrine socialists Congress opened in Paris, france. Conference, delegates agreed: the May 1st international proletarian common festival. This resolution received a positive response from workers in countries around the world. May 1, 1890, Europe and the United States took the lead in the streets of the working class, held a grand demonstration and rally to fight for the legitimate rights and interests. From then on, every day the working people of all the countries in the world have to rally and March to celebrate.

  中國人民慶祝勞動節的活動可追溯至1918 年。這年,一些革命的知識分子在上海、蘇州等地向群眾散發介紹“五一”的傳單。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、廣州等城市的工人群眾走上街頭舉行了聲勢浩大的遊行、集會。新中國成立後,我國於1949 年12月將“五一”定為法定的勞動節。

  The Chinese people celebrate the labor day's activities dating back to 1918. This year, some revolutionary intellectuals in Shanghai, Suzhou and other places to the masses distributed leaflets introduced "five one". May 1, 1920, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, the masses of workers took to the streets held a massive demonstrations, rallies. After the founding of new Chinese, China in December 1949 will be "five one" as a statutory labor day.


  On the eve of the 1921 "51", founded in Beijing by Communist members dengzhongxia etc Changxindian labor prep school, the workers learn sang "51 commemorations songs". The lyrics: "Miya free, star world, fight my blood, sacrifice for him, to take away the power system everything clean, remember the auspicious day on May 1. Red flag flying, exposed bright road, each according to his ability, Gequsuoxu, no respecter of persons, responsibility only mutual aid, may hard everyone is together enterprising. " This stalwart and emollient song by Changxindian labor practice of Peking University, school teachers and students progress together compose a.





  五一勞動節又稱“五一國際勞動節”、“國際示威遊行日”International Workers' Day或者May Day,是世界上80多個國家的全國性節日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界勞動人民共同擁有的節日。187月,由恩格斯領導的第二國際在巴黎舉行代表大會。會議通過決議,規定1890年5月1日國際勞動者舉行遊行,並決定把5月1日這一天定為國際勞動節。中央人民政府政務院於1949年12月作出決定,將5月1日確定為勞動節。 後,國務院基本上每5年表彰一次全國勞動模範和先進工作者,每次表彰3000人左右。

  Labor Day also called "International Workers'Day", "International Day" International Workers' Day or May Day, is a national holiday in more than 80 countries in the world. In the year May 1st. It is common to have holiday of working people throughout the world. In July 1889, led by Engels of the second International Congress held in Paris. The meeting passed a resolution, provisions of the May 1, 1890 international workers marched, and decided on May 1st this day as the international labor day. The Central People's Government of the government in December 1949 to make a decision, will be determined in May 1st as labor day. After 1989, the State Council, basically every 5 years in recognition of a national labor model and advanced workers, each in recognition of about 3000 people.

