
General 更新 2025年03月23日



  T: Hi, Jane! Have you heard that the boat race this year is scheduled to start on Saturday, 3 April at 4:30pm?


  J: Yes, of course. I learned of the race yesterday on TV.


  T: I plan to go and have a look, would you like to come with me?


  J: No,thanks. I'll watch that on TV.


  T: But don't you think that it will be more exciting if we go the spot? You know, I've never been to the spot before. Have you?


  J: I went to the spot last year with Harry.


  T: You must have spent a very wonderful time there.


  J: Yes. I do think it is more excting than watching it on TV. Large crowds of people join together just to enjoy the same event.

  J:是啊。在那裡看確實比在電視上看要過癮。你想,那 麼多的人聚集在一起就只是為了看一個比賽。

  T: It must be fun. I will go this Saturday.


  J: Get there earlier and find a vantage point in advance. When we arrived 2 hours before the competition start last year, there were so many people there already that we could not get to a good point to view the race. At first, I saw nothing but the backs of other people.

  J:你要去早一點,佔個好位置。去車,我們提前兩小時 到達的時候,那兒已經有好多人了,根本就找不到一 個觀看的好地方。剛開始的時候,我只能看到別人的 後背。

  T: That's awful, I’ll be there as early as possible. So what happened to you next, did you find a better spot?

  T:那樣的話就太糟糕了。我會盡早過去的。你們後來怎麼樣,找到好一點的地方了 嗎?

  J: Yes. Harry and I tried our best to find a better spot amid the crowds. Wasn't good enough but better.

  J:嗯,找到了。我們在人群中擠來擠去,費了很大力氣。那地方還是不夠好,不過 比原來的好。

  T: I see. I heard that this is the 155th race between the two. I cannot believe that it has such a long history.

  T:我知道了。聽說這是兩所大學第155次比賽?真不敢相信這個賽艇有這麼長的歷 史。

  J: You're wrong. It is the 156th race! Do you know which university won more times than the other?


  T: I have no idea who won more, but I guess it might be Oxford. They were really good last year. I saw their victory on TV.


  J: Actually the answer is Cambridge. It won 79 times, 4 times more than Oxford.

  J:實際上,劍橋臝的次數比較多。劍橋嬴了 79次,比牛津要多4次。

  T: Wow, they are almost neck and neck. I'm wondering who will be the winner this time. Is there any dead-heat?

  T:哇,他們還真是不相上下。我在想,誰會是這屆比賽的嬴家呢。對了,他們有設 有打過平手?

  J: Yes, ever since the race initiated in 1829,there was one dead-heat in 1877.


  T: Can women join the crew?


  J: Yes,women first took part in the competition in 1981 when Sue Brown served as the wheelwoman of Oxford. Oxford won that time. In 1989, both teams had women as their wheelwoman, and Oxford won again.

  J:可以。在1981年首次出現了女性參加比賽,那年蘇布朗擔任牛津隊的舵手,牛 津嬴了。而,兩個隊都由女性擔任舵手,還是牛津贏。

  T: Cambridge must be very upset.


  J: It doesn't matter since Cambridge won more times than Oxford in total.


  T: Are the Boat Race crews up to the standard of international crews?


  J; It is difficult to judge, since the Boat Race crews train for a long-distance race early in the season, so their training schedule is quite different for crews training for international regattas.

  J:這很難說。參加賽艇的選手,在賽季之前就開始了長距離的賽艇訓練,而國際賽 舟會選手的訓練計劃和他們的很不一樣。

  T: I see from the TV that the course follows an S shape. How long is the course?


  J: The course is 4 miles from Putney to Mortlake, passing Hammersmith and Barnes; it is sometimes referred to as the Championship Course, and follows an S shape, east to west. The start and finish are marked by the University Boat Race Stones on the south bank.

  J:賽道從普特尼到莫特湖大約有4英里,經過漢默斯密和巴爾內斯。有時人們稱它 為冠軍河道,從東到西呈S。起始點的南岸都有大學賽艇的標誌。

  T: Well, thanks for your information.



  H: This building is beautiful, what is it?


  D: It is the Oxford and Cambridge Club. See, these are flags of the two universities.

  D:這是牛津劍橋俱樂部。看,這是這兩所大 學的旗幟。

  H: I thought the two most famous universities in Briton don't get along well, but they even build up a Club together. Where is it located? Is it far from here?

  H:我還以為這兩所英國最著名的大學關係不 好呢,誰知道它們還共同成立了一所俱樂 部。在什麼位置啊,距離這裡遠嗎?

  D: Yes, a little bit far from here. It is at 71 Pall Mali,London. The clubhouse was designed for the membership by architect Sir Robert Smirke and completed towards the end of 1837.


  H: I guess it was founded especially for members of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge?


  D: Not really. Graduates from the two universities, students in other universities, graduates of any university, whether in Britain or overseas, are eligible for membership.

  D:不是。這兩所大學的畢業生,別的大學的畢業生,和其他任何無論在英國還是外 國唸書的大學生都有加入這個俱樂部的資格。

  H: Does it charge any fee?


  D: As of 2009,the membership subscription costs 900 pounds per year, with a 480 pounds rate for younger members. However, the club does not charge an entrance fee.

  D:就拿2009年來說吧,每位會員需要交納900英鎊的年費,年輕一些的成員只要 交480磅就可以了。但是,這個俱樂部是不收門票的。

  H: If I'm not mistaken, there was an old club of this kind in Briton named United University Club.


  D: Let me tell you. Eight years after the foundation of the original United University Club in 1821,the waiting list had become inconveniently long; so it was decided to form a second club.

  D:讓我來告訴你吧。1821年,在聯合大學俱樂部成立8週年之後,申請加入的人 出奮的多,所以人們決定再成立一個類似的俱樂部。

  H: So I guess that is the Oxford and Cambridge Club now?


  D: Yes, But it was only in 2001 that it reverted to the Oxford and Cambridge Club.


  H: Have you entered the Club building?


  D: Yes. We even dined there! Actually when I sit in the grand coffee house, I felt like a toff, yet I still want to share my experience with you.

  D:進了啊,我們還在裡面吃了一頓飯呢!實際上,當我坐在那個裝潢華麗的咖啡廳 時,感覺自己像個執繪子弟,不過我還是願意和你分享一下我的經歷。

  H: Go ahead please.


  D: As the taxi drove down this road on Pall Mall on a dark December evening, I could see into the tall grand windows of the buildings.

  D:那是12月的一個晚上,當計程車開到蓓爾美爾街,緩緩地停下來時,我都能透 過高大的窗戶看到裡面。

  H: What did you see then?


  D: There were 8 feet tall oil paintings of important men in Renaissance-style wigs in tails,parties of men in black tie and tails gathered around holding champagne flutes...

  D:裡面掛著幾幅長約8英尺的油畫,有重要人物穿著文藝復興時期流行的燕尾服, 戴著假髮的肖像,也有聚會上繫著黑色領結,身著燕尾服的男士,端著高腳香檳 酒杆,來往應酬,談笑風生。

  H; It is just like scene in Jane Austen's novels! How romantic! How was when you entered the hall?


  D: Inside,having undressed our multiple coats and layers in the cloakroom, we then made our way to the Coffee Room. It was really grand.

  D: 一進去,我們就在衣帽間脫去了厚重的外套,然後走到了咖啡廳。這咖啡廳真的 非常漂亮。

  H: What do they serve there? Is the food nice?


  D: Looking at the menu, you can find things are as traditionally British as you could get! The food was just pleasant, and plentiful. I finished nearly everything on ray plates. Furthermore, I should say that the service was impeccable.

  D:你能在選單上找到所有傳統的英國食物。味道很好,分量也很足。我幾乎把盤子 裡的東西吃了個ig光。還有,那裡的服務真是無可挑剔。

  H: Really? I should go and have a look.


  D: If you ever have the chance, I would recommend a visit to the Oxford and Cambridge club. It will be a moment where you remember how posh we British really are.

  D:如果有機會,我建議你有時間去一趟。你絕對能感受到我們英國人的生活有多麼 精緻。

  H: Great! I think I'll go there with some friends next time.



  A: If you are going to apply for University, which one will you choose, Cambridge or Oxford?


  T; I think I will choose Oxford.


  A: Why?


  T: Because I heard that the two have their own strengths. Cambridge is good at science and has produced more scientists while Oxford is good at art and almost all the British Prime Ministers come from it.

  T:因為我聽說,這兩所大學各有所長。劍橋的 優勢在理科,那裡出了很多著名的科學家而 牛津的優勢在文科,大多數的英國首相都來 自牛津。

  A: Is that true? I remember that Prime Minister Walpole graduated from Cambridge.


  T: Yes, he is one of the three ministers graduated from Cambridge. The other two are Prime Ministers Baldwin and William Pitt.

  T:對。他是出自劍橋的三位首相之一,其他兩 位是首相鮑爾溫和威廉皮特。

  A: How about Oxford? Has Oxford produced any country leaders?

  A:那牛津呢?牛津是不是產生了很多的國家領 袖?

  T: Definitely. Twenty-five British prime ministers have attended Oxford and At least thirty other international leaders have been educated at Oxford.


  A: So do you want to be another prime minister in the future since you are so fond of Oxford?


  T: Maybe. I’m really interested in politics.


  A: That's great! I never knew that you are an ambitious boy, Tom! Now I understand that why it was said that you can never judge a person by his or her looks0!

  A:太棒了!湯姆,我從來不知道你這麼有抱負呢!現在我知道,人們為什麼說“人 不可貌相” 了。

  T: That's for sure.


  A: You've mentioned just now that Cambridge produced more scientists? Can you give me some examples?


  T: That's easy. Many world-famous scientists have spent part of their life in Cambridge, such as Newton, Darwin and so on.


  A: I think Oxford produced some important scientists, too, for example, the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Bemers-Lee.


  T: Yes, besides, there are Edmond Hailey, Robert Hooke and Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. But generally speaking, Cambridge produced more Nobel winners.

  T:對。此外,還有埃德蒙_哈雷、羅伯特胡克和多蘿西霍奮金。不過總的來說, 劍橋出了更多的諾貝爾獎獲得者。

  A: The University of Cambridge has won 87 Nobel prizes as of 2010, more than any other institution according to some counts.

  A:截止到2010年初,劍橋大學嬴得了 87個諾貝爾獎項,這比其他任何一個機構都 要多。

  T: Yes. Former undergraduates of the university have won a grand total of 61 Nobel prizes, more diaa the undergraduates of any other university.

  T:對啊。之前劍橋的本科生贏得了 61個諾貝爾獎項,比任何大學的本科生獲得的 都要多。

  A: They are really great.


  T: In addition, designer of the world's first computing system, discoverer of Hydrogen, discoverer of the neutron, inventor of the atomic bomb, inventor of the jet engine, inventor of the camera and so on all come from Cambridge.

  T:此外,世界上第一個計算機系統的設計者,氫氣的發現者,中子的發現者,原子 彈的發明者,噴射發動機的發明者,照相機的發明者也都出自劍橋。

  A: It seems what you said just now is true. However, I do know some acclaimed writers who have spent some time in Cambridge, for example, E. M. Forster, Virginia Woolf.

  A:看來你剛才說的很有道理。不過,我還知道一些著名的作家也在劍橋待過。比如, 福斯特、伍爾夫。

  T: And Christopher Marlowe, W. M. Thackeray.


  A: Furthermore, at least nine of the Poet Laureates graduated from Cambridge, and it keeps producing excellent writers now.


  T: Yes. There are many actors and directors such as James Mason, Emma Thompson and Stephen Fry who have studied at Cambridge,

  T:是。許多著名的演員和導演也曾經在劍橋就讀,比如,詹姆士梅森、艾瑪湯普森、 還有史蒂芬弗萊。

  A: The University is also known for its prodigious sporting reputation and has produced many fine athletes, including more than 50 Olympic medalists.

  A:劍橋在體育方面也很有名氣,產生過很多優秀的運動員,其中包括50多位奧運 會的獎牌獲得者。

  T: Yes, 6 in 2008 alone. I can name some of those athletes, for example the legendary Chinese six-time world table tennis champion Deng Yaping, the sprinter and athletics hero Harold Abrahams.

  T:對啊,僅僅在2008年就有6位獲獎。我都能說出幾位運動員的名字,比如蟬聯 世界乒乓球賽冠軍6次的傳奮中國人物鄧亞萍,短跑和田徑運動員哈羅德亞伯 拉罕斯等等。

  A: And the inventors of the modern game of Football, Winton and Thring; and also George Mallory, the famed mountaineer and the first man ever to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

  A:發明現代足球運動的溫頓和斯林,還有第一個登上殊峰山頂的著名的登山家喬 治馬洛裡。

  T: Well, you haven't told me, which university do you prefer?


  A: Since we have talked about so many advantages of Cambridge, of course Iwould choose Cambridge.


