
General 更新 2025年03月03日




  JAKARTA, Indonesia — The center of Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, was paralyzed Tuesdaymorning by a violent mass protest by taxi and other public transportation drivers againstride-hailing apps, with demonstrators blocking major roads and highways and attacking othertaxis that were not taking part.


  An estimated 10,000 members of the Indonesian Land Transportation Drivers Association hadplanned a protest march from the national House of Representatives complex to thePresidential Palace to demand that the government ban app-based transportation companies,including Uber and Grab, saying they were hurting their ability to earn fares.

  印度尼西亞地面交通駕駛員協會Indonesian Land Transportation Drivers Association的大約一萬名成員原本計劃進行抗議遊行,路線是從人民代表會議大樓至總統府。他們要求政府封殺叫車應用企業,包括優步Uber和Grab,認為它們損害了自身的收入。

  Instead, drivers ran amok in the district near the legislative complex, blocking roads leadingto the Semanggi Flyover, the city’s main highway artery, and Jalan Sudirman, a primarythoroughfare that runs through the heart of Jakarta’s business district.

  然而,進行抗議的司機在人民代表會議大樓附近的區域失控,堵塞了前往賽曼吉立交橋Semanggi Flyover和蘇迪曼街Jalan Sudirman的道路。前者是雅加達的公路樞紐,後者則是貫穿商業區中心地帶的大道。

  Traffic was backed up for miles in all directions, and some offices closed because of securityconcerns.


  Two miles away, other protesters parked dozens of taxis on a thoroughfare off the city’slandmark roundabout, known as Bundaran H. I., blocking south-moving traffic throughout themorning.

  在離此地兩英里的地方,另一撥抗議者在雅加達的地標連環道Bundaran H. I.旁邊的一條大路上停了數十輛計程車,堵塞了整個上午的南向交通。

  “Stop illegal taxis,” protesters yelled. “No more apps.”


  Television news footage as well as videos posted on social media sites showed enraged taxidrivers pulling fellow drivers who were not part of the protest out of their vehicles andassaulting them. Their passengers were also forced to get out and run away.


  Protesters threw rocks at some taxis, smashed the windshields of others with sticks, or brokeoff their side mirrors.


  Some protesters wearing their uniforms were seen attacking taxis belonging to their owncompany, as well as targeting those of rival operators. They were joined in the violence by thedrivers of public transportation buses, three-wheeled scooters and minivans.


  In one bizarre scene, a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive through a throng of protestersfrom his own company, the Blue Bird Group, who appeared to be trying to attack his cab andpull him from the vehicle. The driver was eventually able to drive away.

  一名出租司機反覆嘗試開著車衝出自家公司藍鳥集團Blue Bird Group的抗議者的包圍圈,場面相當詭異。看起來,他們想要打砸他的車,並把他從車裡拉出來。這名司機最終得以把車開走。

  In another incident, protesters attacked a driver for Go-Jek, a popular Indonesian app-basedmotorcycle transportation company, whom they had pulled off his motorcycle.


  Many of the protesters work for Blue Bird, Indonesia’s largest taxi company, and were plainlyvisible in their blue uniform shirts.


  During a live televised news conference on Tuesday afternoon, Andri Nida, a spokeswoman forBlue Bird, said the company did not approve or support the protests.

  在週二下午的直播新聞釋出會上,藍鳥的發言人安德麗·尼達Andri Nida表示,公司並未批准或支援這些抗議活動。

  “If any vandalism was done by unscrupulous Blue Bird drivers, we’ll cover the costs,” shesaid. “We will punish any anarchic drivers, but we have to gather witnesses and evidence.”


  By midday, the protesters had ended their blockade and marched or drove toward northernJakarta, where they staged demonstrations at the Ministry of Communications and Information,and across from the State Palace.


  The Jakarta police had deployed 6,000 officers early Tuesday to monitor the protest march.Police officials vowed to take action against protesters who committed violence, but it wasunclear if they had made any arrests.


  “We are still digging deeper into the incidents,” Senior Commander Mohammad Iqbal, aspokesman for the Jakarta police, was quoted by The Jakarta Globe, a local newspaper, assaying. “The principle is that we will surely move against those who engaged in illegal acts.”

  根據當地媒體《雅加達環球報》The Jakarta Globe的報道,雅加達警方發言人、高階指揮官穆罕默德·伊克巴爾Mohammad Iqbal稱,“我們還在對這些事件進行深入調查。原則上,我們一定會對從事非法行為的人採取措施。”

  App-based transportation has seen explosive growth in numerous cities across Indonesia inthe past two years, with motorcycle and car companies offering rides, deliveries, bill payments,shopping, cleaning services and even massages.


  The growth is driven by cheaper costs than traditional public transportation operators andmore convenience, plus the fact that most Indonesians use their mobile phones for Internetaccess, according to many technology analysts.


  However, traditional transportation operators have taken exception to app-basedcompanies, saying that they are not licensed and do not pay state taxes, and that their drivers,who are independently employed, do not have to pay for an annual transport permit. App-based transportation companies employ hundreds of thousands of drivers.


  Last year, Jakarta’s governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, called on the police to arrest Uberdrivers, saying they were operating illegally. The company has denied this, citing Indonesian lawon independent taxi operators.

  去年,雅加達市長鍾萬學Basuki Tjahaja Purnama曾呼籲警方逮捕優步司機,聲稱他們在非法運營。優步公司援引印尼法律中針對獨立出租運營商的規定,對此予以了否認。

  On March 15, the transportation association held a peaceful rally of 2,000 drivers whoprotested outside City Hall, the Ministry of Communications and Information, and thePresidential Palace, saying the new competition was hurting their livelihoods.


  Rudiantara, Indonesia’s communications minister, who like many Indonesians has only onename, rejected calls to ban ride-hailing apps, saying they were part of Indonesia’s growingdigital economy.


  Instead, he said, the government will expedite licenses and permits for the companies so theydo not have to suspend operations but do conform to Indonesian laws on publictransportation.



  Travis Kalanick, Uber’s hard-nosed chief executive, seems to relish taking on regulators and rivals. Mr Kalanick’s brashness has helped Uber become the most valuable American company of its generation. If it succeeds in raising a further $1.5 billion from investors, as reports indicate, its implied valuation will soar to a staggering $50 billion. Uber’s value has grown faster than those of Facebook and Twitter in their early years.


  Uber now operates in 311 cities in 58 countries, providing more than 1m rides each day. Consumers like Uber because they are cheaper than conventional taxis, clean and reliable. Uber’s freelance drivers who typically pay it around 20% of their fares enjoy flexible working hours and are spared the formalities of qualifying as a conventional cabbie.


  But Uber should also be admired by strategists in other industries. It is a case study in how to construct a “platform”, a Silicon Valley buzzword for a digital service on top of which other businesses can be built. As it arrives in a city, it launches a vigorous recruiting programme for drivers, offering them incentives to sign up. Its fares are “dynamic”- they undercut conventional taxis most of the time, but go up when it rains, or when there is some other reason why demand for rides is high.



  Dear Mayor,

  I’m a resident of the city. I feel there are many problems existing in the trade of taxi in our city. First of all, there are still not enough stops in the streets so it’s not easy to take a taxi. And taxis often run very fast, which causes many traffic accidents. Another terrible thing which often happens is that deep at night taxis waiting around the entertainment places make much noise. Many people suffer from this inconsiderate action. A friend of mine living in another city once visited me, and she told me our city's taxi drivers cheated her by taking a roundabout route. What will a guest think of our city after such a bad experience?

  I think it's high time to take actions to tighted control over the taxi trade. Maybe the first thing to do is to raise the taxi drivers' professional morality.

