
General 更新 2025年03月03日



  A blind ass, which had undertaken a long journey, wandered from the road into a forest.


  As the night came on, our foolish fellow went so far into the thicket that it couldn't move either backward or forward; and even one who had eyes would have been unable to get out of that difficulty. But an owl, by good luck, happened to be in the neighbourhood, and offered to act as a guide to the ass.


  We all know how well owls see at night. Hills, hillocks, precipices—all these our owl distinguished as if it had been daylight.By daybreak, it had made its way with the ass to the level road.


  Now, how could any one part with such a guide? So the ass entreated the owl not to desert it, and determined to visit the whole world in the owl's company.


  Our owl seated itself like a lord on the back of the ass, and the two friends began to continue their journey.


  But did it prosper? No. The sun had scarcely begun to glow in the morning sky, when a greater than nocturnal darkness hid everything from the owl's eyes. But our owl is obstinate; it directs the ass at random.


  “Take care!”it cries,“We shall tumble into a pool, if we go to the right.”


  There was really no pool on the right; but on the left there was even worse.


  “Keep more to the left—another pace to the left!”


  And, the owl and the ass fell into the ravine together.



  In former days, when all a man's limbs did not work together as amicably as they do now, but each had a will and way of its own, the members generally began to find fault with the belly for spending an idle luxurious life, while they were wholly occupied in laboring for its support, and ministering to its wants and pleasure; so they entered into a conspiracy to cut off its supplies for the future;


  The hands were no longer to carry food to the mouth, nor the mouth to receive the food, nor the teeth to chew it.


  They had not long persisted in this course of starving the belly into subjection, ere they all began, one by one, to fail and flag, and the whole body to pine away.


  Then the members were convinced that the belly also, cumbersome and useless as it seemed, had an important function of its own; that they could no more do without it than it could do without them; and that if they would have the constitution of the body in a healthy state, they must work together, each in his proper sphere, for the common good of all.



  beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. Opening it, hediscovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant shout,“A reward!A reward to the one who finds my leather purse!”


  Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchantsaying,“Here is your purse. May I have the reward now?”


  “Reward?”scoffed the merchant, greedily counting his gold.“Why, the purse I dropped had200 pieces of gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I'll tell thepolice.”


  “I'm an honest man,”said the beggar defiantly,“Let us take this matter to the court.”


  In court the judge patiently listened to both sides of the story and said,“I believe you both.Justice is possible! Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces ofgold. Well, that's a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces ofgold. Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost.”


  And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.


