
General 更新 2025年03月09日



  Cat goes fishing

  Old Cat and Little Cat were fishing together on the riverbank.

  A dragonfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole, and tried to grab the dragonfly. The dragonfly flew away, and the little cat, unable to grab it, stopped trying and went back to fishing on the riverbank. As soon as Little Cat was back [lit: as soon as little cat looked], Old Cat caught a big fish.

  A butterfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole and again tried to catch it. The butterfly flew away without the little cat having caught it, and Little Cat again went back to the riverbank. As soon as he looked over at Old Cat, Old Cat had caught another big fish.

  Little Cat said: “How annoying, why is it that I haven’t caught even one little fish?”

  Old Cat looked him over and said: “If you’re fishing just fish, don’t be in two minds about it. If you spend a while catching dragonflies, then you spend another while catching butterflies, how can you catch fish?”

  Little Cat listened to Old Cat’s words and begin to fish intently.

  The dragonfly flew over again, and the butterfly flew over also, but it was as if Little Cat didn’t see them. Not long after that, Little Cat caught a big fish.




  小貓說: “真氣人,我怎麼一條小魚也釣不著?”

  老貓看小貓,說: “釣魚就釣魚,不要這麼三心二意的。一會兒捉蜻蜓,一會兒捉蝴蝶,怎麼能釣著魚呢?”




  The “Beautiful” Rabbit

  In the forest there lived a little rabbit whose name was “Chouchou”. His eyes were red, like a pair of rubies. But his fur was grey, like he’d wiggled out of a furnace, and he felt himself to be very ugly, often hiding in his house alone.

  Although he wasn’t nice to look at, he had an incomparably kind heart. When Little Monkey Lele’s home was burst apart by a flood, he had no house to return to. Chouchou let Lele live with him, and he divided up his favorite chocolate to give some to Lele to eat. Not only that, whoever had a headach, or got sick, with no money to buy medicine, he did everything he was able to do to help.

  The days passed one by one, and Chouchou was still alone. One time, the forest’s most beautiful rabbit Meimei came looking for Chouchou to play, but Chouchou thought of himself as just too ugly, he couldn’t face seeing her. Meimei told Chouchou: “It’s not what’s on the outside that counts, the important thing is what’s on the inside.” Chouchou suddenly saw the light, he ran outside, and played with his friends to his heart’s content.





  Kua Fu Ran after the Sun


  Kua Fu tried his best to chase the sun. When he arrived at the place where the sun set, he had to turned around, as he could not bear the thirst, and came to the Yellow River and the Wei River.

  夸父竭盡全力追趕太陽。當他追趕太陽降落的地方時, 由於忍受不了乾渴,只好掉轉頭,回到黃河、渭河所在的地方,一口氣便將這兩條河裡的水喝得精光。

  In one breath, he quaffed up all the water in both rivers. Though he drank up two rivers, he still felt thirsty, and he decided to go to the large lake in the north for a good drink. On the way to the north, Kua Fu eventually died of thirst


  The walking stick thrown down by him, being nurtured by the nourishment converted from his dead body, unexpectedly bloomed and fructified, and it grew into peach woods, which stretched for thousands of miles.


