
General 更新 2024年10月01日


  1.I would have had a much better holiday if I had stayed at home 我要是呆在家裡的話,假期會好過的多。

  2.What have you been doing since I saw you last time? 自從我上次見到你以後你都在幹什麼?

  3.If I had got enough money yesterday, I would have bought that tape 如果我昨天錢夠的話,我就買了那盒磁帶了。

  4.Looking back on it, I think I shouldn’t have given up the contest so easily 回過頭來看,我想我不應該如此輕易的放棄那次比賽。

  5.Had I taken a taxi, I wouldn’t have been late 如果我打的去的話就不會遲到了。

  6.Even if you take the exam again, you won’t pass it 就算再考一次你也通不過。

  7.Even if you had given him much more money, he might not have paid off the debt 就算你給了他更多的錢,他也還不清債務。

  8.What would you have done if you hadn’t gone out for a picnic yesterday? 如果你昨天沒有出去野餐的話。你會幹什麼?

  9.I wish I had told him the truth 我真希望我把真相告訴了他。

  10.I wish you hadn’t cheated me 我希望你沒有欺騙我。

  11.If it had been fine, we would have gone to the park 如果天氣好的話,我們就去公園了。

  12.Would he have seen you if you hadn’t waved to him? 如果你沒有朝他揮手,他能看見你嗎?

  13.You should have studied much harder 你本應該更努力的學習。

  14.I had thought about arguing with the teacher about that, but I didn’t have enough courage 我本想和老師爭論那個問題,但我沒有足夠的勇氣。

  15.I had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad last year 當我的父母去年出國的時候,我本想和我的祖父母住在一起。

  16.What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜歡什麼運動?

  17.I like football best 我最喜歡足球。

  18.Football is my favorite 足球是我最喜歡的。

  19.Which do you prefer, fishing or mountain-climbing? 釣魚和登山,你更喜歡哪一個?

  20.Neither 一個都不喜歡。

  21.What do you like best, apples, pears, or bananas? 蘋果,梨,香蕉,你最喜歡哪個?

  22.He’s crazy about Michael Jordan 他瘋狂喜愛邁克•喬丹。

  23.She hates boxing 她討厭拳擊。

  24.She is sick of watching boxing 她厭惡觀看拳擊。

  25.She has good taste in clothes 她對服裝很有鑑賞力。

  26.What do you like to do in your spare time? 空閒時你喜歡幹什麼?

  27.I like collecting stamps 我喜歡收集郵票。

  28.I prefer tea to coffee 和咖啡相比,我更喜歡茶。

  29.What do you dislike most about this movie? 這部電影你最不喜歡什麼?

  30.I would rather sleep than watch this movie 我情願睡覺也不看這部電影。

  31.You should take the advice of your teacher 你應該聽老師的話。

  32.That’s just what I was looking for 那正是我所期待的。

  33.It might be, I suppose 我想可能是這樣。

  34.Good try, but not quite right 是個很好的嘗試,但並不完全正確。

  35.That’s rather disappointing 真是讓人失望。

  36.In my opinion, your new coat is not worth so much money 我認為你的外套不值得這麼多錢。

  37.Would you mind not spitting everywhere? 不要隨地吐痰行嗎?

  38.It’s only a suggestion, you don’t have to take it 這只是一個建議,你可以不聽。

  39.If you really want my advice I don’t think you should quit school 如果你真想聽我的意見,我想你不應該退學。

  40.Thanks for your advice but I have to consider it myself 謝謝你的建議,但我得自己想想。

  41.He does not pay attention to anybody You are wasting your time in persuading him 他誰的話也不聽,你勸他是在浪費時間。

  42.I am old enough to make up my own mind 我已經長大了,可以自己拿主意了。

  43.Your work seems unsatisfactory / Your work does not seem satisfactory你的工作看起來並不令人滿意。

  44.What about your opinion? 你怎麼想?

  45.In general I agree with you 我大體上同意你的看法。

  46.Would you open the door for me, please? 你能替我開門嗎?

  47.With pleasure 樂意幫忙。

  48.Would you mind opening the window? 你介意開窗嗎?

  49.Not at all 一點兒也不。

  50.I wondered if you could buy me some pencils? 我不知道你是否能替我買鉛筆?
