
General 更新 2025年03月23日



  我國食品種類繁多,節日食俗也豐富多彩。春節***the SpringFestival***是我國的傳統節日,人們通常從它的前夜—除夕就開始張羅了。除夕那天,家家戶戶都要吃很豐盛的年夜飯。因為“魚”和“有餘”的“餘”讀者相同,為了預示新年節慶有餘,有些民族初一有吃魚的習俗。端午節***the Dragon BoatFestival***的重要食俗就是吃粽子***rice dumpling***。粽子越做越好,品種也越做越多。在中國,吃月餅是中秋節***the Mid-Autumn Festival***最具典型意義的食俗了。農曆八月十五這一 天,人們都喜歡閤家團聚,邊飲酒賞月,邊吃月餅。中秋吃月餅的習俗已有悠久的歷史。


  China has a wide variety of food, and eatingcustoms on festivals are also colorful. The SpringFestival is a traditional festival in China, and peopleusually begin to bustle on New Year's Eve, theevening before the Spring Festival. On that day,every family will have a hearty reunion dinner. In order to predict a surplus for the comingyear, some ethnic groups have adopted the custom of eating fish on the first day of lunarJanuary, because the sound of Chinese character for “fish” is the same with that of “surplus”.Besides, the important custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating rice dumplings, so ricedumplings are turning better and better and the variety of them is becoming more and morediverse. In China, eating moon cakes is the most typical custom on the Mid-Autumn Festival.On the 15th day of lunar August, people like to get together and have a family reunion,drinking, appreciating the full moon and eating moon cakes which is a tradition of a long history.



  當來中國的遊客發現一桌標準的8人晚宴有4道冷盤、4道熱菜,並配以湯和米飯時,他們往往會感到驚訝。一桌標準的宴席***banquet***包括4~8道準備好的冷盤,8道熱菜—每次只上1道熱菜,以及2-4道觀賞大菜***whole-sized showpiece dish***。同坐一張桌子的人互相敬酒時通常會“乾杯***Gan Bei***”。“乾杯”是指舉起酒杯,將酒全部喝完,讓玻璃杯或酒杯“連最後一滴也幹了”。人們乾杯時傳遞給別人的資訊是:自己是真誠、快樂的。向主人敬酒時,外國人更願意接受的方式是喝一小口而不是喝乾整杯。


   Visitors to China are often surprised when astandard dinner for a table of eight people consistsof four courses of cold dishes and four courses ofhot dishes,coupled with soup and steamed rice. Astandard banquet consists of four to eight preparedcold dishes, eight hot dishes served one at a time, and two to four whole-sized showpiecedishes. People at a table usually “Gan Bei" when toasting to each other. “Gan Bei” means toraise one's wine glass and drink it all the way down so that the glass or cup is “dried up to thelast drop”. People drink up their wine to communicate the message to others that they aresincere and joyful. It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptyingthe glass when toasting to his or her host.



  中國人對玉***jade*** —向有著特殊的尊愛之情,從而延伸發展出一種優秀而古老的玉石文化。作為配飾供人賞玩是玉器的原始功能之一,也是玉器最廣泛的一種用途。玉器作為一種文物,它也是歷史的見證,有著不可複製的唯一性,更為當今世人所器重。玉器從一種美化生活的裝飾品,到簡單的生產工具,然後被融入各種禮節***ritual***內容,被人格化、道德化,繼而被看成是財富的象徵、宗教圖 騰***totem***的崇拜……這些無不反映出中國傳統文化和中華民族愛玉的心理。


  Chinese people always show special respect and love for jade, thus deriving and excellent and ancient jade culture. Being used for decoration and admiration is one of the original functions of jade, and is also the most widely used one. As a cultural relic,jade is also the witness of history,the uniqueness of which cannot be copied,making it valued more by people around the world today. From ornaments that beautify our life,to simple instrument of production, and then being integrated into a variety of rituals, jade has been personified, moralized and further regarded as a symbol of wealth and worship for religious totems…All of these reflect Chinese traditional culture and Chinese people s love for jade.
